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4891: Marco Polo
MARCO POLO Marco Polo is one of the most well known heroic travelers and traders around the world. In my paper I will discuss with you Marco Polo s life, his travels, and his visit to China to see the great Khan. Marco Polo was born in 1254 in Venice. He was a ... enduring fame, very little was known about the personal life of Marco Polo. It is known that he was born into a leading Venetian family of merchants. He also lived during a favorable time in world history, when the height of Venice s influence harmonized with the greatest extent of Mongol conquest of Asia. Ruled by Kublai Khan, the Mongol Empire stretched all the way from China to Russia and the ... messages, the only spiritual gift Europe was able to furnish the great Kublai Khan was oil from the lamp burning at Jesus Christ s supposed tomb in Jerusalem. Yet, in a sense, Marco, the only new person in the Polos party, was himself a fitting delegate of the spirit of European civilization on the eve of the Renaissance. The lack of one hundred learned Europeans guaranteed that he would catch ...
4892: A Streetcar Named Desire: Analysis Of Blanche Dubois
Blanche Dubious, appropriately dressed in white, is first introduced as a symbol of innocence and chastity. Aristocratic, refined, and sensitive, this delicate beauty has a moth-like appearance. She has come to New Orleans to seek refuge at the home of her sister Stella and her coarse Polish husband, Stanley. With her nervous and refined nature, Blanche is a clear misfit in the Kowalski's apartment. Blanche represents ... cannot cope with life outside Laurel. Her life is a lesson in how a single tragic event can ruin the future; her refusal to come out of the time warp and cope with the real world, makes her unrealistic and flighty. At the age of sixteen, she fell in love with, worshipped, and eloped with a sensitive boy. She believed that life with Allan was sheer bliss. Her faith is shattered ... been different. But Mitch is not educated or intellectual and cannot understand Blanche's behavior, past or present. Since he sees things only as truth or lies, black or white, he deserts Blanche. Blanche's world is full of grays and pastel colors. She cannot stand a vulgar remark, a loud noise, or a harsh light. With Allan's departure, the light had gone out of her life, seemingly forever. ...
4893: Travelers Guide to Colorado
... it comforting to retreat to nature for a quiet and peaceful vacation. The information is unlimited. It just depends on what you want to find. "In Colorado, it's biggest city is it's capitol." -World Book Atlas 1993. The capitol of Colorado is Denver. Some of the attractions Colorado offers is: skiing, hiking, and exploring. These play a major role in Colorado's economic progression. The land in Colorado is ... more than those in Ohio, because of location. The eating places are numberless. Colorado has many places to eat like any other place. "Some of these smoke free restaurants are: (Denver) Café Paradiso, Kate's, New Orient, Viaggio, Walnut Café, Bluepoint, Cinnobon, Genhas Khan, Healthy Habits, Kokoro, Mint Café, Mountain Tower Café, Steak Escape, and Yoshio to name a few, (Aspen) Aspen Grove Café, Bahn Thai, Poppycocks, and The Silver City ... the next place to visit on the places to vacation list. So happy traveling and remember, use America Airlines, for the fastest and easiest way to get where you want to go."-Commercial Bibliography "Colorado." World Book Atlas. 1994 ed. "Colorado." Word Book Encyclopedia. Vol. 2 1988 ed. World Book CD-ROM. Computer software. World Book CD-ROM, CD-ROM "Lets go 1993 USA." World Book Atlas 1993, Colorado Comptons ...
4894: Hemp
Hemp PREAMBLE As we enter a new millennium, we find ourselves reevaluating the paths we've chosen and the decisions we've made. Have we made the best with what we've got or are we stumbling in the dark? How many ... status quo that has blinded and crippled our ability to realize this resource. INTRODUCTION A plant exists that is so strong that it can be grown without requiring chemicals in almost every part of the world. Many have touted this plant as a possible way in which to wean society from its dependence on fossil fuels for energy and the need to log forests for pulp, paper and wood. It is even said that this plant could adequately clothe and feed the world more efficiently and cheaply than we can do now! Why is this miracle plant not used if all evidence points to its versatility? The answer is bogged down in a century of law, sociology, ...
4895: Psychological Bond Between Infants and Parents
... will turn away. Usually these parents are inconsistent with the caregiving. A woman named Mary Main (Main & Solomon, 1990), suggested that a fourth group be added. It is called insecure disorganized. Mary Ainsworth created a new way to observe children and find out what type of attachment they had. It is called the Strange Situation. It usually occurs between the ages of a one year and one year and a half ... physical and/ or psychological safety and security. This stable tendency is regulated by internal working models of attachment, which are cognitive-affective-motivational schemata built from the individual's experience in his or her interpersonal world" (p. 8). Research has shown that 56% of adults are classified as having secure attachments, 25% are classified as having insecure advoidant attachments, and 19% are classified as having ambivalent attachments (Feeney and Noller, 1990 ... attachment Perspective. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 7, 147-178. Berman, W.H., and M.B. Sperling. (1994). "The Structure and Function of Adult Attachment." Attachment in Adults: Clinical and development perspectives. 204-231. New York: Guilford Press. Brennan, K.A., and P.R. Shaver. (1988). Attachment styles and Personality disorders: their connections to each other and to parental divorce, parental death, and perceptions of parental caregiving. Journal of ...
