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5451: Rock Music
... Folk-rock and others. Folk-Rock, the most appreciated of this derivation, was first suggested by Bob Dylan. This kind of music brought to folk music a hard beat and amplification; and to Rock, a new poetic style. California was one of the major centers of rock activity and experimentation during the decade. First it was characterized by its surfing music, a very joyful music that reflected the fun people had ... barriers of rock broke into more divisions, like hard rock and mellow rock. Hard Rock was extremely loud and electronically amplified and Mellow Rock was softer and with acoustic instruments. In 1972, in Jamaica, a new style of music was created called Reggae. Reggae is a mixture of rock, soul, calypso and Latin music. The king of Reggae was Bob Marley. Other styles of rock, since Reggae was more Latin than ... Bubble gum rock, a funny playful music directed to the youngest fans, Punk Rock, "a loud, hard rock style derived from acid rock and marked by its extremes of costume and staging" ("Rock Music", The World Book Encyclopaedia, p.383), and Heavy Metal, which continued the approach to Acid Rock but with a simpler musical dimension, relying upon the power of repetitiveness, loud volume, and electronic distortion. One famous group ...
5452: Mohandas Gandhi
... Gandhi became a leader in a difficult struggle, the Indian campaign for home rule. He worked to reconcile all classes and religious sects. Gandhi meant not only technical self-government but also self-reliance. After World War I, in which he played an active part in recruiting campaigns, he launched his movement of passive resistance to Great Britain. When the Britain government failed to make amends, Gandhi established an organized campaign ... culminating in such violence that Gandhi confessed failure of the civil-disobedience campaign he had called, and ended it. The British government again seized and imprisoned him in 1922. In 1930 the Mahatma proclaimed a new campaign for civil disobedience, calling upon the Indian population to refuse to pay taxes, particularly the tax on salt. The campaign was a two hundred mile march to the sea, in which thousands of Indians ... he was released in 1931, halting the campaign after the British made compromises to his demands. In the same year Gandhi represented the Indian National Congress at a conference in London. In 1932, Gandhi began new civil-disobedience campaigns against the British. Gandhi fasted for long periods several times; these fasts were effective measures against the British, because revolution might well have broken out in India if he had died. ...
5453: Real Heroes
... in order to constitute a hero? I watched the movie The Road Warrior yesterday. There is too much violence in the movie. The desire for gasoline, property and women contributes the fighting. Though Max is brave, strong, he cannot be considered as a hero. He helps the people to fight against the Mohawks, but he just wants to take the revenge as they hurt him. He protected the people by his ... real heroes. But sometimes, some of them wished they could earn the fame after their sacrifice. As I said hero should not have personal desire. So they cannot be considered as heroes. How about the brave soldiers fight for wealth and land for the King, are they heroes? Absolutely, they are not heroes. They are the puppets of the King. In the Road Warrior, the result of the battle is the ... family. The evil side of him stimulates his desire to kill and fight. Besides, the Mohawks in the movie are just troublemakers. They are not scared of getting hurt and being killed, so they are brave. From their appearance, they are strong to. So can they be defined as heroes? Of course, they are not heroes. They are happy about making the bloody battle. They are slaughter men. Who do ...
5454: Frankenstein
... Report: Rights and Responsibilities-Frankenstein February 15, 1998 When you think of science you think of hypotheses and conclusions, applications and benefits, which are all for the good of humankind of course. And with each new discovery, the human race takes one step further away from all other species and one step closer to perfection because that is the quest. Right? The point is to take every proven law and "unprove ... every hair, muscle and movement of an object to find out everything about it. Science is also about adding on to what already exists; this was a problem. When Dr. Frankenstein decided to introduce a new being into the world, he didn't have to consult anyone, answer any questions or think into the future. With no monitoring, one scientist not only caused four unwarranted deaths, he endangered the lives of many more. "The ...
5455: Determination of One's Behavior
... fully understand the emotions and experiences of the main characters as they happen. "I had grown up in a Caucasian society in which I was a minority member." "I was Known Angela to the outside world, and as Sun-Kyung at home". The use of I helps the reader to know defiantly who is the speaker and of whom they are prevalent within both underlying the entire story. It is ironic ... views of past generations infuriate 1st generation Canadians. These stories are a reality for many Canadians today who have moved from a country with different cultural values. It is tough trying to adapt to a new culture when your values are strong. One must learn to adapt to become successful in the country he/she immigrated to. Sun-Kyung Yi begins to learn the difference at a young age "I am ... overriding influence is environmental." Suzuki feels differently then Yi, Yi tries to please both her parents and her Canadian friends becoming split like most multicultural Canadians today. "I was known as Angela to the outside world, and as Sun-Kyung at home. I ate bologna sandwiches in the school lunchroom and rice and kimchee for dinner. I chatted about teen idols and giggled with my girlfriends during my classes, and ...
