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5391: Crucible
... ordinary. When Arthur Miller writes: “ …they [Puritans] carried about an air of innate resistance, even of persecution… So now they and their church found it necessary to deny any other sect its freedom, lest their New Jerusalem be defiled and corrupted by wrong ways and deceitful ideas… They believed, in short, that they held in their steady hands the candle that would light the world…” He is remarking about the way of life and beliefs of Puritans. He says they will not let their new world be polluted with sin and crime, and the world will imitate their actions, depending on the way their society is ruled. The people of this time and era think their justice system is ...
5392: Hamlet: "To Be Insane or Not To Be Insane That Tis The Question"
... Here Hamlet demonstrates his rage by saying that his mother did not wear black or cry long for his departed father. Here the reader can see the beginning of the Oedipus comlex. Hamlet hating his new father, yet still loving his mother even though she was part of the plot to kill his father. Many scholars have said, "If Hamlet had performed his resolution to kill the king then the play ... Be heaven, I'ss have't. O good Horatio, what a wounded name shall live behind me! If thou didst ever hold me in thy heart, absent thee from felicity awhile, and in this harsh world draw thy breath in pain, To tell my story. Here Hamlet leaves his final words to Horatio. He tells him that he leaves behind a story unknown, and that he would like him to give ... felicity or happiness until the pain is gone and the story told. Hamlet is not a fool. He wants it known what has happen is the kings fought and not his own. He leaves the world a brave man not a mad one. In conlusion, Shakespeare has let the reader see the pshycological aspects of Hamlet's thoughts. He has shown the reader that there is a reason for every ...
5393: Bella
... list was always I. As soon as I was taken off from mother’s chest, I have started having conversations with the teacher – an aged rat with a nickname Mavr. He told me about the world in which we live, about the people who become a ruling race on the ground, about our antagonism with human civilization and at the same time - our relation to it. His stories, as I now realize, were rather poor, because, being pulled out from a cellar, I have seen so much interesting, new and mysterious, that the Mavr’s lessons seemed miserable abstracts of genuine life on ground. Nevertheless I am grateful to him for everything. Mavr was in his own way wise and independent, deferring from many ... flat there was a special odors, sounds and things, its unique atmosphere. Sometimes watching whole day long the life of a human in an apartment, from a ventilation shaft, I found out a lot of new things, I listened to conversations of the people among themselves, their quarrels or their love for each other. I read the newspapers and books, watched TV, together with them. I opened a whole, huge ...
5394: A Futuristic Interview With Romeo
A Futuristic Interview With Romeo SCENE I: Setting: On the set of ‘Time Voyager', a new television series. Characters: ANN - Announcer ROMEO - Romeo ANN: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome again to this week's edition of Time Voyager. In case this is the first time you have tuned in and are unfamiliar ... the times.' So sit back, relax, and watch as the past becomes the present. (Lights dim, machine hums, beam of light appears center stage. Through the beam, people are visible, walking seemingly unaware of the new presence.) ANN: The place is Verona, Italy, and the year is 1523. To be precise, the third of May. (Romeo cautiously peers into light beam. It seems he is the only one aware of it ... this sudden interruption of your day. Perhaps you would like me to explain? ROMEO: (Steps onto stage out of light beam. Beam dies) What has happened to me? Have I died? Is this the other world? What do you want of me? ANN: No, you are not dead, rather transported to another time... ROMEO: You talk no sense! Your head must be full of bugs and insects! And, if you ...
5395: Assisted Suicide
... encourage more people to take part in it. It does not seem as if we would be ready for this to occur, because we are only just beginning to explore some realms of the medical world. It took a long time to figure out about adequate care for many patients and when is the right time to withdraw life support, so it would not seem that we would be ready for ... law was passed that allows terminally ill patients to ask for assistance by injection or taking drugs themselves.7 There is a debate about it because Parliament wants to overturn the statute, which is the world's only voluntary euthanasia statute.3 In the Netherlands, it is actually a crime, but it has been ruled that physicians may assist in death under certain conditions. Some of these are that the patient ... been put into action. Other states are considering similar legislation, such as California which has proposed a law that is similar to the guidelines that the Dutch have adopted.2 Lawsuits in Washington State and New York were ruled by the 9th and 2nd U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals that laws prohibiting physician-assisted suicide are unconstitutional. The legal fate will be determined by the Supreme Court. In 1990, ...
