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5331: Cash Out (accounting)
Acct. Term Paper "Cash Out" In an October 1998 issue of "Fortune Magazine" in the finance section, an article entitled "Cash Out on Your Own Terms" speaks about a relatively old concept refined for a new market. In the centuries past, wealthy landowners would allow working farmers to live and work on their land and tend the crops and cattle for a portion of the goods and maybe a portion of ... control of their companies after the sale is a novel concept but it s risky. Heritage Partners plan gives cash to owners which usually amounts to about 85% of what their companies are worth, providing new money for growth while leaving them 51% of their firm s stock. Since introducing the plan in 1988, Heritage Partners has invested $250 million in 37 companies whose combined revenues exceed $2 billion. While many ... projections. When you tell people you re going to hit certain numbers, you d better hit them. Nobody wins if you come in too aggressively." This is a prime example of conservatism in the real world. Investors are looking for unique companies in every area "from the educational toy market to a company that manufactures products for industrial cleaning just as long as the family really believes in their company, ...
5332: Censorship and the First Amendment: The American Citizen's Right to Free Speech
... material and remove or prohibit anything they consider objectionable? This argument has been progressing for centuries, in fact the first notable case was against John Peter Zenger, in 1743. Zenger was an editor of a New York colonial newspaper that often published articles critical of the colonial governor. He successfully argued that publishing the truth should be a defense and thus defied the conventional wisdom and ended colonial intrusion into freedom ... 13). In our age, there is an unlimited amount of information available through a diverse representation of media: television, radio, films, newspapers, telephones, computers, magazines, books, and so on. Opposed to other countries, within the world, we are advanced both politically and technically. With our ability to learn and to communicate with one another, this will only make the complex issue of censorship grow. We should consider ourselves lucky by world standards, in many countries the freedom of expression is extremely limited, or sometimes not permitted at all. In these societies, the government censors views that are not in line with their policies, controlling controversial ...
5333: To Kill A Mockingbird 4
... fear but fear itself" - p.10 c. awareness difference in social classes "nothing to buy and no money to buy with it" - p.10 d. narrow span of interest and almost no interest in the world outside Maycomb. "nothing to see outside the boundaries of Maycomb County" - p.10 2. Approximately when does the story negin? Show evidence to support your answer. The setting of the story take place in Maycomb ... since he said he try to love everyone around him, including "nigger" - black people. 4. On p. 116, Atticus explains to the children why he considered Mrs. Dubose to be a "great lady" and a brave person. How does this "fit in" with his explanation of why he is defending Tom Robinson? Mrs. Dubose courage to get off the addiction before she die, it is a reflection to Atticus courage to ... equal. 4. What kind of clown does Dill decide to be? Explain his reasoning. He want to be a clown when he grow up, the reason is that "There ain't one thing in this world I can do about folks except laugh..." Chapter 23 1. How does Atticus react to Bob Ewell against him? Atticus is not unduly upset by Bob Ewell's threat. He knows that Bob is ...
5334: 1996: A Turbulent Year for Israel
... of now both sides are at a stand still while Netanyahu continues to approve housing for the Golan Heights. The increase of Jewish settlements also angered Egypt another of Israel's allies in the Arab world. The West Bank housing will, said an Egyptian official, "Destroy trust between Israel and it's Arab neighbors." Socially Israel has it's share of problems. In November an Israeli lawmaker who advocated a crackdown ... connected to the internet in November. When a West Bank University tried to lease dedicated lines to be hooked up to the university it got the run- around from Israel, so it turned to a new technology developed in Israel, wireless microwave communications. The technology's founder says he estimates to have 3,000 clients a year from now hooked up to the internet. Religiously there has been many developments in Israel. On September 22 Israel marked a day of atonement, Yom Kippur. Yasser Arafat called Netanyahu to wish him a happy New Year. On Christmas eve thousands of pilgrims filled Bethlehem's 1,600 year old church to celebrate Christmas. At the mass's sermon the priest criticized Israel's rough treatment of Palestinians and religious ...
5335: Dreams Life
Dream Life One of the brain's most astonishing capacities is its ability to create its own images-dreams-without any visual input from the outside world. Whether your sleeping or awake, your brain is constantly at work,communicating messages to you in the form of dreams. Dreams are a communication of body, mind and spirit in a symbolic communicative environmental state ... It has also been suggested that dreams are an attempt by the brain to make sense of stray thoughts. Essentially, dreams are our method of relaxing and letting our minds drift away into a different world. Your brain, mind and spirit, while at rest "review" and analysis in its own way long term, short term and spirit memory. It kicks around emotions, thoughts, ideas, actions and interactions of the short term ... Freud, Jung analyzed the dreams of his patients in order to explore the otherwise inaccessible regions of the unconscious mind, and he too believed that dreams are largely symbolic (Americana 115). He added to Freuds new approach by saying that dreams are a tool for learning more about ourselves and for achieving our full potential (Moffett 6). Laboratory studies have shown that we experience our most vivid dreams during a ...