4896: The Bank of Montreal
The Bank of Montreal Today in the world, banks have become a part of everybody lives. The bank can help us with out personal and financial problems. Without them, our lives feel insecure, and without them, there can be a lot of difficulties ... it had a large capital base, an extensive branch system, and experience in government finance." (Canadian Banks And Global Competitiveness, p.38.) "The other two reasons are; it also had established and respected facilities in New York, and connections in London." (Canadian Banks And Global Competitiveness, p.38.) Therefore, the branch system of the Bank of Montreal totaled six hundred and seventeen services outlets by 1925. (Canadian Banks And Global Competitiveness, p.44.) The Bank of Montreal had their business world wide since the founding in 1817. The bank has grown to have ten hundred and one billion in U.S. in assets, and over thirty two thousand employees in Canada, the United States, and ...
4897: Extreme Roles
By: sia E-mail: siaboumis@hotmail.com Extreme Roles In every country, city, town and neighborhood in the world, there are stereotypes. We all live in a classified area where you can be regarded as rich, poor or middle class. Within those three types there becomes sub-categories, where ethnicity , gender and sexuality also ... Women willing to sacrifice themselves for the love of a man. Even a man whose love is completely without worth."(Act three, scene three, pg.92). Song knew from experience that men of the Western world loved submissive women who would do anything to please the man they were with. Femininity is displayed as weak and passive. In order to find a man, a women had to do anything, even accept ... fact that there husbands would find a mistress on the side. It was socially acceptable to be intentionally blind to what your husband was doing. The same also seemed to take place in the Western world as well, although not at such extreme cases.. Helga assumed that Gallimard took up a mistress while living in the Orient. Masculinity in this novel seems to be, the more women you have in ...
4898: The World as Will and Idea and Young Goodman Brown: Symbols
"The World as Will and Idea" and "Young Goodman Brown": Symbols The word symbol derives from the Greek verb symbolallein 'to throw together' and its noun symbolon 'mark, emblem, token or sign'. A symbol is an object ... are all involved in the devil's communion. Goody Cloyse who taught him his catechism, the Minister, Deacon Gookin, his father and mother, Faith and many of his fellow towns men and women. In 'The World as Will and Idea' (1819), Arthur Schopenhauer maintained that the 'desires and drives of men, as well as the forces of nature, are manifestations of a single will, specifically the will to live, which is the essence of the world. Since operation of will means constant striving without satisfaction, life consists of suffering and that only through controlling the will through the intellect can suffering be diminished'. Hawthorne portrays this magnificently in Young Goodman ...
4899: Malcolm X 4
... smarts and learned how people really worked. Also his autobiography shows how for some people prison can teach and really help people to rehabilitate their lives. Then how Malcolm finds a way out in his new found faith in Allah. The autobiography also shows how Malcolm sees the true light of the Muslim religion with his pilgrimage to Mecca. At first Malcolm grows up as a typical black child, but soon ... Malcolm how to live the street life. He also got Malcolm his first job, and showed him how to make extra money by hustling people at the ballroom. Shorty also introduced Malcolm to lots of new people, took him to parties, and even showed Malcolm how to dress. Shorty also gave Malcolm his first conk, which Malcolm eventually seen as a black man trying to look white. Shorty I think was one of the few people that Malcolm trusted because and felt that was really his friend because when Malcolm returned to Boston, Shorty was the first person that he looked up. Harlem, New York was where Malcolm got his hustling almost down to perfection. This is where he seen even more how all the white people wanted to be where all the blacks were. Malcolm was well ...
4900: Ozone
... and ultimately reduction in crop yields, forest annual increments and a general decline in forest ecosystem health. The UV-B radiation also causes the potential for the decrease in the populations of phytoplankton in the world's oceans, causing yet more problems when one analyzes phytoplankton in the oceans food chain (Clair, 1996). Humans are responsible for almost all activities and pollutants that deplete the ozone layer. Humanity has damaged the ... refinement of the timetable as the on-going process of scientific understanding on ozone depletion improved, the phase-outs cloud be expedited. In the spring of 1989, eighty countries met in Helsinki, Finland to assess new information. Unanimous agreement to a five point "Helsinki Declaration". The Declaration stipulated that all countries join both the Vienna convention for the protection of the ozone layer and the Montreal Protocol, phase out of CFCs ... five measures being taken to control Canada's ozone depleting substances: ¨Canada's ozone depleting substance phase-out plan, developed as a result of the Montreal Protocol, has accomplished many of its goals already. ¨Most new cars with air conditioning manufactured in Canada are now fitted with hydrofluorocarbon air conditioning systems that use HFC-134a (hydrofluorocarbon 134-a). HCFCs and HFCs have been introduced to replace CFCs. On average, HCFCs ...

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