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5261: The Mormons
... members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Over two-thirds of the church's membership is in the United States. However, members are also located in many other countries around the world. Mormons use the Bible, the Book of Mormon, and two other books or revelations to Joseph Smith, founder of the church. These other two revelations are the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great ... based on the assumption that Christianity was corrupt and that it was necessary to restore the "true" Christian gospel. The Mormon church sees only itself as recognized by God. Joseph Smith founded the church in New York in 1830. He said that he had visions of God and other heavenly beings that told him to establish the restored Christian Church. He was "directed" to some thin metal plates that he translated ... mad about Smith's practices. They started a newspaper called the "Nauvoo Expositor" and attacked him, accusing him of practicing polygamy. Smith denied this charge but was killed anyway. Brigham Young took over as their new leader. In 1852 , polygamy was officially announced at the Mormon conference. Points of Debate What was so wrong with their views? * Belief in the Bible and Book of Mormon ==> How? The Mormons believe the ...
5262: Gnosticism
... since their concealment almost two thousand years ago, these manuscripts from Gnosticism rank in importance with the Dead Sea Scrolls. The first extensive translation into English did not appear until 1977. These writings changed the world's understanding of the doctrines of the early church immediately after the death of Christ and shed some light on Gnosticism. The following are some of the secrets revealed from this amazing discovery.When writing ... God as having a feminine part which was the Spirit. In accord, they also held that Jesus came from God and the Spirit to form the Trinity. In the Gnostic version of creation of the world the Spirit of God is referred to as the Wisdom of God or Sophia who is also a feminine creative force. It seems she wished to give birth to a creature like herself. She did ... to him his mother gave him some of her power which contained the Spirit. The Demiurge thought the power which his mother gave him was his own, and with it he started creating the physical world. In doing this the Gnostics believed the Demiurge entrapped the Spirit in matter. They viewed the Demiurge as being the Christian God, the creator, basing their belief on the statement, "I am God, and ...
5263: Edgar Allan Poe 3
Through Edgar Allan Poe's magnificent style of writing, he provided the world with some of the most mystifying poems and short stories. Although not appreciated during his time, Poe has gained considerable recognition after his death. James Russel Lowell stated, in a book by Louis Broussard, "He ... 23, 1831; and refused to attend class on January 25, 1831. He was not dismissed for drunkenness or rowdyism, as is often alleged (Anderson 32). After West Point, Poe lived in obscurity in Baltimore and New York from 1831 to 1834. On March 15, 1835, Poe pleaded with Mr. Kennedy for help in obtaining a position as schoolmaster. Mr. Kennedy replied to Poe s request with an invitation to dinner. Poe ... tuberculosis, had taken Edgar s father, brother, and all of the women he ever loved. Virginia died of tuberculosis on January 30, 1847. After Virginia s death, Poe had been offered a job on the New York Review. When he had arrived in the city his job seemed to have evaporated in the Panic of 1837, which turned out to be one of the country s worst depressions. While in ...
5264: Rockefeller
... of the family of American Industrialists, bankers, and philanthropists. Corporate development during the Industrial Revolution was made in part by entrepreneurs who were the people who took responsibility for the organization and operation of a new business venture. Rockefeller was born in 1839 and died in 1937. He established an oil refinery with partners in 1863, and in 1970 he organized the Standard Oil Co. of Ohio. By strict economy, mergers with competitors, and ruthless elimination of opponents he soon dominated the U.S. oil-refining industry. His numerous companies were consolidated under the Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey but the U. S. Supreme Court ordered this holding company dissolved on antitrust grounds, and the subsidiaries became independent corporations. He retired in 1911 with a fabulous fortune. Rockefeller was an entrepreneur or better known as a "Robber Baron", and was also called the "oil baron," exercised his genius in devising ways to circumvent competition. Rockefeller came to dominate the oil industry by brining a new energy and overwhelming strategy into his business. With one upward stride after another he organized the Standard Oil Company, which was the nucleus of the great trust that was formed. Rockefeller showed little mercy ...
5265: Freedom Of Bytes
Freedom of Bytes In today s era there exists a medium, which like never before is becoming a medium of communication and interaction between humans, namely the World Wide Web. This old but yet new medium is expanding and changing rapidly, thus making it close to impossible to control. The World Wide Web is offering more to society now than it ever has before, created by the army to keep up communications during crisis, it s importance to the army has also transcended into regular ...