5336: Hiding Behind A Computer
... a Computer Are computers and the Internet redefining human identity as people explore the boundaries of their personalities, adopt multiple selves, and form online relationships that can be more intense than real ones? Is the World Wide Web redefining our sense of community and where we find our peers? The answer is simple. An individual should not use a false identity to produce a life on the Internet. They should also ... with its own special character. It is difficult to eliminate a certain sex from a specific community when people have the power to disguise themselves. Communication in cyberspace lets people explore their personalities by creating new on-line personae. This seems to be the main concern for frequent Internet users. A significant observation is the amount of men that will log on as women. Jodi Obrien put it best when she ... talking about real life is taboo” (101). The Internet is abused quite a bit. People will use the net to meet acquaintances, friends, and even significant others. With the various forms of sexuality in the world, it explains the various chat rooms and virtual cities that can be found on the net. It is unexplained why one doesn’t obtain their true identity if what they are really interested in ...
5337: Communism: Overview
... just several days after the November Revolution. During this revolution the peasants storm the palace, taking total control of the government. At this point, the power was given to Lenin. Almost immediatly he issued the New Economic Plan, which instituted the one party system or communism. They basicaly supported the basic communist theories of Karl Marx, as interpreted by Lenin. He installed many of his beliefs and helped reorganize the people ... classes would struggle for dominance, and fight to gain power over the other classes. Third, the classes would form political organizations to further the cause of the class. Fourth, the economic conditions would change, causing new classes to arise. Fifth, the addition of more classes would intensify the struggle for dominance. And sixth, the lower class would rise up and overthrow the upper class. The cycle would then begin again with the new upper class bringing about economic prosperity (Daniels 6). Marx cannot be given the entire credit for his ideas. He collaborated with a fellow German, Fredrich Engles. Engles met Marx in 1844, at the tender ...
5338: Hospitable Framwork
Time Is Money Ohio's Flexicore Building Systems make short work of hotel construction When an amusement park operator decided to construct a new hotel to meet increased business, it faced challenges ranging from winter month delivery to a site with limited access. The solution came from Dayton, Ohio-based Flexicore Systems, Inc., a company specializing in precast hollow core products. "The most challenging aspect of constructing the Breakers Tower entailed location and time constraints," says Cedar Point's Monty Jasper, vice president of maintenance and new construction. "The site is difficult to access and we stipulated that construction would be during the offseason-October through May." Located on Lake Erie in Sandusky, Ohio, the Cedar Point amusement park/resort boasts 13 roller coasters reportedly more than any other park in the world - and is ranked one of the largest seasonal facilities of its kind in the U.S. For 128 years, this park has attracted visitors from across the country and throughout the world. Each year, ...
5339: “Playing Solo Through Life”
... forced to be alone and that is all he knew. It must have been real rough to be alone constantly. He was scared to disobey his mother because he has been a soloist in the world and wouldn’t know how to handle other people. A good example of this fear is when Renne expresses himself when his mother said she was going to leave him. He replies with his feeling ... to play the cello. This left Renne at the lowest point in his life, even more alone. He expresses his feelings by saying: I was terribly lonely, but I felt unwilling or unable to establish new relationships with anyone until my gift came back. (Salzman 9) This is a real tough time for Renne because he was faced with situations that he has never been faced with before. He had resentment for his mother and father for not letting him experience the world, which left him confused and by himself. Renne went out into the world all alone to challenge society. The meaning of the soloist starts to get thicker at this time because Renne is called ...
5340: Santa Claus
... gigantic heart, Santa Claus brings hope to kids who are hopeless and smiles to those who have lost theirs. While snuggled in their bed, desperately trying to catch a wink of sleep, children around the world await the arrival of St. Nick. Dressed in red and with a jolly old smile, he manages to fulfill the dreams of kids throughout millions of miles. Santa Claus brings a whole new meaning to the season of Christmas. Despite his buxom body and his bag of goods, St. Nick succeeds in fitting down various narrow types of chimney's. Quickly yet quietly, he sneaks in and out ... is far more important than receiving. By setting this example, the feeling of Christmas becomes alive within each and every one of our hearts. Therefore, we are able to look at Christmas, through a whole new perspective. Santa Claus also gives children an escape from the harsh reality of today's world. He gives kids something to believe in when there is nothing really to look forward to. St. Nick ...

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