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5371: Presidential Candidates: Division and Classification
... Classification You could be the next presidential candidate! Sound good? You must file papers with the Federal Election Commission to run. You also have to pay the nominal filing fee charged to candidates entering the New Hampshire primary. That doesn¹t sound so difficult. Anyone who can accomplish these two tasks may run for President. Usually, some unlikely people do. This year, the candidates include people from Phil Gramm to Jack Mabardy(Who in the world might he be?). Only a few people have a genuine chance of winning the coveted office, others could win if the world knew them, and still others ( I am convinced) run for our amusement. Clinton, Powell, and Dole have a decent chance at the Presidency. President Clinton remains the only democrat running. His experience and prominence ...
5372: Tragic Heroes In King Lear, Ha
... get something from a person telling them that it is love. For example: A woman marrying a man for his money and then divorcing him when he loses his money. This relates to the modern world by that it still goes on, everyone does something for someone to get something back in return. It may not be as shallow like it was in King Lear, but people still do things for other people, because they want something in return from them. Hamlet is a tragedy, because his mother's new husband King Cladius has killed his father King Hamlet. In this play, the tragic hero Hamlet has only one intention, which is to kill Cladius for killing his father. Throughout the play, Hamlet tries to ... makes sure he is dead by pouring the rest of the poison wine down in him. After Hamlets mothers dies, Claudis dies, and at last Hamlet dies, his last words were that Fortinbras be the new ruler of Denmark. Hamlet was a tragedy, because he had a predetermined faith, that he had to kill Claudis no matter what. He had to avenge the death of his father, which was done ...
5373: Transcendentalism 3
... because each believes himself inspired by the Divine Soul which also inspires all men" As Ralph Waldo Emerson concluded his lecture at Harvard in 1837, he issued this challenge to all men, arguing for a new American culture, freed from European bondage and for the rebirth of an intellectual and artistic life that the society had previously lost. This renaissance was what would become known as modern transcendentalism: a complex, multi ... what is moral. What I must do, is all that concerns me; not what the people think (Self-Reliance 27). This saying by Mr. Emerson is one of the hardest to fulfill in today s world a world in which all seem to try constantly to please their peers. Emerson also encourages change. A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds (Self-Reliance 29). One without a flexible attitude can never ...
5374: Affirmative Action
... can once again be based on merit, not skin color or ethnicity. Laws have been passed, quotas have been established, and seemingly, everything has been done to prevent discrimination, but rather than ending discrimination, these new laws and quotas have begun to discriminate against a new group of people—the qualified white male. America is known as the land of opportunity. The general theory is that if you work hard enough and you are the most qualified person to receive a ... lawyers) in command of its workplace albeit on the pretext of equality rather than efficiency. This problem is only becoming worse because America has the most far reaching equal employment laws found anywhere in the world. ("Counting Costs") Many companies are afraid of these laws, and the fear of political punishment makes quotas very hard to research. A Kmart executive told a researcher, "We're not letting you anywhere near ...
5375: The Accuracy of News Reports
... constantly invade celebrities private lives in order to create a story or sell a news paper. When Carmen Electra and Dennis Rodman got married they were on the cover of The Daily News and The New York Post. That definitely wasnt the most important thing that happened the news that day but it did sell newspapers. You may think that this is wrong but if The Daily News doesnt sell newspapers they dont last. Thats the reality of the world and we must accept it. The whole story is never fully told sometimes because the broadcasters havent received the information. There was no way that the media couldve seen through the eyes of the shooters ... make a story out of the interview. The story sells the interview and people react by watching interview because of the story. The man who interviewed John Rocker didnt care about what John thought about New Yorkers. The interviewer knew that he could make a story out of this and that was the aim of his question. He knew that John Rocker didnt like New Yorkers, who would after they ...
