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5421: The Renaissance
Renaissance Period Within only a few decades, between the years 1450 and 1550, the history of the world was changed drastically. During that century, in which the modern world was born, Gutenberg perfected printing, Christopher Columbous discovered continents unknown to Europe, it was found that the Earth revolved around the sun, Luther founded a new religion, the cannon and harquebus ended the age of chivalry, and Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo created a new form of art. At the same time most of the great European countries were formed ...
5422: Massachusetts
... of the closest colonies to England so there is a shorter trip to get here. It is extremely stable to live in now. Moreover, there are no wars expected since we have just become a new country. Likewise, the threat of hostile Native Americans has been almost eliminated due to the fact that we have been living here for a long time. Boston, located in Eastern Massachusetts, is one of the ... The Power of Sympathy, was published here. History In the beginning, the Pilgrims, who faced persecution in England because they broke from the Church of England, came to Massachusetts in the hope of starting a new life. They sailed in 1620 on a ship called the Mayflower. They made a peace treaty with the Indians and prospered happily until they merged with the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1691. Massachusetts was also ... import cane sugar from the Indies, cotton from the southern states, furs from the Pacific Northwest, and cloth from Europe. Come to Massachusetts and live happily the way you should. Have your chance in the New World. Remember the three “G’s”: gold (wealth), glory, and God (religious freedom). Massachusetts supplies all of these. You might even be able to own your own business! Don’t miss this opportunity. Come ...
5423: Samuel Colt
... wood in 1832. In 1835 Samuel Handed in his first patent to the United States Patent Office for his revolving fire arm. Samuel's company had a very good first year. The military adopted his new revolver in 1837. As soon as the soldiers were armed with Samuel's revolver, the company's victory came immediately. A few years later Samuel came out with yet a better model of his revolver ... million dollar estate behind for his son. Samuel was know for a lot. His revolver model was the best model in the history of guns. Samuel Colt was one of the finest gunsimths in the world. Bibliography Connecticut Biographical Dictionary. New York, New York: Somerset publishers, INC., 1994. "Connecticut Crossroads." 2-22-99 . Merritt, Roe Smith, "Samuel Colt." World Book Encyclopedia. 1998. Rywell, Martin. Samuel Colt A Man and an Epoch. Marriman Tennessee: pioneer press, ...
5424: Hip-Hop Nation Report
... Rudigar ENGLISH WRITING FOLIO EXPOSITORY TEXT FEATURE ARTICLE: HIP-HOP NATION WRITER: CHRISTOPHER JOHN FARLEY WITH REPORTING BY: MELISSA AUGUST/WASHINGTON, LESLIE EVERTON BRICE/ATLANTA, LAIRD HARRISON/OAKLAND, TODD MURPHY/PORTLAND AND DAVID E. THIGPEN/NEW YORK. In the case of one expository text demonstrate critically how the author exploits language, tone, structure and emotion to promote a specific perspective or attitude to the reader on the subject. "It's hard ... song they are writing. "I going to change rap!" one of them exclaims. This is all well and good but the reality is that Hip-Hop music is now the biggest selling music in the world. The writer has included figures that prove this. In 1998 it sold 81 million albums in America alone to County music's 72 million. If trends continue this will further increase. The article is the ... and his own record label where as Lauryn Hill is into politics and fighting for the rights of people. The Article is concluded with an essay by Chuck D. entitled "The Sound of Our Young World." It deals with the early development of Hip-Hop and his own predictions for the future. He see the future with the Internet and what he calls the "Wild, Wild Web." He concludes the ...
5425: America Online: Is It For Me?
... the most foul and vulgar language takes place. If you are too young to be in the room, they will tell you to leave and go to a room where people your age belong. The world "online" also offers thousands of Reference sources like Groliers Multimedia Encyclopedia and over 100 magazines. These Magazines alone are of great value to anyone who enjoys reading magazines. These References will tell you almost anything, but if you wanted to know about something that was not in these sources, then you can leave the New York Public Library's librarian a message. This person will respond within the week to your question. Finally, with your America Online subscription you get unlimited E-Mail. What is E-Mail you ask? Well E-Mail stands for electronic mail. It is a way to send letters to anyone in the world that is hooked up to The Internet or other online services. This mail is received almost instantly, within a few seconds. This way you could send letters to a pen pal in Egypt. Instead ...
