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Search results 4941 - 4950 of 22819 matching essays
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4941: Diplomacy at Work
Diplomacy at Work In today's world political society, the use of diplomacy is a tool that allows countries to work out their differences in an attempt to avoid war. Diplomacy is often one of the last steps taken by two nations ... and used President Clinton as their witness to the events. As one can see, the application of political terms to major political events is not difficult. One can take almost any term in the political world and find it being appreciated in the present day. Diplomacy is an excellent example of this because it is used so often in the world political system. There are many other examples of diplomacy being used in the everyday world. Businessmen use it to make a trade or sell an item. Policemen use it to get to the bottom ...
4942: Preaks Vs. Administrators
... from its beginnings, the Internet has always been abattlefield between phreaks and administrators.The Internet hasn't always been a public forum. In fact, the Internet has beenaround for years. The Internet is just a new fad ("The More I Learn" A1). TheInternet originally began as DARPANET, a government-created network, which wasdesigned for defense communications. The Net structure is such that it couldsurvive a nuclear war ("Internet History"). The creation ... sometimes they can be obtained for free ("Internet History"). Although some of the original universities have droppedoff the Net for various reasons, every major university in the United States,and now, most others in the world, have a connection to the Internet (Quittner61).Although it isn't easy for an individual to get a direct connection to the Net,many private institutions are getting connections. This is mainly due to thefact ... disconnected. Even if only two remain, the Net will continue to exist (Spencer, "Hacking McDonalds" 6).To ease of adding something to the Net is also a factor preventing the totalregulation of the Net. A new site can be added to the Net in a matter ofseconds, and can be removed just as quickly. It takes authorities considerabletime to trace a connection back to it's physical address, and if ...
4943: Ebola Virus In Depth Report
... outbreaks have occurred, but transmission among human populations has not been sustained. Despite considerable progress in our understanding of Ebola we have not identified its natural reservoir or the trigger for its re-emergence in new outbreaks in humans. The World Health Organization had reported 114 cases of Ebola infection and 79 deaths in a new outbreak centered in Kikwit, a rural town of 400,000 situated in Bandundu Province, Zaire, 1000 km from the location of the 1976 outbreak in Zaire. A cordon sanitary has been placed around the ...
4944: Twiggy
By: Elide E-mail: Sunshin985@aol.com “Twiggy” ” At 17 Leslie Hornby took hold of the world. At 21 she let it go, she was the original waif, a 60’s phenomenon a superstar. She was Twiggy” (Vogue). Leslie Hornby was the revolutionary woman who changed the idea of beauty in the eyes of the fashion industry and the entire world. Twiggy exemplified the androgynous mod look that swept America as it had Britain and much of Europe in the 1960’s. She healthily maintained a 5 ft 6 1/2 inch 90 lb body. Based ... highly successful restaurants, and made exercise tapes, clothes, calendars, posters, and many other products. The enterprising aspect of being a top model was started by Twiggy and that influence is commonly seen in the business world today. Twiggy’s next step in her career was to travel to the United States. Twiggy’s success soared when she made her first visit to America. On March 20,1967 the second she ...
4945: History 2
... in American history many will try to forget, but will be embedded in the minds of all. The Great Awakening was a time of spiritual revival from the bland, monotone speakers of the past. The new speakers were crazed with enthusiasm and used unheard of methods of preaching, which greatly upset “old lights” or orthodox clergymen. The Great Awakening caused the creation of many new denominations, preaching styles, and competitiveness in America’s churches. Jonathan Edwards was one of the first men to revolutionize the nation with these new preaching techniques. His most famous speech, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” gave a graphic depiction of what eternal damnation was like. He used an example of a spider hanging from its ...
4946: The US Monetary Policy
... goal does raise serious issues. One, is the definition of high employment. It obviously does not mean zero unemployment, as there will always be some frictional unemployment. This results from workers leaving jobs to find new ones, new entrants into the labor force, and from a geographical mis-match or occupational mismatch of workers and jobs. Even if an appropriate level of un-employment is determined, there is not a good statistical measure ... in the equity and reasonableness of social conditions in general. Page 6 Foreign Exchange Rate Stability The foreign exchange rate market has become so much more important in recent years, as the economies of the world have become more integrated, and foreign currency exchange rates have begun to affect even larger segments of the economy. Because ex-change rates are clearly dependent in some ways on the monetary policies of ...
