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5101: Personal Writing: Working Experiences From School and Community Service Projects
... my high school education I have participated in many school and community service projects. My participation in school and community service activities has helped me grow and develop skills I will need in the real world. By participating in school and community service activities I have gotten the opportunity to obtain team working and people person skills. I have also been able to use my experiences from my participation in such activities to help me grow and see what the real world is like. I have been able to obtain certain essential skills that I will use in the outside work force. Some of these essential skills include team working and people person skills. It is very important to have these skills in the real world because you will need to use them everyday in your working experiences. Many students who don’t participate in such activities often lack team working and people person skills. Participating in school and community ...
5102: The Chosen 2
Plot Summary of The Chosen The action of The Chosen unfolds in the immigrant community of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, against the backdrop of World War II. It is seen through the eyes of Reuven Malter, a boy who would appear to have much in common with Danny, for they are both brilliant, Jewish, closely tied to their fathers, and ... are churning within him, Danny finds Reuven as an empathetic listener who is highly intelligent yet safe not a Hasid, but a Jew who follows orthodox religious traditions without rejecting the secular possibilities in the world around them. As the boys become friends, Reuven begins to learn about Hasidism. He learns that there are tzaddiks who were believed to be superhuman links between the people and God. In some sects it ... permeates his friend s life. Weeks before the accident which brings the two boys together, Mr. Malter meets Danny in the public library and begins to guide him in his search for knowledge of the world through the forbidden books prescribed by his father. Mr. Malter tells Reuven of Danny s brilliant mind, his insatiable appetite for learning, and the amazing speed with which he digests information. When the Germans ...
5103: Cinncinnati: Loveland: Paxton Woods
... were very prominent in the area, and their influence is seen in many of the names and historic sites found in the area. Native American artifacts, in fact, are still being discovered during excavations for new buildings. Burial grounds and serpent-shaped mounds are scattered throughout the region. When the Cincinnati/Northern Shortly after the Revolutionary War, however, the newly victorious American government declared the territory available for settlement. Ohio and ... magazine was discovered when the garage was being built in 1952. The name Losantiville lasted about as long as Filson in the woods. In 1790, two days after he arrived, Gen. Arthur St. Clair, the new commander of Fort Washington and the Northwest Territories, invoked his newly given powers and renamed the area Cincinnati in honor of the Society of Cincinnati, an organization of Revolutionary War officers of which he belonged ... Cincinnati’s major industries at the time included metalworking, woodworking and, most importantly, pork packing. By 1835 the city was the nation’s chief pork packing center and would later become the largest in the world. Slaughterhouses were in such abundance the city was given the moniker Porkopolis. Pigs would be herded through the streets hundreds at a time on their way to the slaughterhouses. Pork by-products such as ...
5104: Jay Gatsby Shattered Dreams
Jay Gatsby: Shattered Dreams F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is a tragic tale of love distorted by obsession. Finding himself in the city of New York, Jay Gatsby is a loyal and devoted man who is willing to cross oceans and build mansions for his one true love. His belief in realistic ideals and his perseverance greatly influence all the ... Daisy’s favor and having her back in his life. The greatest example of this dedication is the mansion he has constructed, “a colossal affair by any standard...with a tower on one side, spanking new under a thin beard of raw ivy, and a marble swimming pool, and more than forty acres of lawn and garden” (9). Once a “penniless young man without a past” (156), he transforms himself into ... heart, taking her away from Tom and living happily ever after in his mansion he built with her approval in mind. Sadly enough for Gatsby, devotion is not the driving force that propels life in New York. Society is based on money and power, not faith and love. Daisy and Tom “[smash] up things and creatures and then [retreat] back into their money or their vast carelessness.” (187) Even Gatsby ...
5105: Same Sex Marriages
... people. Currently there is a high tolerance for homosexuals throughout the United States and currently in Hawaii. Judges do not need the popularity of the people on the Federal or circuit court level to make new precedent. There is no clear majority that homosexuals should have marriage rights in the general public, and yet the courts voted for Baehr. The judiciary has its own mind on how to interpret the constitution ... they deny those same freedoms to not "normal" people because they would lose their social domination and could be changed. Therefore it would seem they are afraid to change, and have not accepted that the world does change. Unfortunately the full faith and credit clause has rarely been used as anything more then an excuse to get a quick divorce. A man wants a divorce yet his wife does not or ... The man now moves back to his home state, and upon doing so this state must now recognize the legitimacy that Nevada has voided out the marriage. Even if the wife does not consent, the new state cannot do anything about it. That is what usually full faith and credit is used under. Legislation enacted by President Clinton from Senator Don Nickles of Oklahoma called the Defense of Marriage Act ( ...
