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5041: Different Forms of Government
... allowing it. Prevailing interest of the time did not welcome the Federal governments intervention in such places as commerce and labor relations. Amendments allowed congress to raise taxes and opened up a wide range of new legislation. The Great Depression and it's "New Deal" created many new systems that were completely new at the time such as Social Security, Unemployment insurance, and Bureaucracies to run these systems were created. The Framers intended for Small Government through the system of checks and ...
5042: The American Education System; Cause for Rebellion
... economic success of America will be in the hands of youth to unprecedented extent. It is time to invest in education in order to maintain the American way of life. In the competitive knowledge-based world of the twenty-first century, the education of America's youth will be more important than ever. More responsibility will be placed on schools because of greater diversity in classrooms, languages, preparedness, motivation, and the ... low graduation rates also ranked as one of the biggest problems facing public schools (Edmunds A2). Nowhere in this country are the problems facing schools more evident than in the nations largest school system. The New York City Public School system handles approximately 1.1 million students in the city's 1,085 schools. Many of those schools are old and in serious disrepair. In 1994 the graduation rate After four years of high school was a dismal 44.3%. That same year, more than half of New York's children scored below their grade level in reading, and almost half scored below their grade level in math. The overall dropout rate for all students was 18.7% (Mandel 52). With the ...
5043: McCarthy's Communist Witch-Hunt
... McCarthy was little known before gaining national attention with a speech in Wheeling, West Virginia, on February 12, 1950. In that address, McCarthy argued that the United States was denied the fruits of victory from World War II by treasonous subversives in the U.S. State Department. He especially blamed the 1949 Chinese communist takeover on treachery within the U.S. State Department. In that speech, McCarthy stated fifty-seven Communists ... pro-Russian films such as Mission to Moscow, North Star, and Song of Russia. HUAC ignored the fact that the films had been made at the urging of the Office of War Information after the World War II, to make Americans sympathize with their new ally. The committee interviewed actors like Robert Taylor, Ronald Reagan, and Gary Cooper and studio owners such as Walt Disney. Some witnesses testified to alleged subversive activities and named names of alleged communists. But ...
5044: Foreign Aid
... be used as a tool in bargaining. For instance a country that has just received foreign aid or is expecting to get their regular installment of foreign aid will be more likely to listen to new ideas. Because some countries are so dependent on their regular installments of foreign aid, they are willing to appease countries such as the U.S who are giving it. When looked at closely, foreign aid ... track. If that includes giving them aid in order to help feed their people, then that is what the U.S must do. Because reinstatement of the old regime would result in turmoil throughout the world. After communism was overthrown in the former Soviet Union the world went through big changes. There was no longer two world super powers, and all of a sudden a 40 year cold war ended. As stated the U.S. uses foreign aid as a tool ...
5045: Chechoslovakia And Hungary
... rule and encouraged a policy of diversion - played a significant role in the development of Hungarian resistance. While observing events in Czechoslovakia, the role of Dubcek s government should be emphasized, since it was their new program, which raised a significant enthusiasm in Czechs, to aim for a neutral course. One of the main reasons for the initiation of a certain alienation process in Hungary was the brink of an economic ... Union, Rakosi also made a strong emphasis on the build-up of Hungarian heavy industry at the expense of the rest of the economy. Likewise, Rakosi s successor, Imre Nagy, was to pursue Malenkov s new course , which aimed to divert the country s resources to light industry and seize the imposed collectivization of agriculture. The economic relaxation led to a corresponding intellectual relaxation. Intellectuals began to discuss not only the ... in January 1968 when the Czech leader, Antonin Novotny, a pro-Moscow communist, was forced to resign and Alexander Dubcek became the First Secretary of the communist party. Dubcek and his supporters had a completely new program, primarily the communist power would no longer dictate policy or dominate the political and social life of the state. Industry would be de-centralized, which meant that factories would be run by works ...
