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5211: Education of ee cummings
... 147). Reading this poem, one may realize the lone comma on line 12. The poet writes about the sky and a tree, and then a comma intrudes, which makes the reader pause, and realize the new awareness that the comma indicated – that of a falling leaf (145). Lines 1 through 6 are also very important to the poem. Although "black against white" may be referring to the color of the falling ... and thus retains the poem's idea for a more extended period of time. Cummings' ideogram poems are puzzles waiting to be solved. Works Cited Friedman, Norman. E. E. Cummings: A Collection of Critical Essays. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1972. Kidder, Rushworth M. E. E. Cummings: An Introduction to the Poetry. New York: Columbia University Press, 1979. Marks, Barry A. E. E. Cummings. New York: Twayne Publishers, Inc., 1964. Triem, Eve. E. E. Cummings. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1969. Wegner, Robert E. The Poetry and ...
5212: Assassination Of JFK
... questions still remain. "Who did it?" "Why did they do it?" "How was it done?" "Was there a cover up" The official answers complied by the Warren Commission have never satisfied the majority of the world's population. In this following essay I will try to show who was responsible for the assassination of John F. Kennedy. I believe the only way to prove that there was a cover up, is ... men told Rose Cheramie that it was common knowledge in the underworld that Kennedy was about to be killed. Mafia-CIA man David Ferrie was very probably involved in framing Oswald while he was in New Orleans, and Ferrie engaged in highly suspicious activity shortly after JFK was shot. And, as mentioned, a Mafia courier named Eugene Hale Brading was arrested in the Dal-Tex Building overlooking Dealey Plaza immediately after ... that Harrelson was given the contract to kill Judge Wood after he claimed to have participated in the JFK assassination. Indicted along with Harrelson in the plot to kill Judge Wood was the brother of New Orleans crime boss Carlos Marcello, who was one of the Mafia figures identified by the Select Committee as possibly having been involved in the assassination of President Kennedy. The photos of the tall tramp ...
5213: Charlemagne
... inherited great wealth and a powerful army, built by his father and grandfather. Charlemagne used the army and his own skillful planning to more than double the size of the Frankish Kingdom. (Halsall 15) The world of Charlemagne was a heathen one, with many warring tribes or kingdoms. Many of these tribes were conquered by Charlemagne, among them the Aquitanians, the Lombards, the Saxons, the Bretons, the Bavarians, the Huns, and ... grew, and with growth came additional power and responsibility for Charlemagne. In each area of Europe that was taken over by Charlemagne, he removed the leaders if they would not convert to Christianity and appointed new ones, usually someone with high position in the Church. Those people who refused to convert or be baptized in the church were put to death. (Holmes 75) The Church played a vital role in the ... missi dominici, or royal commissioners to inspect and inquire into the judgments of the local courts. (Ganshof 93) Charlemagne had a profound effect on the art and architecture of Western Europe. His effect was not new thought, but merely a resurgence of ancient Roman tradition. He commissioned great chapels for the monasteries, providing space to worship for many people at one time. The early constructions were mostly of wood; a ...
5214: Maxine Kumin and Her Poetry
Maxine Kumin and Her Poetry Maxine Kumin, who experienced many different views of the world through travel, feels the most comfortable in New Hampshire, her rural home. In any area that she travels, she always makes a similarity to her home, as expressed in her poems. In her poem, “The Long Approach”, she is driving in her Saab hatchback from Scranton to her farm in New Hampshire. She also discusses her plane ride back from Orlando to New Hampshire the week before. Throughout the poem she makes references back to the animals she cares for and comes in contact with ...
5215: Programmers
... a related profession, such as graphic designer or animator. Those who go into government work can become computer security consultants, encryption specialists, or federal agents specializing in computer science. A few who enter the business world become Management Information Systems Specialists (MISSs) who analyze, improve, and maintain corporate information systems for (usually) large, multinational corporations Originally, in the 1960s, all software was known as "freeware," and was distributed among the few ... to become valuable outsourcing resources for these companies. Two Years Out: Two-year professionals work under the supervision of established programmers, handling sections of code or modular pieces of programs. Little responsibility is offered to new hires in terms of defining program architecture and creating new methods of handling data or graphics. They are, however, given reasonable autonomy on their own section of code. Satisfaction is high. Pay is average. Many work for between one and two years at a ...