5426: Liberia
... first colonists arrived. Their successful settlement was named Monrovia in 1824. More colonists gradually arrived and established separate colonies. In 1847 the colonies united and Liberia became the first independent republic in black Africa. The new nation faced many problems. Some of them were tribal wars, low exports, and land claimed by other countries. Liberia was able to maintain its independence only with the help of the United States. Following World War II, the modern port, airport, hospitals, hydroelectric station, and other projects, all financed by the United States, were opened. There has been frequent military conflicts and civil wars. In August 1990, forces from several ... general. He also become the first non-Americo-Liberian to head the government. After his victory in an election in 1985, Doe was elected the president of the republic on January 6, 1986, and a new constitution came into effect. A bloody civil war began in December 1989 when a group of rebels led by a former member of Doe's administration invaded the county. The rebels, associated with the ...
5427: Zambezi Valley
Zambezi Valley If the average person was asked about the Zambezi Valley, how many would actually have anything to say? From all the places I have been in the world, the Zambezi Valley stands out most in my mind. The mighty Zambezi River forms the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia as they lie on the maps in our libraries. Few people have been graced the ... fade as a mysterious yellow glow takes their place in the East. The bush is coming to life. Birds are singing their songs of joy and hippos are snorting out of pure pleasure for a new day has come. This will be a day where the fight for survival takes over like an uncontrollable urge, nevertheless, little is known as to who should be feared. Should it be the predators lurking ... judge who poaches for food and who poaches for pleasure and other earthly rewards. Taking life to feed your cubs, is just as important as taking life and feeding your starving children in a third world country where corruption determines survival. I the distance a deafening roar overwhelms all the timid sounds produced by the creatures of the bush. As you approach this seemingly out of place low frequency humming ...
5428: The Population Growth Rate in India
... have more to say later about the relationship between gender and population growth, but here we may make the obvious point that if a family seeks sons it may also have to bring into the world some "unwanted" daughters, thereby furthering the trend towards large families. Under conditions of severe impoverishment, attended as it has traditionally been by high childhood mortality rates, "it has estimated for India that in order to ... male over female clearly shows in the much higher infant death rate among females and in the resulting higher ratios of males over females in general population," adding that "in most other parts of the world, females of a general population have lower death rates than males." Indeed, except for the Arab all countries of the Persian Gulf, which offer employment to large numbers of unmarried men from other areas of ... the survival of the family and the community through high fertility. Modernization is slowly changing this situation, but to insure success considerably more progress needs to be made. Bibliography Chandrasekhar, S. Abortion in a Crowded World: The problem of abortion with special reference to India (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1974). Franda, Marcus F. (ed.). Response to Population Growth in India: Changes in Social, Political, and Economic Behavior (New Yew: ...
5429: The Mission
The Mission The film The Mission was written by Robert Bolt and was produced in 1986. Fernando Ghia produced it. The movie was about a man who was trying to start a mission in the new world when he meets a former mercenary who is willing to renounce his former ways and become a priest. The Spanish try to take the land from them saying they own it under the Treaty of ... very slow and then it seemed to skip through some things all of a sudden they were fighting. Despite this I still enjoyed the movie. This movie taught me that during the colonization of the new world was to spread their own religion but came in second place to greed and politics. I think this movie showed that very well, and when it came to their land the Spanish were ...
5430: Australian Immigration and Its Effects
Australian Immigration and Its Effects Australia is an island continent which is geographically isolated from the rest of the world. This has resulted in the evolution of many unique plants and animals and the development of a very fragile ecosystem. This ecosystem has been influenced by human immigration for many thousands of years. The original ... learned the benefit of periodic fires to control pests and to clear debris before it accumulated and led to large uncontrolled disastrous fires. This also returned nutrients to the soil which helped to grow back new vegetation. Unlike those who followed, the Aborigines had very little impact on the environment. Following the Aborigines, Asian seafarers are believed to have traveled to Australia to trade on the north shores. Experts are not ... did not come to Australia until after April 29, 1770 when captain James Cook landed in Botany Bay and made the first claim for England on the eastern part of the island. He called it New South Wales. In 1787, England started their first colony in Australia which was a penal colony since England's prisons were very overcrowded. That year, on May 13, eleven ships carrying almost 1,500 ...

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