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5031: Search & Seizure In The Context Of Automobiles
... no warrant shall issue, but upon probable cause supported by oath or affirmation and particularly describing the place to be searched and the person or things to be seized." U.S. Constitution Amendment, IV. The New Jersey Constitution has a similar provision granting security to the citizens in their papers, houses, and effects. N.J. Constitution, Article 1, Section 7. The United States Supreme Court has held that searches and seizures made without the benefit of a search warrant are unreasonable unless they come within a very limited and proscribed number of exceptions to the warrant requirement. Coolidge v. New Hampshire, 403 U.S. 443, 91 S.Ct. 2022, 29 L. Ed. 564 (1971). One such exception involves automobile searches for contraband goods by a law enforcement officer. The Supreme Court has created this exception ... a search warrant when there is probable cause to believe that contraband goods are in an automobile. Such things as automobiles and boats can quickly be moved away before an officer can secure a warrant. New Jersey Courts also recognize that an automobile exception is required because the need of a search warrant is often unforeseeable when an automobile is inherently mobile. Carroll v. United States, 267, U.S. 132, ...
5032: The Presidio Trust
... end of their lifespans and will require extensive management to become sustainable. Ornamental landscape plantings are overgrown and need revitalization. And, years of human use and the introduction of plants from other parts of the world threaten native habitats that once thrived here. To preserve and restore the presidio's landscape and native habitats, the National Park Service, in partnership with the Presidio Trust and the Golden Gate National Parks Association ... plan is all well and good but without proper funding the presidio could never reach it potential. The presidio received this funding when congresswomen Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco took in interest in the relatively new national park. Congresswoman Pelosi , a senior Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee, received full committee approval form the U.S. Interior Department. This includes a total of 44.4 million for the Presidio trust, 24 ... Presidio to proceed at all deliberate speed toward the twin goals of preserving the national park and achieving economic self-sufficiency." Soon after President Clinton took notice and named the first Presidio Trust Board, installing new management concepts for the Presidio. This Trust will be responsible for all built-up areas of the former Army post and is initially assigned eighty percent of the land area. The National Park Service ...
5033: Economics: Turn Around is Fair Game
Economics: Turn Around is Fair Game America's size and prosperity have made it the largest consumer of imported products in the world. Brightly lit shopping malls adorned with the latest foreign-made apparel, gadgets and trinkets, testify to the vast selection of goods available for purchase. There is a dark side to this enormous quantity of choices ... make them is called dumping. Foreign governments subsidize the manufacturing processes of certain industries so their companies can displace the competition's industry. The television industry is a perfect example of subsidized dumping. The post World War II infusion of subsidized Japanese-made televisions, terminated the United States(U.S.) television manufacturing industry. In the late 1950's, half a million units crossed our borders, tax and tariff free. These television ... S. items in Taiwan. Economic principle tells us that free trade or freer trade will mean lower consumer prices, and, in the long term, job security in a stable, competitive economy. However, in the real world, the short term world, jobs are threatened by competition from abroad - no matter how fair that competition may be. The only way to achieve freer trade in the complex and delicate world of global ...
5034: Declaration Of Independce
... and influence in the governing of their country. In writing the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson was trying to break his ties with the harsh and non-democratic rule of the British and begin a new, equal society and government for America. Democracy is defined as “A system of government in which ultimate political authority is vested in the People.” The Declaration’s statement of equality and unalienable rights is very ... By eliminating the control of a monarchy, Jefferson envisioned a country where all men would have the opportunity to control their own destinies. Jefferson foresaw a government where individual rights would be recognized and the new government would represent the interests of all its citizens. In a democracy all these are possible to achieve. By writing this document, Thomas Jefferson was trying to separate himself and the great country he lived ... America to break away from Britain’s rule and become its own nation, which could govern itself. To do this, though, it was necessary to write some sort of document which would state to the world the basic beliefs on which the nation’s new government would be built. This document was the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson felt that Britain was doing nothing but hurting America with unfair rules and ...
5035: A Century Of Dishonor, a Triumph or Tragedy?
