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5071: Lewis Latimer
... boy, earning a salary of $3.00 per week, to draftsman at $20.00. In the period immediately following the Civil War, important scientific advances occurred in America. There was an explosion of inventions and new uses of technology, and inventors were securing thousands of patents in growing industries. While working at the Boston firm, Latimer met Alexander Graham Bell who hired him to draw the plans for a new invention, the telephone. Bell was in a race to have his invention patented before anyone else registered a similar device. By working with him late at night, Latimer was able to provide Bell with the ... inventor. They had won the race! In 1880 Latimer began work as a mechanical draftsman for Hiram Maxim, an inventor and founder of the U.S. Electric Lighting Company in Brooklyn, N.Y. In his new job, Latimer was given the opportunity to become familiar with the field of electric incandescent lighting, an area in which there was fierce competition to secure patents. In addition to his work with light ...
5072: Open Arms
... first volume of her life is a singularly depressing record. In it we see her raising herself with groans and struggles form the intolerable boredom of petty provincial society (her father had risen in the world and become more middle class, but less picturesque) to be the assistant editor of a highly intellectual London review, and the esteemed companion of Herbert Spencer. The stages are painful as she reveals them in ... be understood’, she wrote in 1857, ‘that I should never invite any one to come and see me who did not ask for the invitation.’ She had been ‘cut off from what is called the world’, she said later, but she did not regret it. By becoming thus marked, first by circumstances and later, inevitably, by her fame, she lost the power to move on equal terms unnoted among her kind ... and the loss for a novelist was serious. Still, basking in the light and sunshine of Scenes of Clerical Life, feeling the large mature mind spreading itself with a luxurious sense of freedom in the world of her ‘remotest past’, to speak of loss seems inappropriate. Everything to such a mind was gain. All experience filtered down through layer after layer of perception and reflection, enriching and nourishing. The utmost ...
5073: Economic Recovery During The 1
... National Governments Response and other reasons for recovery. By examining these four areas it will hopefully become evident whether or not the reforms introduced by the National Government contributed to economic recovery. Depression was felt world wide especially in America and Britain. America was affected by the wall street crash more than other countries because many people held shares and due to prices falling were unable to pay their debts which ... and Northern Ireland. During this time of high unemployment figures peaked at 3 million. This level of unemployment stayed the same for a period of three years. Overall it can be seen that depression occurred world wide and that full economic recovery was going to be hard to achieve. It can also be seen that it was going to take a long time to achieve full economic recovery especially in areas ... involved the cattle industry and the sugar industry. Other reforms involved Nationalisation. This meant that some industries were take over by the government and had money injected into them. Industries affected by this were the new aircraft industry, some aspects of coal and transport in London. By injecting money into these industries employment was produced and worthwhile industries were saved. In 1934 an unemployment act was introduced. This act restored ...
5074: Collective Behavior
On Saturday, April 15, protesters gathered in Washington DC in opposition of the IMF and World Bank. The two institutions were to have their spring meeting this weekend and the approximately ten thousand protesters, whose main point is the elimination of poverty, paraded down the streets of DC The protesters feel that what the IMF and World Bank do not see the short term effects of their proposals for economic growth, which include unemployment and increased poverty. The protesters feel that the only people benefiting from such ideas are the large corporations ... were seriously injured, as was the case with protesters in Seattle in November. This was due to the fact that the Washington police prepared well in advance, securing the appropriate buildings as well as purchasing new riot gear. This event is an example of a social movement. This was simply an organized group of people that gathered for the purpose of resisting change (In this case, the strategies discussed by ...