4947: Frank Lloyd Wright
... roofs and extended lines that blend into the landscape. Between the year of 1903-1906, Wright began using more modern materials, such as concrete. In 1904, he designed the strong, practical Larkin building in Buffalo, New York. In 1905, Wright left the United States for the first time to travel to Japan for three months. In 1911, feeling too restricted by building primarily suburban structures, Wright began the construction of his new home and studio, located on his uncle s Wisconsin farm, called Taliesin (Welsh for shining brow ). No house should ever be on a hill or on anything. It should be of the hill. Belonging to ... disturbed; her accusations cause a lot of bad publicity for Wright, even leading to his brief arrest in 1926 on charges so violating the Mann Act. (The charges were related to his association with a new lover, Olgivanna Milanoff, who was threatened with deportation from the United States.) Another fire destroyed the Taliesin living quarters in 1925 (though without the loss of lives that had marked the earlier destruction in ...
4948: Plate Tectonics
... being regenerated. Convection currents beneath the plates move the crustal plates in different directions. The source of heat driving the convection currents is radioactivity deep in the Earths mantle. Advances in sonic depth recording during World War II and the subsequent development of the nuclear resonance type magnometer (proton-precession magnometer) led to detailed mapping of the ocean floor and with it came many observation that led scientists like Howard Hess and R. Deitz to revive Holmes' convection theory. Hess and Deitz modified the theory considerably and called the new theory "Sea-floor Spreading". Among the seafloor features that supported the sea-floor spreading hypothesis were: mid-oceanic ridges, deep sea trenches, island arcs, geomagnetic patterns, and fault patterns. Mid-Oceanic Ridges The mid-oceanic ... Seismic studies show that the mid-oceanic ridges experience an elevated number of earthquakes. All these observations indicate intense geological activity at the mid-oceanic ridges. Geomagnetic Anomalies Peridically, the Earth's magnetic field reverses. New rock formed from magma records the orientation of Earth's magnetic field at the time the magma cools. Study of the sea floor with magnometers revealed "stripes" of alternating magnetization parallel to the mid- ...
4949: To Have Intellectual Freedom Or To Be Censored
... that the “thought” is the most dangerous weapon for the security of the statehood. They try to exploit the people’s sensibility in that way. They think that there is only one truth in the world and that truth is theirs. They can not tolarate even the idea of existance of other truths so they censor everything and everybody that interrogate their truth. These people can’t accept that “düþünce özgürlüðü ... in order to show their different ideas about the state and its supremacy. Of course there is no way to support such illegal actions but the PKK and their actions all over Turkey and the world show that the censorship of freedoms does not conclude the conflicts and the contradictions among different political groups. Instead of this the conflicts increase become more complicated and unresolved. As Mr. Deðer(1995:213) explains ... do if Turkey wants to get economical support from the international organizations. Because all these countries can not stand any freedoms, especially intellectual freedom, of the countries they lend money. So Turkey, as a third world country, which needs the economic support of the imperialistic countries, should be very sensitive to the wishes of these countries. If we, Turkish people, want investments in our country and credits from the foreign ...
4950: What Is Sociology
... actions for structures. Mills termed the sociological analysis of actions the sociological imagination (Mills, 1970). This involves being able to think outside the box of taken for granted assumptions and look at actions in a new way, based on the reasons behind actions, for example what is the symbolic value of a particular action and what could the social and economic reason be for carrying it out. From this, a sociologist develops a social conscience and cannot, as Giddens suggests, be unaware of the inequalities that exist in the world today It would be strange if sociologists did not take sides on practical issues (Giddens, 1993: p23). To conclude, Sociology is the study of society. Sociology is as broad and intricate as society itself. Sociology ... Penguin: Hammondsworth Comte, A (1986) 'The Positive Philosophy' Bell and Sons: London Durkheim, E (1970) 'Suicide: A Study in Sociology' RKP: London Giddens, A (1993) 'Sociology' Blackwell: Oxford Hall, E (1959) 'The Silent Language' Doubleday: New York Haralambous, M (1991) 'Sociology: Themes and Perspectives', Collins Educational: London Kuhn, T (1962), The Structure of Scientific Revolutions University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London Marx, K (1963), Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts in ...

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