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5251: Marco Polo
Marco Polo is one of the most well-known heroic travelers and traders around the world. In my paper I will discuss with you Marco Polo's life, his travels, and his visit to China to see the great Khan. Marco Polo was born in c.1254 in Venice. He was ... enduring fame, very little was known about the personal life of Marco Polo. It is known that he was born into a leading Venetian family of merchants. He also lived during a propitious time in world history, when the height of Venice's influence as a city-state coincided with the greatest extent of Mongol conquest of Asia(Li Man Kin 9). Ruled by Kublai Khan, the Mongol Empire stretched all ... the only spiritual gift Europe was able to furnish the great Kublai Khan was oil from the lamp burning at Jesus Christ's supposed tomb in Jerusalem. Yet, in a sense, young Marco, the only new person in the Polos' party, was himself a fitting representative of the spirit of European civilization on the eve of the Renaissance, and the lack of one hundred learned Europeans guaranteed that he would ...
5252: A Family-friendly WorkPlace
... time to other activities of their choosing. Importance of family-friendly workplace Family-friendly policies are the blending of family and work, which has increased significantly in the last 20 years. Corporations seeking to attract new employees and hold onto their existing work force are attempting to be creative with the promise of flexible schedules, job sharing, onsite day-care facilities, telecommuting, special deals on parental leave, generous family health care ... 15 additional weeks. Every woman who works for the Laurentian Bank is qualified for this benefit, from bank teller to vice-president.1 Release time from work to participate in school and community events Western New York companies, Fisher-Price, are zeroing in on making life better for the work force through family-friendly policies that help people balance work and home responsibilities. In addition to the job sharing, a child ... work hours or job guarantees following childbirth leave, they are better able to retain workers. Such companies become recognized for these family-friendly benefits and attract skilled employees because of them. In conclusion, as the world of work changes, more and more parents remain in full-time employment. The existence of family-friendly programs avoids the decision making between being a good employee and being a good parent. Individuals can ...
5253: Health Care Reform
From FDR’s New Deal to Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society, the United States government has attempted to centralize extensive social policies. In the early eighties, when recession and inflation were at a high, Ronald Reagan took office and ... s failure to reform Health Care that makes a more centralized social policy unlikely in the near future. There has been a necessity in the twentieth century (due in part to the Great Depression and World War II) for big government. The legislation behind Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal called for the involvement of the federal government to create a highly bureaucratic social policy. The combination of Roosevelt’s political assertiveness and society’s willingness to allow such centralization that made big ...
5254: Theology - An Examination Of T
The New Testament authors had no qualms about declaring that Jesus was truly human and telling us that Jesus committed no sin. Bible passages such as 2 Corinthians 5:21, Hebrews 4:15, 1 Peter 2:22 ... a moral agent making choices. He need not have the capacity to sin .” The third argument in support of the peccability of Jesus is based on the Scriptural statements that Jesus is the second or New Adam and corresponds to the first Adam. Thus, if Jesus was the second Adam he had to have all the qualities and characteristics of the first Adam. The proponents of this argument then proceed to ... perfect human is without sin and is capable of not sinning (even though the perfect human will still have inherited a sin nature and original sin from Adam). Therefore, Christ can be the second or New Adam and still not have a peccable nature. In the chapter entitled “The Sinlessness of Christ” in Berkouwer’s book The Person of Christ, the author presents three unique arguments for the peccability of ...
5255: Cats Cradle
... are. I read this book because of a promise I made to my father. I'm glad I made that promise; I just read a delightfully funny and deep tale about the end of the world. The book begins with a writer named John researching for his book about the day the atomic bomb was dropped. He talks with Newt, son of Dr. Felix Hoenikker, the creator of the atomic bomb. He then goes to Illium, the town where the Hoenikkers grew up, and there he learns of ice-nine, one splinter of which could freeze all the oceans of the world. John soon discovers that Frank, the other son of Felix, is on a small island called San Lorenzo. He goes there to research more for his book. On the plane he meets Newt in person ... goes wrong and a plane crashes. The explosion causes the house to tip and the president's body to fall into the sea. The ice-nine in his body freezes all the oceans of the world and causes an incredible storm. John and Mona hide in a dungeon until the storms stop. When the storms cease they rise to find that the survivors had all committed suicide with the ice- ...