5075: Tongan Mothers In New Zealand,
... promotion of Primary Health Care in 1978 (WHO/UNICEF, 1978), there has been an increase in the investment on child health monitoring, albeit insufficient, especially in deprived communities of both developing and developed countries. In New Zealand, monitoring of child health have been systematically developed through Plunket and Public Health nursing services (MOH, 1998). The focus has been the use of Well Child Health book (WCH). Over the years, the WCH ... because it's the same thing over again. One respondent said: It's the same old thing, why bother using the book. I am an old hand at it now. Another said: There's nothing new, so I'll just use it for the immunization; at least my baby's immunization record will be kept up to date. Another said: I stopped using the book after my first baby. I know ... s just too bulky. Sometimes I cannot fit it in the nappy bag so it gets left behind. Another said: It is much too thick for us mothers with many children because there's nothing new in it. It should be smaller in size for mothers with second, third babies etc. 5.2 Content All the participants stated that the content is fine for first time mothers but felt that ...
5076: Is Chivalry Alive Today
Chivalry is the type of thing that would be great to have in our society but I don’t believe that it exists too much anymore in the world today. Let me break down here some of the chivalry rules compared with the actions of the people of the current world. One rule of chivalry is that you have to honor and respect women. Back in the days of King Arthur this was carried out greatly but if you look at the lack of respect given ... not as respected as they should be. When you look at the cases of rape, assault, and battery you see just why the Knights were so honorable. There are some very honorable men in the world that treat women with respect and for that I commend them, but there are those who give men a bad name. The worst case of this that I have seen is when Bill Clinton, ...
5077: Extra-Terrestrial Civilizations
... Race) have only chipped off a flake of the great Pillar of Technology and Civilization. The question is: Are we alone? Are human beings the only possessors of eyes that search the night sky for new galaxies. The only builders of devices that extend the natural senses. The only owners of minds that think and derive the meanings of everything around them? And the answer is just possibly: We are not ... explore, fight and make peace, or are they completely different? It is all unknown... and it is all waiting to be found... The Search Within The early Astronomers believed that the Moon was a another world, with a entire new civilization at heed. The first person that took advantage of this well spoken of legend, was a reporter for The New York Sun, whose name was John Herschel (1792-1871), Herschel was interested in ...
5078: Societies Greatest Writer
How would the world of literature have been affected without the works of Ernest Hemingway? His work will have an everlasting effect on the people read his books. He was born in Oak Park, Illinois in 1898. He ended ... whom he viewed as selfish and domineering" (Schafer 2 of 6). After graduating from high school he worked as a reporter for the Kansas City Star. He later worked as an volunteer ambulance driver during World War I. This had a profound effect on his writing, "Hemingway's wartime experiences help suggest why his writing emphasizes physical and physiological violence and the need for courage" (Young 83). Some In his later ... Hemingway's life there have been many interesting and life changing events, each of them having their own effects on his life and personality. The most profound event in his life had to have been World War I. "Of tremendous impact to Hemingway's development as a writer was his ensuing participation in World War I as a Red Cross ambulance driver in Italy" (Schafer 2 of 6). He was ...
5079: The New Deal
The New Deal "How well did the New Deal combat the Depression?" I think that the answer to this question is that it did very well and I would give it a grade of an A. When Roosevelt took office, in 1933, he ... and the creation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. He also set up the Securities Act and the securities Exchange Act that were overdue regulations for the Stock Market. In order to enforce all these new acts, he started the Securities and Exchange Commission. These actions got the banks and the financial system started in the right direction of what would be a slow recovery process. Roosevelt's next objective ...
5080: AZT
... 1981 as doctors around the United States began to report groups of young, homosexual men developing a rare pneumonia caused by an organism called Penumocystis carini. These patients then went on to develop many other new and rare complications that had previously been seen only in patients with severely damaged immune systems. The Center for Disease Control in the United States named this new epidemic the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and defined it by a specific set of symptoms. In 1983, researchers finally identified the virus that caused AIDS. They named the virus the human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV. AIDS ... kill the patient. The second, and most serious problem with AZT is that it also goes into normal, healthy cells and will inhibit their reverse transcriptase enzyme and will therefore inhibit their ability to produce new, healthy cells. However, AZT does have an ability to specifically target HIV infected cells to a certain degree so that it does not kill each and every cell it gets into. However, it does ...

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