... the battle for the Native Americans that sadly went unnoticed. “What treaty that the whites ever made with us red men have they kept? Not one. When I was a boy the Sioux owned the world. The sun rose and set in their lands. They sent 10,000 horse men to battle. Where are the warriors to-day? Who slew them? Where are our lands? Who owns them? What white man ... pages whose major thesis is that the Indian policy of the United States defied the basic principles of justice” (Estes 246-247). Helen Hunt Jackson had determined to do a full-dress study at the New York Astoor Library, where she found more than enough information to present that knowledge to the 1880 Congress. “She presents her case in emotional narratives of the history of seven tribes, the Cheyennes, Cherokees, Delawares ... the hands of the authorities, military and civil, and also of the citizens of this country, it would take years to write and volumes to hold” (Jackson 29).The novel was then reviewed in the New York Times sixteen years after her death. “Of this story it is not necessary to say anything here. This edition is printed in large type on good paper and provided with the illustrations -most ...
5036: Harry Potter And Censorship
... in portraying life as it really is." Children are not fools. They understand what is going on around them and would simply not buy into a plot that had everybody happily holding hands across the world. Its unnatural, every one in the world has seen conflict, on the national scale and at home. Sexual content also tends to get books pulled off the shelves. Books dealing with homosexuality, and even sexual development are targeted. Daddy's Roommate by ... witchcraft for that matter. One of the main draws to the book for children is that it offers them an escape from reality. "It's really fun reading books that take you into a different world (Wilgoren, 5)." The book is a separate world for them and no matter how hard children try, they're not going to be able to cast any spells on people. The only danger that ...
5037: Marijuana
... countries where it is said to have been used for thousands of years in medicines to relieve pain, tension, and various physical ailments. From India, the use of marijuana spread to other parts of the world. It was first introduced to Europe in the 1850’s, but its use there was very rare until the last few years. Marijuana has a fairly long history of use in Mexico and Latin America ... rock musicians, also began smoking marijuana because they believed it inspired the creation of music. Cannabis sativa, also known as marijuana and a variety of other slang terms, grows wild in most parts of the world and is cultivated in some eastern countries for the drug use. The stem contains tough fiber, which can be used to manufacture hemp rope and cloth. Most of the drug is found in the resin ... of Marijuana Laws, NORML. This group is lobbying for the legalization of marijuana. There are many reasons a person may decide that they want to try marijuana, many do it to be in on something ‘new’; others find childish excitement in a secret or forbidden activity. Then there are those who just want a few moments of feeling high and at peace with the world. Whatever their reason may be, ...
5038: Irish In America
... United States has always been known as "The Land of Immigrants." People from all parts of the globe have traveled to America, to be free from oppression, disease, and hunger, or simply to start a new life. Many different people of different culture, race, and religion have made their mark and helped to shape the American culture. One of the most influential immigration movements in American History is the Irish Immigration ... Walt). The Irish men fought, in many cases physically to get labor jobs of long hours and low pay. The women worked manly as servants called "Brigets," to upper class families. In the south, mainly New Orleans, the Irish lived in the swampland, living with diseases such as yellow fever and malaria. The Irish men were looked at as lower than slaves, as one historian puts it "If a plantation owner ... a slave, he loses an investment, If a plantation owner loses a laborer he can just find another" (Walt). Because of this, many were put into very dangerous jobs. In cities such as Boston and New York, Irish immigrants were packed into slums and many still were dying as a result of hunger and disease. The Irish were discriminated against, mainly for being Catholics in an almost exclusively Protestant society. ...
5039: Is Chivalry Alive Today
Chivalry is the type of thing that would be great to have in our society but I don’t believe that it exists too much anymore in the world today. Let me break down here some of the chivalry rules compared with the actions of the people of the current world. One rule of chivalry is that you have to honor and respect women. Back in the days of King Arthur this was carried out greatly but if you look at the lack of respect given ... not as respected as they should be. When you look at the cases of rape, assault, and battery you see just why the Knights were so honorable. There are some very honorable men in the world that treat women with respect and for that I commend them, but there are those who give men a bad name. The worst case of this that I have seen is when Bill Clinton, ...
5040: The Importance of Literacy
... performance. Without basic literary skills in one's possession they will become lost in our rapidly changing society. The modern worker must be able to adapt to the changing job-scene. This often means gathering new skills and knowledge from printed material, whether instruction manuals, computer programs, or classroom training (text books). It is quite commonly the case that highly skilled jobs require a high level of literacy. Therefore, literary skill level is an important factor in predicting an individual's economic success. It will affect an individual's income, their employment stability and whether they even receive employment opportunities. Presently, our world revolves around literacy. Simply being literate allows one to continuously upgrade one's literary skills to a higher level. It allows one to stay informed of happenings in and around the world through mediums such as newspapers and magazines. Knowing current news about what is going on in this ever changing world of ours is the key to staying ahead. Another thought to ponder is this, ...

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