5266: Mardi Gras
... of stale beer in the air, loud music everywhere, people shouting and laughing having a good ‘ole time is what carnival, better known as Mashumani is like in Guyana. When it’s Mardi Gras in New Orleans, however, broken beads and trash are all over the ground, and everywhere one looks he/she sees someone taking off some type of clothing for some beads. Unlike in New Orleans people in Guyana know how to have fun with out taking off their clothes. I am a native of Guyana, South America, and this is my first time observing Mardi Gras in person. I had heard of the things people do for the objects and trinkets that the masked riders throw off the floats, which is a major aspect that distinguishes Mardi Gras in New Orleans from carnival in Guyana. Guyanese people do not take off their clothes for a string of pearl, or a coconut. Carnival in Guyana is a one-day event, celebrating Guyana’s independence from ...
5267: Genocide
... to live because of your race or religion? Scary yes, but definitely possible. The word genocide, which is also known as ethnic cleansing, is certainly not uncommon to anyone living in this not so perfect world, full of violence, hatred and discrimination. Throughout the decades, genocide has taken place in more than one occasion, causing wars, slaughters and mass destruction of cities and towns. I think that genocide is by far ... heard the term genocide, the first picture that came up to my mind was the picture of the German dictator Hitler. Hitler hated Jews and saw them as the reason behind every disaster in the world. In his biography on Hitler, Schramm wrote that there is a theory explaining the reasons behind Hitler’s hatred towards Jews, he said that one of Hitler’s ancestors who was Jewish, “took advantage” of a small girl (51). This incident obviously made Hitler paranoid for the rest of his life making him hate and despise all Jews. He decided to kill them and looked for a better world where they won’t exist at all. Maybe if Hitler had not hated these Jews and instead if killing them and putting them in gas chambers in awful concentration camps, he could have won ...
5268: Buddhism And The Poetry Of Jac
... s your bloody circle called Samsara by the ignorant Buddhists, who will still be funny Masters up there, bless em. Jack Kerouac -from Heaven Jack Kerouac spent his creative years writing in a prosperous post world war II America. He was in many ways a very patriotic person who had no problem making known his love for his country , particularly within his literature. It was, quite literally, America that he was ... would assemble them in chronological order before he died. Unfortunately he died earlier than he expected and was unable to formally assemble them. However, the legend remains. Kerouac undoubtedly made his mark on the literary world with his prose. And his prose proves itself to be a very good example of his writing as spiritual commentary. Kerouac, while wandering the country in freight cars and the backs of pick-up trucks ... was a reflection upon the many contemplations provoked by the solitude and serenity of the time he spent alone atop the mountain. From the opening line he has recognized an inherently Buddhist view of the world through his own eyes. I stand on my head on Desolation Peak And see that the world is hanging Into an ocean of endless space The mountains dripping rock by rock Like bubbles in ...
5269: Heart of Darkness: Cruelty
... or train tracks was made. "One's cruelty is one's power; and when one parts with one's cruelty, one parts with one's power," says William Congreve, author of The Way of the World. (Tripp 206.) The Europeans forcibly took away the natives' land and then enslaved them. All the examples given are part of one enormous idea of cruelty - cruelty that the European white men believe because its victims are helpless. These are mystical revelations of man's dark self. Bibliography 1. Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness: Backgrounds and Criticisms. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1960. 2. Meyers, Jeffrey. Joseph Conrad. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1991. 3. Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness 3rd ed. Ed. Robert Kimbrough. New York: Norton Critical, 1988. 4. Williams, George Washington. [A Report upon the Congo - State and Country ...
5270: Christianity’s Mission
... begin my analysis on how I was able to conjugate these theories about what life was like during the times of Christianity’s expansion throughout Germanic territory. It is apparent that the Christians of the new Western Roman Empire had a huge task that waited before them. Their attempts to convert many of the various tribes that existed throughout what is now current Europe, called for serious thought on how they ... An example of a fortunate situation deals with a passage written by Bede about King Edwin of Northumbria. “He summoned a council of the wise men, and asked each in turn his opinion of this new faith and new God being proclaimed.” (King Edwin, 202) Here we see living evidence that the King of Edwin is a peaceful leader and will take into consideration of this new religion that is being preached. The ...

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