5046: The Treatment of a Women in Sports
... women engaging in an aggressive or even a “perspiring” sport was unthinkable. Throughout history women have been creating stepping stones to achieve parity in exposure in compensation that is provided in today’s male sports world. With the 1996 induction of the WNBA (Women’s National Basketball Association) a substantial leap was overcome, and the precedence of women in sports was changed not only for the 90’s but forever. Only ... making strives towards equality, and making progress in acknowledging females for their athletic ability, there are still many signs of sexism and poor treatment because of their endeavors. Even today with the press towards a new “equalitarian attitude” women athletes still encounter the old school view of the norm and the politics of a male dominated realm. This being the case women are still being ridiculed for playing sports. Many females ... down women in society. Is this sexism or “machismo” ever going to change? Through research I hope to grasp an understanding or the premise behind this type of treatment of women in today’s sports world. INTRODUCTION: Growing up it was understood that the girl’s part in sports was to be the cheerleaders on the sidelines, with pom-poms, short skirts, letter sweaters, and those funky white shoes. Girls ...
5047: Management's Achievement Claims Perspective
Management's Achievement Claims Perspective It is to no one's surprise that Coca-Cola is one of the world's largest companies. Fourteen years ago, Coca-Cola began building credibility to its investors by never over-promising, just consistently hitting long-term growth targets. In Great Britain, Coca-Cola surpassed two leading teas of ... the theory that people need 64 ounces of liquid everyday to survive. Right now, Coke only accounts for an average of less than two of those ounces. They believe that by adding strength to the world's strongest brand, it will help people make Coke a more frequent choice for those 64 ounces. The part of this Annual Report that I personally wanted to attack was the lack of sales in ... limit to your growth. He will not allow boundaries to be set. It is evident to me that Coke is not setting boundaries considering that they have a bottler in almost every corner of the world. Coke is focused on strengthening world wide markets and creating new ones. In this report, they state how the will improve sales in Nigeria, China, South Africa, and Canada. Of all the Financial Reports ...
5048: Littleton
It seems for the past week or so, the entire world (yes, world, when I was in Spain they showed news coverage of this 24/7 too) has been shaken up by the school shootings in Littleton, CO (I think thats the name of the town, though don ... this, and has exploited it for all its worth. I suppose with the impeachment trial over and done with, and the only thing remaining of that issue is a few jokes, the media needs something new to pounce on and make a dollar off of. And they have done just that. Everywhere I turn someone is talking about how terrible this tragedy is. Don't get me wrong, I think ...
5049: Technology is Changing Education
... discovering that computers and multi-based educational tools are facilitating learning and enhancing social interaction. Computer based telecommunications can offer enormous instructional opportunities, but educators will need to adapt current lesson plan to incorporate this new medium into all the classrooms. The only problem is that some of today's schools are hindered by an under-powered technology based curriculum and, in order to stay competitive, the American educational system must ... students and even in remote areas. Video conferencing allows groups to communicate with each other. Desktop video conferencing promises to bring student together from geographic and cultural distances face to face via computer. Students in New York City will be able to learn about a Chinese culture, not only through books, but also from Chinese students. Not only will the teacher talk to the students but the students will be able to interact with each other. This will make the students more interested and fascinated with learning about another culture. Not only does the Internet, and video conferencing help education, also Microsoft has created new programs for designed for educational purposes, Some of these are "Encarta World Atlas" and "Encarta Encyclopedia." "These two particular programs make learning easier and more enjoyable, all because of the use of the CD- ...
5050: Capitalism
... who accumulated large sums of capital. In addition, there was also a large emergence of banks and the start of corporations. (Galbraith Pg. 58) The only other economic system that got much attention was a new idea called Communism. A person named Karl Marx wrote a book called the Communist Manifesto which thought of the state as being the main controller of economic growth, unlike capitalism where the people in a free market are the main controllers of economic growth. In the 19th century when most of the world like Britan, France, Germany, and the United States were in the age of Laissez-Faire economic capitalism, other countries like the Soviet Union and China followed Karl Marx's Communism. (Galbraith Pg. 97) Modern Capitalism ... competitive than smaller businesses. An Austrian-American economist named Joseph Schumpeter who argued in defense of large corporations said, "the prime mover in capitalist progress is not the small businessperson but the entrepreneur who introduces new technologies and develops them." He also said "Capitalism gives creative people the freedom to make innovations, unlike state-runned economies which tended to stifle this creative force." He also predicted that capitalism would eventually ...

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