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5051: Collective Behavior
On Saturday, April 15, protesters gathered in Washington DC in opposition of the IMF and World Bank. The two institutions were to have their spring meeting this weekend and the approximately ten thousand protesters, whose main point is the elimination of poverty, paraded down the streets of DC The protesters feel that what the IMF and World Bank do not see the short term effects of their proposals for economic growth, which include unemployment and increased poverty. The protesters feel that the only people benefiting from such ideas are the large corporations ... were seriously injured, as was the case with protesters in Seattle in November. This was due to the fact that the Washington police prepared well in advance, securing the appropriate buildings as well as purchasing new riot gear. This event is an example of a social movement. This was simply an organized group of people that gathered for the purpose of resisting change (In this case, the strategies discussed by ...
5052: "Legalization of Marijuana"
... R.M.A.L." formed to fight for the right to smoke marijuana. Protests were formed and marches and festivals were held. On the other side of this was the government cracking down and forming new laws to keep it illegal. In the 1980’s the fight to legalize marijuana was decreased, but the groups like "N.O.R.M.A.L." were still around. Although the people weren’t so strong-willed to legalize it they still fought. New and harder drugs were now popular and marijuana wasn’t as "popular." In the early 1990’s the drug was once again popular after the side effects of the new drugs were seen. The drug’s popularity still increases today. Only there is more violence surrounding it in drug deals and gang wars. Although there would need to be regulations on it and new ...
5053: Capital Punishment: Right or Wrong?
... to their side. We must be careful though to never, even when suspicion may cause considerable doubts send an innocent person to be executed. It probably has occurred numerous times in the history of the world, but with proper police investigations it should be avoided. Yet, whenever the evidence shows that the individual is a threat to the peace of society as long as he or she is alive, capital punishment ... comes down to it, there is not reason that the death penalty should not be used and not used more often. Works Cited Black, Charles Capital Punishment: The Inevitability of Caprice and Mistake, 2nd edition (New York: W. W. Norton, 1976) Hugo Adam Bedau, The Death Penalty in America, Third Edition (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982); Berns, Walter For Capital Punishment: Crime and the Morality of the Death Penalty (New York: Basic Books, 1979 Haag, Erenest Van Den "Deterrence And The Death Penalty: A Rejoinder," ...
5054: Theme Developed Through Motif
... developed through motif. In the play Death of a Salesman, the main theme of the American Dream is developed through a character's motif, they are the constand stealing of Biff, the image of the new stockings and the pattern of the Loman's car. One of the most prevealent problems in the play is Biff's constant stealing. These events occured many times through the play and they eventually led ... dream is recurring because of the constant pressure to fit in and be like the norm. Another example that deals with the American dream and how it effects your motifs is the image of the new stockings. Linda Lowman, Willy's wife has had the same pair of holey stockings for months and she is constantly repairing those holes. These holes symbolize that the persuance of the American Dream can create ... pain and misery. As Linda is seen darning her stockins Willy gets very agraveaated because he feels that no wife of his should be doing this. He things he has all the money in the world to buy her new stockings. Although Linda never gets new stockings someone else does. The woman is a woman Willy meets with in Boston. One day while Willy was with her in the hotel ...
5055: A Long Way From Univac
A Long Way From Univac Adv. Eng. 9 Computers Can you imagine a world without computers? You most probably interact with some form of a computer every day of your life. Computers are the most important advancement our society has ever seen. They have an interesting history, many interesting ... Not willing to enter the IBM clone manufacturing market, Apple continued to make their own kind of computers. They made minor improvements on the Apple II line, but eventually decided they needed to make a new type of computer. They first introduced the Apple III in September of 1980. It was a dismal failure. The first buyers encountered numerous system errors and failures, because of a poor OS. Besides that, it ... 8,589,934,592 bits!). Floppy disks are for putting small amounts data on, and being able to take them with you. The old 5.25˛ disks held a few K of data, while the new 3.5˛ type holds 800 K or 1.4 MB. CD ROMs are relatively new. They have very fine lines on their surface read by a laser, and can usually hold 650 MB of ...