5456: Painting Nude Figure By Pabblo Picasso
... Cubism at the age of twenty-six after he already had established himself as a successful painter. Picasso led the evolution towards cubism in order to "escape the oppression of the laws of the tangible world, to fly beyond all the degradations of the lie, the stupidity of criticism, towards that total freedom which inspired his youth." Cubism was an art that concentrated on forms, and an artist's job was ... away from conventional painting and were striving to produce more innovative and unique works. This trend towards innovation, was important to the beginning of cubism for two reasons: first, unlike prior periods in art history, new and different styles were appreciated, at least to a greater extent, and were potentially emulated- this helped to make innovation a goal for some artists; and second, the trend helped to produce a wide variety of movements, such as Fauvism in France and Futurism in Italy. From these movements particular elements or ideas could be taken, or used as springboards for new ideas. Analytical cubism is generally considered the early phase of cubism. During this time, about 1908 to 1911, the cubist quality of fragmentation- overlapping planes- was heightened, and an object depiction moved even further ...
5457: Memoirs Of The Geisha
... they feel towards one another and he becomes her danna (sort of like a husband, but not exactly). They travel to the United States on business trips and after a few years, Sayuri moves to New York City from Gion, Japan to make her living as a teahouse owner and an artist geisha. 2) Ending: Sayuri is able to find her way out from becoming the mistress of a few men ... when she was just a little girl. Sayuri tells him that he is what she s wanted all her life and they finally are able to be together. They travel together and she settles in New York City and opens a teahouse where men go there and engage in a conversation with geishas. The Chairman dies after Sayuri moves to New York City but he lives on inside her heart. 3) a. Main character: Of course, the main character in this book is Sayuri who is a mostly believable heroine. Her ambitions were not always ...
5458: The Many Faces of Marriage
... ever be anything more has never come to them, and lack of desire for something can be the most potent barrier to its realization. Janie is one of those that realizes very young that the world can be so much more than anything she has been taught by an outside source. The ills which her people have suffered for so many years have blinded them to the subtle magnificence which can ... letting the sweet magnificence of nature pervade her being, trying to understand how she can become a part of the truth which is all about her. To her wide- open mind, the "rose of the world was breathing out smell," and she rapturously sniffs with all the purpose that she can muster. She finds there to be more to life than the mundane reality which everyone else is swept away in ... had a "fixed" ceremony because to many people did not like her. The breaking of family or community ties implicit in most marriages is often expressed through gifts made to the bride's family. The new bonds between the married couple are frequently represented by an exchange of rings or the joining of hands. The interest of the community may be expressed through feasting and dancing, the presence of witnesses, ...
5459: Monet
... exclusion from the Salon. At their first exhibition a journalist commented on Monet's painting Impression-Sunrise, saying it was only an impression, perhaps not even a completed painting. In spite of the insult, this new group of artists now had a name Impressionists. Even though Monet painted with vivid colors, he was a morbid individual on the verge of losing his sanity with the creation of every piece of work ... of his wife Camille. He said, "She was not only my wife but my favorite model." He captured his sorrow in the painting Camille on her Deathbed. It was a Giverny when Monet began his world-renowned series. These series include Haystacks, Poplars, Rouen Cathedral, Mornings, the Japanese Bridge, and Waterlilies. Monet's series showed his preoccupation with what he called "instantaneity". When the light changed on the object he was painting he would move on to a new canvas. Some of his series exceeded the amount of 30 paintings each. Monet often spent anywhere from two months to numerous years on a series. Monet was very centered around his art when involved ...
5460: The Many Faces of Marriage
... ever be anything more has never come to them, and lack of desire for something can be the most potent barrier to its realization. Janie is one of those that realizes very young that the world can be so much more than anything she has been taught by an outside source. The ills which her people have suffered for so many years have blinded them to the subtle magnificence which can ... letting the sweet magnificence of nature pervade her being, trying to understand how she can become a part of the truth which is all about her. To her wide-open mind, the "rose of the world was breathing out smell," and she rapturously sniffs with all the purpose that she can muster. She finds there to be more to life than the mundane reality which everyone else is swept away in ... had a "fixed" ceremony because to many people did not like her. The breaking of family or community ties implicit in most marriages is often expressed through gifts made to the bride's family. The new bonds between the married couple are frequently represented by an exchange of rings or the joining of hands. The interest of the community may be expressed through feasting and dancing, the presence of witnesses, ...

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