5256: Sir Gawain And The Green Knigh
... Gawain must pass all the requirements of the ideal chivalric knight in order to triumph. He is presented with and accepts an opportunity to break free from the restraints of his youth and enter a world of valor. Yet, despite his eventual failure in the tests he encounters, he does in a sense become exalted. Gawain's understanding and acceptance of his flawed nature, and his confession lead to the Green ... s absolution in the end. The symbolism in the story strongly supports the idea of the rites of initiation. In Arthur s court, the party that was being held was in celebration of Christmas and New Year s. The idea of the start of a new year suggests the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new. Gawain s testing is a passage rite, giving him the chance to move him from a realm of inexperience and youth ...
5257: Abortion In America and Elsewhere
Abortion In America and Elsewhere From an anthropological view, abortion in America is a very controversial issue. Our culture is one primarily governed by a highly structured society. As a world superpower we are at the forefront of world technology. The United States strives to provide an example as the nation with the most control over current issues. Abortion exists as one of the most highly debated topics of the present time. As we continue to lead the world into the 21st century, both ideology and technology have to be taken into account. Abortion is a growing debate that appears to have no clear-cut resolution in sight. It continues to be debated ...
5258: Edgar Allen Poe: Writing Style
... and the Pendulum" actually was. "Though he lives on the brink of the pit, on the very verge of the plunge into unconciousness, he is still unable to disengage himself from the physical and temperal world. The physical oppreses him in the shape of lurid graveyard visions; the temporal oppreses him in the shape of an enormous and deadly pendulum. It is altogether appropriate, then, that this chamber should be constricting ... a matter of art. There is a violent realism in his macabre writings unequaled by the Americans who worked in the same genre." Bibliography 1. Bloom, Harold, Ed. Modern Critical Views on Edgar Allan Poe. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1985. 2.Buranelli, Vincent. Edgar Allan Poe. Boston: G.K. Hall & Co., 1977. 3. Lawrence, D.H. Studies in Classic American Literature New York: The Viking Press, 1961. 4.Lawrence D.H. Modern Critical Views on Edgar Allan Poe. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1985. 5. Wilbur, R. Modern Critical Views on Edgar Allan ...
5259: Religion In Our Lives
... and state," in order to separate this profound force of religion from the public lives of its citizens. Thus, the freedom to worship any religion remains a private and personal issue. However, in this imperfect world, it becomes virtually impossible to achieve this kind of separation. Some subtle examples of this can be seen right here on campus. The intriguing yet simple New England architecture that we see all around us, is the result of the Old World Puritan religion. Also on campus, Rollins Chapel, supposedly a "universal place of worship", is structurally shaped like a cross, the symbol of the crucifixion of Jesus. Delving deep into these religious symbols, there exists ...
5260: Roswell
The Roswell Incident The Roswell Incident, which enlightened our minds to the capacity of excepting all, has remained one of the most controversial issues today. In Roswell, New Mexico, 1947, a strange occurrence arises. An alien craft from outer space crashed in an open field. The issue lay still for almost thirty years, until the thought of a government cover-up arose. SocietyĆs ... state that 75% of people today believe that there is some kind of intelligent life forms besides ourselves in the universe. That is very convincing compared to the 20% whom believed 25 years ago. ô New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not already common.ö (MacGowan 261) A local New Mexico rancher, MacBrazel, while riding out in the morning to check his sheep after a long night of thunderstorms, discovered a considerable amount of debris. It created a gouge several hundred feet long and ...

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