5396: The Internet: It Was To Be the Great Equalizer
... afford to distinguish your site with cut-rate prices or massive advertising campaigns, you can lure a loyal, if not massive, online customer base, some online merchants say. Steve Dershowitz, who runs the Foods of New York site, takes on the crush of edible Web site competitors by offering something unique. Among the Big Apple delicacies sold on his two-month-old site are "pushcart style" hot dogs, Gabila knishes and ... California. "That's fine if you already know what you want, but if you're unsure, well, we think we can help." But even with their hit-the-competition-where-they-'aint strategies, sites like World of Music and the Last Vestige site aren't swimming in profits. They are, however, reaching out to a whole new clientele. Wheatley's six-month-old Last Vestige site, for example, draws about 10 email requests a day, nearly half from outside the U.S., including Japan, Canada and Europe. Ditto for Chuck Haley, ...
5397: Familial Themes With Shakespea
... try to save the King and Gloucester, but they are both too stubborn to recognize the goodness and true bond in these people. The story of King Lear deals with the turmoil of a chaotic world began by the boundaries of family and personal relationships being turn upside down. The story opens with King Lear, ready to retire, calling his three daughters to the room. When everyone had assembled, Lear made ... will know when a child is untrue and never expects anything in return. In King Lear both of these are the sources of all the problems. By abusing the bond between father and child, the world around shifts and everything is brought into turmoil. The characters represent the archetypes for what is wrong within the bond. King Lear, in his madness, sees his daughters as status symbols and a balm to ... the natural law, Lear was left a bittered old man who lost what was most precious in his life. Bibliography 1) Abrams, M. H. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. W. W. Norton and Co., New York, 1993. 2) Harbage, Alfred. Shakespeare: the Tragedies. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1964. 3) Heilman, Robert. Shakespeare: the Tragedies (New Perspective). Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1984. 4) Spencer, ...
5398: Adolf Hitler
... a traumatic effect on him. So as you can see Adolf lead a very mixed up childhood. As Hitler grew up, he failed as a student in the classical secondary schools. This led Hitler to new opportunities, for instance his desire to become an artist. Adolf tried to pursue this dream but, was unable to attain admission to the Academy of Fine Arts. Since he was unable to do anything, he ... tried in his early years as you can see. In 1913 Hitler went to Munich, partly to evade being drafted into the Austrian army. There he answered the call to colors at the outbreak of World War I and Served in the Bavarian Sixteenth Regiment on the Western Front. This turned Hitler’s life around, for example, he distinguished himself for bravery and was awarded the Iron Cross, First Class. For ... Nazi party. Some of the things t Nazi’s called for were the creation of a strong central government, and the cancellation of the Versailles Treaty. So in conclusion Hitler became very involved in this new party. Hitler was a skillful schemer, politician, and organizer. For example, he became leader of the Nazi party and built up membership fast. This came partly from his ability to stir street crowds with ...
5399: A Fantasy
... Webster's dictionary defines a fantasy as a pleasant mental image fulfilling a wish. Some fantasies are as far-fetched as winning the lottery or some could be more down to earth like getting a new car. A fantasy is a way for people to escape from the tug and pull of the real world. When I was a little girl I had a fantasy about having a horse because my parents would never buy me one. Throughout this eassy I am going to tell you about my fantasy horse ... like my source of salvation when I was in trouble. When I got into trouble and was sent to my room he always came and rescued me. He would take me to places like Disney World and Six Flags and of course he got to ride the rides to. He would even go with me to school some times. Thank goodness he was just in my imagination or I might ...
5400: Macbeth Literary Essay
... awarded the title the Thane of Cawdor. The irony of this situation is that the title first did indeed belonged to ‘a most disloyal traitor’(pg. 3, line 53). As Macbeth heads home with his new title and a lot more ambition. This is mainly because of the three witches who tell him he will be king. With this new ambition, Macbeth did not know what to think and he wrote a letter to his wife. By Macbeth writing this letter it showed at this stage he was still loyal because he still was sharing ... By killing the Duncan, gaining the title and king, and not being caught, Macbeth was given an enormous boost. He now felt invincible and let power finally get to him and corrupt him. With this new amount of power, Macbeth was not willing to let it slip away. To protect his power, he did whatever was necessary. Macbeth cowardly had Banquo killed, going against everything he ever believed in. Killing ...

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