5376: Affirmative Action - Does It W
... well as one that believes that affirmative action is still needed in today's society. Mary Guy believes that affirmative action programs are still needed today. She noted that if we lived in a perfect world we would not have a need for organizations to have affirmative action programs (240). However, since people have a tendency to work around people that are most like us, programs are needed to ensure that ... whether there was a greater perception of increased qualifications and competence when employees were hired under a system of diversity management versus an affirmative action plan. (Gilbert & Stead 1) The second article "Diversity management: A New organizational paradigm," written by Jacqueline Gilbert, Bette Ann Stead, and John Ivancevich, defines diversity management and compares it to affirmative action. Furthermore they discuss strategies that will help to insure that a diversity management program ... including resource acquisition, marketing, creativity flexibility, and corporate attractiveness. These advantages would lead to greater profits and therefore a more positive outcome (Gilbert & Stead 11). Thc theories of affirmative action are changing in today's world, according to the authors of "Diversity management..." Many states, as well as the federal government, are debating the future of programs that are viewed as giving any type of advantage to a particular group ...
5377: Ecuador and Democracy
... to study democracy is to learn the other countries, so in this time I choose one of Latin American countries, Ecuador for well-understanding of the process of democracy. Ecuador is graphically one of the world's most varied countries despite its small size, which at 283520 sq. km is about the size of either New Zealand or Nevada State. Ecuador staddles the equator on the Pacific coast of South America and is bordered by only two countries, Colombia to the north and Peru to the south and east. The estimated ... the viceroyalty of Peru, of which it was a part, to the viceroyalty of Colombia (then known as Nueva Grenada). Ecuador remained a peaceful colony during these centuries, and agriculture and the art flourished. Various new agriculture products, such as cattle and bananas, which still remain important in Ecuador today, were introduced from Europe. There was prolific construction of churches and monasteries which were decorated with unique carvings and paintings ...
5378: The Effects Of Friendship
... telephone or huddled in school hallways, teen-agers are constantly reaching out to their friends. They can’t imagine surviving high school and adolescence without them.” The very word of friendship is complicated in the world today. When someone leaves you for any reason you are going to miss him or her with many affects. As memories flow through your head remembering the person that left seems to get harder and ... around him. Douglas felt alone at the time until he remembered all of his family was there to support him. “Sometime loneliness is temporary, a reasonable response to a situation such s moving to a new location or losing a spouse” (Lifetime Health Letter p6-7). So when all the anger is cleared you decide to head home to your family your friends. “You may be my brother and maybe I hate you sometimes, but stick around, all right”(Bradbury 112)? In the world today it is relevant that you will rely on family. Family is primal nature to us, so we are encouraged to ask them for help when we need it. Doug realizing that he lost ...
5379: Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening
... the persona of the poem) has chosen a life different from that of Bob. Bob has chosen the city life of materialistic things while the author has decided to take in the beauty of the world. His life has reached its winter, it’s end, and he is stopping "To watch the woods fill up with snow," perhaps for the last time. He understands that he may not have much time ... of captivity. By acting as the wall it is, it limits his freedom. Freedom seems to fight against the wall. Freedom can be thought of as the force that keeps destroying the wall every spring. New life is forcing its way through the rocks but the man feels threatened by this new life and the uncertainties of freedom and therefore reconstructs his wall to keep it contained. They both act like the wall is a necessity though there is no real urgency for it. Then he ...
5380: The History of the Ku Klux Klan
... victims were sometimes beat, mutilated, or murdered. A supreme Klan official, called “Grand Wizard of the Empire,” The grand Wizard was virtually an autocratic power. The traditions of the original Klan were adopted by a new organization incorporated in Georgia in 1915, called Invisible Empire, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Membership was open to native-born, white, Protestant men, the Klan was thought to be patriotic. After World War I the Klan expanded rapidly In addition to preaching white supremacy, it attacked non-Protestants, aliens, liberals, trade unionists, and striking workers. Like its predecessor, the new Klan burned fiery crosses and employed violence to scare its enemies. After 1921 the Klan grew rapidly in membership and influence, “In a six month period from 1920 to October 1921 the Klan added ...

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