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4911: Pope Paul III: The Sixteenth Century Miracle
Pope Paul III: The Sixteenth Century Miracle Born into an Italian family, Alessandro Farnese soon to be known as Pope Paul III was a very remarkable man. Coming into the world in 1468, Alessandro received a very good education during his youth. He studied in Rome under Pomponius Laetus, and also in the gardens of Lorenzo de' Medici at Florence. He had a love for art ... sacred college with hardworking reformers, men like Gian Pietro Caraffa and Reginald Pole. He was also faced with; A crying need for reform of the clergy and the religious orders. Paul gave strong support to new orders and reforms to the old orders. He backed up reforming bishops who put their dioceses in order. (Bayer 440) On September 27,1540 Paul III approved the Society of Jesus. This was a group ... of the Church. The Catholic Reform opened the Christian faith to many people because of all the great decisions made by Paul III. The Council of Trent confirmed the Catholic teachings and set forth a new meaning of Catholicism. Paul responded to the needs of the church with able diplomacy, considerable resolution, and the first steps in the direction of a long- demanded reform. (729) Works Cited Bayer, Franz Joseph. ...
4912: A Farewell To Arms 5
... Hemingway, is a typical love story. A Romeo and his Juliet placed against the odds. In this novel, Romeo is Frederick Henry and Juliet is Catherine Barkley. Their love affair must survive the obstacles of World War I. The background of war-torn Italy adds to the tragedy of the love story. The war affects the emotions and values of each character. The love between Catherine and Frederick must outlast long ... Frederick becomes involved with Catherine Barkley. He slowly falls in love with her and, in his love for her, he finds commitment. Their relationship brings some order and value to his life. Compared to this new form of order in his life, Frederick sees the losing Italian army as total chaos and disorder where he had previously seen discipline and control. He can no longer remain a part of something that ... of this novel, Frederick realizes that he cannot base his life on another person or thing because, ultimately, they will leave or disappoint him. He realizes that the order and values necessary to face the world must come from within himself. Catherine Barkley is an English volunteer nurse who serves in Italy. She is considered very experienced when it comes to love and loss since she has already been confronted ...
4913: Mark Twain 3
... 1847, Clemens was apprenticed to two Hannibal printers, and in 1851 he began setting type for and contributing sketches to his brother Orion's Hannibal Journal. Subsequently he was a journeyman printer in Keokuk, Iowa; New York City; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and other cities. Later Clemens was a steamboat pilot on the Mississippi River until the American Civil War brought an end to travel on the river. In 1861 Clemens served briefly ... Twain reworked a tale he had heard in the California gold fields; within months the author and the story, The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, had become national sensations. In 1867 Twain lectured in New York City, and in the same year he visited Europe and the Holy Land. He wrote of these travels in The Innocents Abroad, a book burlesquing those aspects of Old World culture that impress American tourists. In 1870 he married Olivia Langdon. After living briefly in Buffalo, New York, the couple moved to Hartford, Connecticut. Much of Twain's best work was written in the ...
4914: To What Extent was Britain on the Verge of a Civil War in 1914?
... governmental diplomacy, and appealed to strikers to remember that Britains international situation was delicate. Lloyd George obviously sensed that a British crisis was impending, and this could weaken her ability in the event of a world war. 1912 was perhaps the crisis year in relations between the government and the trade unions. In this year the greatest number of days were lost through striking than ever before. There was a massive ... Workers Federation and Miners Federation were planning a massive strike for 1914 -which George Dangerfield felt would have stood Britain on the verge of revolution and anarchy- this was prevented when Britain entered the First World War. This period of trade union militancy had given rise to syndicalism, which, as Lloyd expressed, was one of the few attempts to apply an anarchist version of socialism in Britain. It can also be ... issue of the suffragettes was the ‘rumblings’ of a civil war. However, in 1914, Asquith was persuaded round to the idea of women’s suffrage and then, on August 4th 1914, Britain entered the First World War, and the suffragettes stopped their campaign to help the war effort. The crisis year, it seemed, was over, and the suffragettes had shown that in the final instance, they were prepared to put ...