5056: Fly Away Peter
Dear Journal Jim, Jim, Jim - thinking about the senseless murder of Jim by men who never knew him or disliked him except for his nationality. I began to realise that the world is changing everyday and I can’t stop it. I started to stroll down the undulating dunes of the gold coast towards the vast desolate beaches. My feet sunk down into the sand and the ... to be continually dazzled and displayed appreciation for the birds or for anything that was found in this great and vast landscape. Jim was taken away before he could reach his shore and show the world what he could do. Just as the surfer had been tossed off the wave suddenly, it was as though Jim had one day just fallen off the edge of the Earth never to be seen ... and heads straight back out in order to find the perfect wave. Although Jim and I captured perfect moments I was never able to capture everything that made Jim special. I now know that the world will never be the same, “the past would not hold and could not be held.” The past will not influence what happens in the future, the social standing’s that separated the three of ...
5057: Collective Bargaining in the Workplace
Collective Bargaining in the Workplace Britain has one of the most developed systems of collective bargaining in the world, especially amongst manual workers. Its sophistication is one of the main reasons why British workers traditionally pressed less for the statutory provision of basic rights in the work place than their Continental colleagues. Most trade ... management rights clauses, shop stewards' facilities, redundancy, disciplinary and grievance procedures. This is the so-called ‘contractual function' of collective agreements. Also collective agreements can provide a joint policy for redundancies or the introduction of new technology providing consultation rights for trade union representatives as well as rights governing seniority, job guarantees and measures to avoid redundancies. Collective rather than individual bargaining with an employer is necessary for effective voice at ... best look after their employees' interests but they take great care in recruitment, selection, training, counselling and remuneration to keep employees sufficiently happy to be unattracted to trade unions. Recognition remains the threshold for various new statutory rights including information relevant to collective bargaining, consultation over redundancies and time off for trade union activities. There are many levels of collective bargaining. The agreements may be at a national level between ...
5058: Federalist and Anti-Federalist Views
... levy taxes would be in the hands of the people's representatives, who (theoretically) could be trusted to act with care on behalf of the people's wishes, and if this was not so, then new representatives could be elected. The Anti-Federalists raised uproar over the "necessary and proper" clause, which empowered the government to make all laws deemed "necessary and proper"; and the "supreme law of the land" clause ... where the institution of government had long-ago been established and the representative body maintained a static position from year to year, an annual election may have been sufficient; however, in the creation of a new union and entire new government, bi-annual election would hardly allow for abuse of power. The concern of the oppostion that a beginning House of sixty-five would be too few to adequately manage public interests was answered ...
5059: Citizen Soldiers: A Comparison
... Citizen Soldiers, by Stephen E. Ambrose, is an account of the hardships and triumphs of war endured by the U.S. Army and U.S. Army Air Forces in the "European Theatre of Operations" in World War II. The essence of the book lies in the stories of the GIs, the Junior officers, and enlisted men of the ETO- who they were, how they fought, why they fought, what they endured, and how they triumphed. These men forged the way for how the world is structured today at their own expense, some greater than others. This book ultimately ties into the history of the United States and Europe, by taking first person accounts of the war and combining them with military facts surrounding World War II. Ambrose's war novel is based upon the numerous letters, stories, and interviews of the American soldiers who fought in World War II. The reader is taken from the D-Day invasion ...
5060: A Liberal Arts Education
... students can observe the strengths and capabilities, as well as the limitations of each field of study. This allows the students to find connections between diverse fields of study, to explore them, and to discover new theories, thoughts, or inventions. It allows the students to investigate areas of intrigue and create new fields of study by blending subjects that compliment each other. With these new inventions, discoveries, ideas, and new methods of problem solving, society will advance in a positive direction. Standards of living will rise with these inventions and discoveries, making society more productive and more capable of ...

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