5106: Richard M. Nixon
... was released from the Navy, and he and Pat lived a normal life. But 1946 was a year of many changes. On February 17, 1946, the Nixon's first child, Tricia, was brought into the world. Then, to add to his joy, Nixon was asked to be a candidate for congress on the Republican ticket. Naturally, he said yes. He was then nominated to be the Republican candidate for congress. His ... his family moved back to CA, where Nixon practiced law again for a short time. In 1962, he ran for governor of CA, but lost to Edmund G. Brown. In 1963, the Nixons moved to New York, where Richard joined a law practice with international clients. In 1964, Lyndon Johnson was elected President. He beat the Republicans by a landslide. In 1968, Nixon was nominated to be the Republican candidate for the Presidency. He would face Hubert Humphry. It was a close race, but Nixon wound up being the winner. During Nixon's first term as President, he accomplished many things. He passed strong new anti-crime laws, he had the military draft reduced then eliminated, he cut taxes, and he made progress with civil rights and equal opportunities for women. He also made great strides in foreign relations. ...
5107: The Samurais, The Ultimate Stoics
... Japan. Their code or “ Way of the warrior”, bushido(History of the Samurai-www),called for a life of duty, discipline and self control, on and as well as off the battlefield (History of the World-Houghton Mifflin Company- Boston288). His loyalty and bravery to his lord was much more important than his loyalty to his friends, family and even their emperor. Their philosophy was one of freedom from fear(World Surfari-www), and for these reasons, The Samurai were the ultimate stoic warriors. The word samurai was derived from the Japanese word for service, saburau(Grolier Electronic Publishing, 1993), for they served their masters faithfully ... would transcend their fear of death, this made them the stoic warriors that they were. As experts in fighting on horseback as well as on the ground they wore two swords. This was called Daisho(World Surfari-www). The long sword was called the daito-katena(Ibid.). It was more than twenty four inches long. The shorter sword was called shoto wakizashi. It was between twelve to twenty four inches( ...
5108: Muckraking Newspapers And Maga
... up in the magazines. In addition to the general news, literary works, and other “normal” features of magazines, there was the introduction of hard-hitting factual stories that screamed about the wrongs of society. This new type of journalism was called muckraking and those journalists that wrote in that style were known as muckrakers. Muckraking was a new type of investigative journalism that had rarely been seen before. Instead of the soft-spoken commentaries that were so common, the new journalism was filled with hard-hitting, well investigated facts. Muckrakers investigated the corruption of business, politics, and the labor movement and spread it all in front of their readers. They weren’t there to ...
5109: Lewis Carroll In Wonderland
... logician, photographer, and novelist ("Carroll, Lewis"). From the imagination of Lewis Carroll came Alice in Wonderland and many books like it created for children. These books have been compared and interpreted by adults around the world to get a better understanding of who Carroll was as a person. For ages children have enjoyed reading about Alice and her adventure but that story is not the only thing accredited to Carroll. Carroll ... a double state of reality; she sees that she exists "in" a fairy tale, yet fairy tales are magical and unreal like the ones she reads about. Therefore, through Alice, the reader sees Alice's world of fantasy as reality. Carroll uses dialogue in Alice in Wonderland to reflect the passionate feelings of his character Alice. At one point, in the story she exclaims that she is in the middle of ... passion, and went stamping about, and shouting 'Off with her head!', about once a minute (Collingwood 327). The use of true fantasy is used when examining the relationship between the mad croquet game in the world of the Red Queen and a normal croquet game in Alice's world in many ways parallels the relationship between Fantasy and Reality (Wallace 38-9). According to Eric Rabkin, (Quoted by George P. ...
5110: The Invention of the Airplane
... to all humankind. Their success came so suddenly and from such an unexpected quarter that their contemporaries could not believe the Wrights had done what they claimed. After all, if prominent scientists and engineers the world over had been confounded in their efforts to invent an effective airplane, how could two simple men from backwater America have succeeded? Like many fairy tales, the story also has a dark and unhappy ending ... the period 1894 to 1905. Although an occasional craft flew farther than 100 meters, this level of performance was exceptional. Unfortunately, inventors at the time were unable to capitalize on their success. Often times a new generation craft did not perform as well as its predecessor. Thus, the red regression line in Figure 1 is essentially flat. This tendency is usually true for individual inventors as well as the field as ... Knowing that, it is a simple matter to preserve the strengths and improve upon the weaknesses, making the overall design better and better. Most hopeful inventors employed the Design and Test strategy for invention. A new design was identified, the craft was constructed and then taken out to the field for testing. The results of the testing were used in making a new design, completing the loop. Figure 2 Figure ...

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