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5301: A Rose For Emily New South Vs. Old
... than a horror story. However, it is clear that Faulkner intends to show much more than that. He wants us to see how Emily, the representative of the old south, fought the advent of the new society. Faulkner uses an unique structure to achieve his goal. As the book progressed there was not a steady progression of time. He changed from past to present in order to illustrate the idea of conflict between new and old. Emily personified a way of living, a society, that was slowly being dismissed. Examples of her clinging to the old ways of the south are found everywhere. One example can be found in ... ranked and anonymous graves of Union and Confederate soldiers who fell at battle of Jefferson," (Faulkner, ). She dies long after those soldiers yet is added amongst their ranks. She was an anachronistic figure in the new south that formed after the Civil War. A person thrown into a time that pushed her and her beliefs aside in order to progress.
5302: The Peregrine Falcon
... that means, "one who wanders." This falcon has definitely earned its name. For example, some of Canada's tundra peregrines fly to Brazil each winter. Peregrine falcons are found in every single part of the world except Antarctica. They were once trained by kings to hunt and bring back kills. This sport, called Falconry, is still popular. However, in the 1960s the American falcon came close to extinction. Most of the ... wings are four inches shorter than the female. A peregrine's feathers make its high-speed flight possible. The feathers lie close to its streamlined body. Like all birds, peregrines lose their feathers and grow new ones. This process is called molting. A peregrine's molt lasts from April to October. It loses only a few feathers at a time. If too many feathers fell out, peregrines wouldn't be able ... frost hits in the south, all peregrines begin following their prey back north. They usually return to their nest, although on some occasions their nest may be gone or they followed their prey into a new habitat. When this happens, they simply find an ideal place to live and build their nest. After the attack of DDT, a man named Heinz Meng decided to attempt to raise peregrines in cages. ...
5303: The Great Gatsby As A Metaphor
... of it at the end. The dream both Gatsby and America had, was so unutterable that to a certain extent it was necessarily corruptible. They paid the price for trying to live in a dream World too long. They lost touch with reality, the old warm world, and created a new World, a world of dreams. This made them vulnerable, since if the dream was finished with, the world will be over. The simple cliché "The party was over" signifies a level of prophetic vision ...
5304: A Separate Peace
... character, Gene, and his battling of jealousy, paranoia, and inability to understand his relationship with his best friend Phineas. Yet the larger battle of man’s inhumanity to man is portrayed by the backdrop of World War II. Gene Forrester is an average, studious, young man attending Devon school in New Hampshire during the second World War. His roommate at Devon, Phineas (otherwise known as Finny) sends Gene on an unexpected journey of self discovery. Finny represents man in his innocence, a kind of edenic2 Adam. He is very athletic, ...
5305: Heart Of Darkness 11
... this central subject parallels a corresponding incapacity in Conrad. The vast, abstract darkness that he envisions is too complex and overwhelming to be reduced to a clear or explicit truth. Instead, the truths of the world that Conrad creates in Heart of Darkness are, like those of the real world, necessarily messy, suggestive, irrational, and general. In a sense, it is trying to explain the unexplainable brings Marlow to the Congo in the first place. Like a knight searching for adventure, Marlow was drawn to ... and Kurtz dies in the same manner in which he had first come alive for Marlow, in a word. "The horror!", he cries, as he sums up all the dark knowledge and insights into the world that he had acquired, "The horror!". By his presence next to Kurtz during his final moment of understanding, Marlow becomes the heir to Kurtz's dark legacy. It is obvious from his zombie-like ...
5306: Why We Should Stick To Qwerty
... sold. There are several reasons for this. First, there is no need for the regular users to type any faster than at the current speed. Second, for the people whose job require fast typing, the new keyboards can lead to bigger health problems that develop from continuous typing. Third, and most importantly, standardization has led the qwerty keyboards to firmly hold the position as the keyboard. There are major differences between ... is like different languages. If there are different languages being spoken when people are trying to communicate with each other, it becomes very difficult to understand. The communication would be very inefficient. What if a new keyboard becomes standardized? Navy studies in the 1940s showed that the change from qwerty to a more efficient keyboard would pay for itself within 10 days.iii However, this study shows the result from the corporation's view. Although corporations will certainly be able to make more money out of same amount of time by adopting the new keyboard, there are other factors that are not taken into account - human cost. If the new, more efficient keyboards are to be standardized, there would be enormous spending on reeducation, relearning, repurchasing, and replacement. ...
5307: Friedrich Nietzche
... Friedrich’s success, certain of his future. At the age of 18,Nietzsche lost his faith in traditional religion. His faith received a fatal blow when he found philosophy. In 1865 Nietzsche discovered Schopenhauer’s World as Will and Idea. The work forever challenged Nietzsche’s view of the world. Schopenhauer’s philosophy was rather dark for its time; it became a part of Nietzsche’s world-view was it was well suited to his nature. It seemed as if Schopenhauer were addressing me personally. I felt his enthusiasm, and seemed to see him before me. Every line cried aloud for ...
5308: Personal Writing: The College Experience
... Not only was it totally different from high school in relation to the content of classes and homework, but it was also completely different from my home life. I was living on my own, with new surroundings and new people. Needless to say, this was something like I had never experienced before. Generally, college classes aren't that much more difficult than high school courses. The big difference is that in college I have ... to procrastinating. There have been many times when I have put off doing an assignment until the night before. It is obvious that as a college student, I have had to adapt to a whole new style of learning. Another thing that I have had to adapt to is living on my own. Since I don't have a curfew anymore, I feel more independent than I ever have before. ...
5309: Cloning
Cloning per. 7 Cloning, is it the thing of the future? Or is it a start of a new generation? To some, cloning could give back a life. A life of fun, happiness, and freedom. For others it could mean destruction, evil, or power. Throughout this paper, you the reader, should get a better ... not yet been accomplished with mammals (Lawren). Another way to make a clone, as they do in the cattle buisness, is to split the cells of a early multi-celled embryo which will form two new embryos (Lawren). For it to get started into practice it took more than fifty years of questioning and testing. The first successful cloning experiment involved a leopard frog. It took place in, 1952 with group ... is hit by a car and is killed on the scene. Even though this is a tragic event. The mother and father can go back to the lab to get the exact cloned baby. The new cloned baby has the same physical features, but mentally he will be different (Robertson). So, the personalities of the two will be different. One or the other will learn different stuff and at a ...
... your comments. Not all the characters in “A Streetcar Named Desire” are living an unreal existence, however some are, in particular Blanche, Stella and Stanley. Blanch to some extent is living in her own fantasy world plagued with delusions and outbursts. It is quite obvious that she is living an illusion. Stella is living an unreal existence in regards to the way in which she likes to pretend she is living ... Reality versus illusion is one of, if not the major theme of the play. It also has the most relevance to the way in which Blanche, Stanley and Stella are living in their own fantasy world. Perhaps the reason Blanche chose illusion rather than reality is because of her somewhat troubled past. When Blanche was 16 she married Alan who was 17. The impression we get of Alan is that of ... soon after Alan commits suicide by shooting himself. Already traumatized, the situation grew quickly worse when Blanche looses Belle Reve, the family estate. This proves only to worsen Blanche’s mental state to an all new low. This coupled with other events led Blanche to living with her sister Stella and her husband Stanley. Perhaps the events which had occurred led her to the edge of insanity which she was ...

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