5216: Illusions In The Glass Menager
... affects her whole personality. Her oversensitive nature makes her think that people notice the limp and thus, she cannot live normally. Her inability to overcome the limp causes her to remove herself from the real world and live in a world of illusions. An imaginary world of glass animals provides Laura’s refuge from reality. But, her illusion is dangerous for her glass menagerie serves as a substitute for life rather than an escape. Her favorite animal in the menagerie ...
5217: American Foreign Policy Towards Cuba
... flag continued to fly over Havana. During the first years of the 1900s Cuba was ruled by an American military government, headed by Leonard Wood. In 1992 it was replaced by a Cuban government. The new government was corrupt and kept in power by the US. It served the interests of the rich, both in Cuba and America. US companies owned 75% of the sugar industry and 60% of Cuba's ... to the Cuban political scene by American business and Mafia interests. He was brought back to power by a bloodless coup in 1952 and canceled elections scheduled three months away. Washington quickly recognized Batista’s new government. On December 2, 1956 Fidel Castro began a revolution that would eventually free Cuba from American control. By the late 1950’s American capital investment is in controled of 90% of Cuba’s mines ... law that lets US companies sue foreign ones to avoid much of the pressure. The law has been ineffectual in its purpose of brining down the Cuban government and only increases anger at the US world wide. Our decades old embargo against Cuba has failed to bring about change to its government. A government that many argue needs no changing to begin with. It is time to restore full diplomatic ...
5218: "Casablanca:" A New Perspective
"Casablanca:" A New Perspective Throughout history, the film industry has seen many directing styles and techniques. The early part of the 20th century saw a factory style of film production, but as the years went by, director's began to employ new and untried techniques in their pictures. One such technique which these director's implemented was a new approach to the use of the camera and camera angles. "Casablanca," an Academy Award winning film of 1942 saw director Michael Curtiz manipulate the camera in ways others had not. He uses the close- ...
5219: Business
... who accumulated large sums of capital. In addition, there was also a large emergence of banks and the start of corporations. (Galbraith Pg. 58) The only other economic system that got much attention was a new idea called Communism. A person named Karl Marx wrote a book called the Communist Manifesto which thought of the state as being the main controller of economic growth, unlike capitalism where the people in a free market are the main controllers of economic growth. In the 19th century when most of the world like Britan, France, Germany, and the United States were in the age of Laissez-Faire economic capitalism, other countries like the Soviet Union and China followed Karl Marx's Communism. (Galbraith Pg. 97) Modern Capitalism ... competitive than smaller businesses. An Austrian-American economist named Joseph Schumpeter who argued in defense of large corporations said, "the prime mover in capitalist progress is not the small businessperson but the entrepreneur who introduces new technologies and develops them." He also said "Capitalism gives creative people the freedom to make innovations, unlike state-runned economies which tended to stifle this creative force." He also predicted that capitalism would eventually ...
5220: The Works of Poet Carl Sandburg and His Effect on American Poetry
... his poetry. Sandburg's style of writing is what changed the course of American poetry. Before Sandburg, most poetry and other literary works were considerably similar, along with dull and boring. He carried poetry to "new horizons." He, many times, wrote of reality, which was not always what people wanted to read, but it was reality and it had to be dealt with. This is how his writing became so known, because he dealt with what was real in our fantasy world. Sandburg was not afraid to express his true feelings and thought on people, society, nature, and life in general. One of his finest poetic achievements is a poem called The People, Yes. It is a ... the modern radical economist, the situation in which modern civilization finds itself. Sandburg is too interested in the half-tones of humanity, the highlights of humor, the terse queerness. He is interested in atmosphere....The new sapience, it seems to me, is what Sandburg fails to show."(clc 35,347) Now, on the other hand Amy Lowell, another critic, has a complete opposite view on the poem's by Carl ...

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