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541: An Analysis of Vonnegut's "Slaughterhouse Five"
... to 250,000 people had been killed by the combined forces of the United States and the United Kingdom. Dresden was different then Berlin or many of the other military targets which were attacked during World War II because it was never fortified or used for strategic purposes and, therefore, was not considered a military target. Because of it's apparent safety, thousands of refugees from all over Europe converged on ... to be seen again. Vonnegut gives the Children's "Crusade" as an example of the atrocities and in-humane acts which tran spire under the auspices of War. That is why Billy Pilgrim invents a world where a justification can be given, where life and death are meaningless and feelings of guilt disappear. The only way Billy Pilgrim can confront this guilt is to excuse his survival and trivialize the gift of life and the cruelty of death. He creates a new world where he can be free from his guilt. That world is called Tralfamador. The Traflamadorian world provided Billy Pilgrim with the escape that he needed from his guilt. The Traflamadorian people are not ...
542: The Orgins of Atomic Theory
The Orgins of Atomic Theory There is an eternal human compulsion to unlock the mysteries of our lives and our world. This search for knowledge has guided us to many beneficial new understandings. It has lead us into this new age where information is its own reward, an age where enlightenment is an end, not simply a means to an end. Enlightenment has been the aim of many great people. It has inspired many ...
543: The Impact of the Second Industrial Revolution on Europe
... century after Britain had under gone the first Industrial Revolution, a second begun. Industry made its way across continental Europe. It was this Second Industrial Revolution that would change Europe and the rest of the world forever. Along with technological advances the Second Industrial Revolution would bring many social consequences that would all have an effect on the world, as we knew it. The Industrial Revolution was first a technological Revolution. The most important aspect of the revolution was the way it changed the production and transportation of goods, It was the year 1750 ... just started in the textiles industry with machines that where able to produce such items as clothing very cheaply. Great Britain had sole control over the market with its supply of raw materials, and the new technology. However as communication increase it spread across to continental Europe as well as other industries, besides textiles. By the year 1850 the rest of Europe began to follow Great Britain in industrialization however ...
544: Israel - The Presidential Brief
Israel - The Presidential Brief The Current Situation In Israel And Palestine Israel is in a situation unlike any other country around the world. Israel has been fighting for its survival since it became a country in 1948. It is surrounded by hostile nations that want to destroy or at least diminish it. There is tremendous tension between the ... these life and death problems are the right decision. On Friday, May 14, 1948, after much deliberation the modern state of Israel was voted into existence by the United Nations. Finally the Jews around the world had a country to call their own. Unfortunately, the road ahead of them was not an easy or peaceful one. There are many organizations that have dedicated their existence to destroying the people and country ... at Jewish citizens in the occupied areas. Israeli police and soldiers often fought back. These rock throwing activities and the use of armed Israeli soldiers to put down the revolt drew tremendous criticism around the world. The peace process continued. In 1993 Israeli Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Chairman Yasir Arafat signed a peace accord. The PLO agreed to recognize Israel's right to exist and Israel ...
545: AIDS
... receiving therapy to suppress their immune responses, were recognized in otherwise healthy homosexual men. In 1983, French cancer specialist Luc Montagnier and scientists at the Pasteur Institute in Paris isolated what appeared to be a new human retrovirus—a special type of virus that reproduces differently from other viruses—from the lymph node of a man at risk for AIDS. Nearly simultaneously, scientists working in the laboratory of American research scientist ... the clinical illnesses that define and constitute a diagnosis of AIDS. In 1996 an estimated 22.6 million people worldwide were living with HIV or AIDS—21.8 million adults and 830,000 children. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that between 1981, when the first AIDS cases were reported, and the end of 1996, more than 8.4 million adults and children had developed AIDS. In this same period there ... in purple lesions on the skin that can spread to internal organs and cause death—occurs mainly in homosexual and bisexual men. Although the cause of KS is unknown, a link between KS and a new type of herpes virus was discovered in 1994. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) The causative agent of AIDS is HIV, a human retrovirus. Researchers have known since 1984 that HIV enters human cells by binding ...
546: The Khent
... of death our half dead and buried bodies from the burning sands of the Arabian desert, where our age-long persecutors, the inexorable Turkish authorities had driven us during the dark days of the First World War with the flimsy excuse that we were in sympathy with the Allied cause. We enjoy now in America, "The Land of Liberty and The Home of the Brave," a cultural democracy, the likc of which is not found anywhere in the world on such a vast scale. To this cultural heritage every race has contributed something worthwhile from its precious spiritual resources. This fact explains why America is blessed more than any other country with an ...
547: Global Warming
... and trends are leading the scientific community in this same belief. The concept of global warming is predicting detrimental events for the future. The most prevalent issue of global warming is the increase in overall world temperature. In the thirty year time period of 1951-1980, a 0.4 C temperature increase has been documented (Hansen 36). Michael D. Lemonick predicts that unless the world takes immediate and extreme steps to reduce the emissions of heat-trapping gases, global temperatures could be driven up by as much as 6 F by the year 2100. This drastic temperature augmentation is comparable ... would be so hindered by a hotter, drier climate that they would not be able to restore their species’ population in the area (Luoma 103). Global warming will also incur a serious impact on the world’s oceans. Confirmation is already apparent in numerous areas of the world. Glaciers are disappearing globally. In the past fifty years, four Antarctic ice shelves have collapsed. Ice slabs as large as Rhode Island ...
548: Egyptian Cosmogony
... extreme emotional and spiritual past, where music celebrated was the very essence of life. Religion and Spirit played a major role in life- the West African groups that yielded the bulk of slaves to the New World believed in spirit gods, and the goal of each believer was to be possessed by a spirit in a state of mental and physical convulsion. Soon many African- American rites and celebrations were born, playing ... and deep current of American culture. Historically and culturally it is a music that had to happen, it is a deep expression of Black American culture. It is undoubtably Black America s gift to the world. Some whites seem to think they have a right to Jazz. It has been a gift that the Negro has given, but whites can t except that there are too many problems involved with ...
549: Fahrenheit 451 - A Charred Exi
Fahrenheit 451 A Charred Existence Imagine living in a world where you are not in control of your own thoughts. Imagine living in a world in which all the great thinkers of the past have been blurred from existence. Imagine living in a world where life no longer involves beauty, but instead a controlled system that the government is capable of manipulating. In Ray Bradbury s Fahrenheit 451, such a world is brought to the awareness of the ...
550: Alexander Hamilton
... that could help them. Through all these tribulations Hamilton realized that nothing would be handed to him and he would have to work harder than anyone else to make a name for himself. With his new found knowledge Hamilton took on the job as a clerk for an international trading company owned by Nicholas Cruger. Since he had experience as a bookkeeper in his mother’s store he rose quickly in ... chain. Under his bosses tutoring he learned quickly learned about global finance. The port of St. Croix was where Hamilton worked most of the time. In his early life he got a picture of the world from there. He saw the worst side of the world too. St. Croix had a major slave trade economy. Hamilton left there with a great hatred for slavery. While Cruger exposed Hamilton to the financial world a priest by the name of Hugh Knox ...

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