4915: The Creation of the Universe
... cannot yet ascertain what was before this beginning, but we now know that there was one. To suggest that the universe has always existed is a mere myth today. Much like the myth that the world was once flat. Today, we take for granted that the world is indeed round, for have we not seen pictures from the space shuttle in orbit of the earth. Not to mention the multitude of orbital shots from satellites. Consequently we would consider it preposterous if someone attempted to tell us that the world is a flat surface. Yet, upon blind faith, some are content to believe that a "creative hand" structured this existence. Although the figures (Gods) differ from mythos to mythos, all the ancient stories intend ...
4916: Edgar Allan Poe 4
... and the Pendulum" actually was. "Though he lives on the brink of the pit, on the very verge of the plunge into unconsciousness, he is still unable to disengage himself from the physical and temporal world. The physical oppresses him in the shape of lurid graveyard visions; the temporal oppresses him in the shape of an enormous and deadly pendulum. It is altogether appropriate, then, that this chamber should be constricting ... a matter of art. There is a violent realism in his macabre writings unequaled by the Americans who worked in the same genre." Bibliography 1. Bloom, Harold, Ed. Modern Critical Views on Edgar Allan Poe. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1985. 2.Buranelli, Vincent. Edgar Allan Poe. Boston: G.K. Hall & Co., 1977. 3. Lawrence, D.H. Studies in Classic American Literature New York: The Viking Press, 1961. 4.Lawrence D.H. Modern Critical Views on Edgar Allan Poe. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1985. 5. Wilbur, R. Modern Critical Views on Edgar Allan ...
4917: The Artist And The Art
The Artist and the Art The history of art dates back to ancient times. Artwork can be, and was, found around the world. What makes art interesting is that it can be created in any way, shape or form with any materials. It seems that the artwork can also tell us a lot about the artist. Art seems ... can be observed in the High Renaissance. In April 1508, Julius II summoned Michelangelo back to Rome, but he was still not able to start on the papal tomb. In fact Julius II had a new job for him. It involved painting twelve figures of apostles and some decorations on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Buonarroti, who had always regarded himself as a sculptor, would now have to learn the art of the fresco . One of the many pieces found on the ceiling is ‘The Creation of Man’ which is known around the world. In this piece we can see the religious connection between the art and the artist. Michelangelo, a devoted Christian, believed in God and therefore decided to paint a picture depicting the creation of man ...
4918: TLO vs. New Jersey: When Is The Constitution Invalid?
TLO vs. New Jersey: When Is The Constitution Invalid? In the case of New Jersey vs. TLO, I rule in favor of the petitioner, the state of New Jersey. In this case, I found no reason in the claims made by TLO and her defense. They claimed that the search conducted by school officials was unconstitutional. These officials were searching her purse ...
4919: Vonnegut's Portrayal of Society in Breakfast of Champions
... dealt with as failure to communicate, ecological destruction, a contempt for art, and the government's inattention to important problems (Merrill 157). The experiences and trials of Kilgore Trout, an unknown science fiction writer from New York, and Dwayne Hoover, a Pontiac dealer from Indiana, show the suffering and unintelligibility of daily living (Giannone 107). Dwayne Hoover suffers greatly despite his apparent wealth and prosperity, being burdened with the problems of ... been infested with billboards and metal instructors yelling at us to buy this and do that and go here. Trout's travels take him through lands of great ecological destruction and pollution. His trip through New Jersey is dominated by views of poisoned marshes and meadows seen through the soot covered window of an eighteen- wheeler (107). As Trout enters Philadelphia, he describes the welcoming sign as being posted on the ... Earth's natural resources are being systematically destroyed by industrial greed (Giannone 109). While this is going on everyone sits at home on their couch, watching television in their homely suburban cottage, daydreaming of a new car or perhaps the soon-to-arrive mini-mall that will make everyone's life easier and solve the problems of the world. The scenes of ecological and human destruction shown through the experiences ...
4920: Existentialism 2
Existentialism Existentialism is one of the fastest growing worldviews in the world. Its new age ideas and down to earth thinking makes it very easy to follow, but as with all world views there are obvious flaws which cannot be hidden. Christianity expresses extremely different views to those of Existentialism. I find, and most of my peers also would find, that Existentialism is a very pessimistic ...

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