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4881: My New Car
My New Car In September I bought one of the best cars I’ve ever owned. A Pontiac Grand Am. My new car is a unique shade of Gray called “SilverMist”. With four doors and a 2.4 engine, i believe my car is one of the best in it’s class. Not only is my new car stylish , but it’s also well-built. It’s made with a full frame structure, a solid underbody, and rear-end suspension. The Pontiac Grand Am is specially proportioned to ride smooth and ...
4882: Implementing A CAD System TO Reduce Costs
... TO Reduce Costs Introduction This report will analyze a proposal on how Woodbridge Foam could become more competitive through improvements in technology. This includes the saving of the companies money, shortening the design time for new products, decreasing quoting time and improving quality overall. By implementing a company wide CAD system, which would be networked together with each customer and all plants, these improvements could be achieved. Research will include interviewing ... need to transfer large drawings using mylars would cease to be, thus helping provide a paper less environment. Another improvement as a result of CAD would be that of achieving much tighter tolerances in building new products. Using a CAD system, part designs could be received in an electronic format such as a math model. These models are currently in use by customers such as GM, BMW and Mercedes. The effect of having math models of all new products would enable a quicker turnaround in both quoting and production of products. CAD Vendors & Hardware Suppliers: Upon observing the various systems used by several customers and suppliers, the major CAD vendors worth consideration ...
4883: The Constitution: Discord And Tension In 1850
... shape our country. However, compromises such as the Fugitive Slave Law, Popular Sovereignty, and the slave trade all led to disunify our country. The large populous states naturally wanted the number of representatives in the new Congress to be based on population. The Virginia Plan provided that there would be two houses of Congress and that in each one representation would be based on population. Like many other ideas that have ... compromises came on slavery and on the control of commerce. The southern states, where the slaves were really treated as property, still wanted the slaves counted as people for the purposes of representation in the New House of Representatives. Some delegates argued that if one kind of property was counted for representation, other kinds should be too. This issue was resolved when slavery and taxation were linked. It was assumed that ... it was a slave state. The gold rush and the influx of about 10,000 settlers into California created the need for law and order in the West. In 1849, Californians a constitution for their new state- a constitution that banned slavery. Even though President Taylor was a slaveholder himself, he supported the immediate admission of both California and New Mexico, as free states. Some southerner extremists met in Nashville ...
4884: The Nation’s Sectional Discord And The Unity Within The Nation
... shape our country. However, compromises such as the Fugitive Slave Law, Popular Sovereignty, and the slave trade all led to disunify our country. The large populous states naturally wanted the number of representatives in the new Congress to be based on population. The Virginia Plan provided that there would be two houses of Congress and that in each one representation would be based on population. Like many other ideas that have ... compromises came on slavery and on the control of commerce. The southern states, where the slaves were really treated as property, still wanted the slaves counted as people for the purposes of representation in the New House of Representatives. Some delegates argued that if one kind of property was counted for representation, other kinds should be too. This issue was resolved when slavery and taxation were linked. It was assumed that ... it was a slave state. The gold rush and the influx of about 10,000 settlers into California created the need for law and order in the West. In 1849, Californians a constitution for their new state- a constitution that banned slavery. Even though President Taylor was a slaveholder himself, he supported the immediate admission of both California and New Mexico, as free states. Some southerner extremists met in Nashville ...
4885: America: One Nation
America: One Nation Through struggle and turmoil, past and present, America remains one nation. It has not been easy though. In the twentieth century alone, two world wars, two wars in Asia, one depression, and a couple of earthquakes have shaped the United States and her social and political views. Now I am not writing this paper about Richter scales. And though the Great Depression was a very rough time, I am arguing the impact of the Vietnam and Second World War on American society. World War II was a war the people wanted. When the war had been brought to American soil at Pearl Harbor, war was declared on Japan. The war ended with the allied forces rampaging through ...
4886: How the 60's Changed Our Lives
... people of the hippie generation despised phoniness, dishonesty, and hypocrisy. Rather, they appealed to openness, love, honesty, freedom, and the innocence and purity of their childhood values. To themselves, they were the dawn of a new society in America. A psychedelic society, almost utopian, in which love would be everywhere and people would help each other. (O'Neill 127) Drugs were very quickly associated with the hippies. You could often see ... Student Nonviolent Coordination committee, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, War Resistors League, and Women Strike for Peace, to name just a few (DeBenedetti XV-XVI). Demonstrations on November 5-8, 1966 in New York, played a large part in linking the hippies with the anti-vietnam movement. About 3,000 hippies gathered in downtown New York and marched to the city's rally of 10,000. They were dressed in old clothes, largely military, had "outrageous hairstyles" and were carrying an enormous stage prop Yellow Submarine. The hippies made ...
4887: What Really Happened at Roswell, New Mexico?
What Really Happened at Roswell, New Mexico? What happened in 1947 at Roswell, New Mexico? Some say an extra- terrestrial space-craft crash landed at a nearby air base. The military, on the other hand, says that it was only a weather balloon. Weather a balloon or a spaceship, the Roswell Incident has become a story of epic proportions. In the first week of July, 1947, something strange happened in Roswell, New Mexico. This incident took place at a ranch northwest of the small desert town, where the wreckage of the supposed “flying-saucer” was found. This wreckage was first found by a local rancher, Mac ...
4888: Comparison of Herbert's "Dune" and Asimov's "Foundation Series": Effects of Technology and Belief Systems on the Individual
... on the infinite earths and beneath them." As technology evolved on Arrakis, so did religion and social behavior. The idea of God being a machine and infinitely logical was overthrown by the masses and a new concept was raised "Man may not be replaced." Throughout the decades, the leaders of the several religions met to exchange views due to all the wars that followed in the name of religion. When interstellar travel was achieved, a new commission was formed known as the Commission of Ecumenical Translators. This commission's goal was to weed out the true, one, and only revelation. The people of Arrakis did not invite the idea of a commission made to form all religions to one final religion. When this new bible was formed, eighteen of the commission's delegates were killed. Finally, in the errors that sprang from this commission, came the man known as Muad'Dib. The people were overjoyed to see that ...
4889: A Streetcar Named Desire
... of Blanche Dubois Blanche Dubious, appropriately dressed in white, is first introduced as a symbol of innocence and chastity. Aristocratic, refined, and sensitive, this delicate beauty has a moth-like appearance. She has come to New Orleans to seek refuge at the home of her sister Stella and her coarse Polish husband, Stanley. With her nervous and refined nature, Blanche is a clear misfit in the Kowalski's apartment. Blanche represents ... cannot cope with life outside Laurel. Her life is a lesson in how a single tragic event can ruin the future; her refusal to come out of the time warp and cope with the real world, makes her unrealistic and flighty. At the age of sixteen, she fell in love with, worshipped, and eloped with a sensitive boy. She believed that life with Allan was sheer bliss. Her faith is shattered ... been different. But Mitch is not educated or intellectual and cannot understand Blanche's behavior, past or present. Since he sees things only as truth or lies, black or white, he deserts Blanche. Blanche's world is full of grays and pastel colors. She cannot stand a vulgar remark, a loud noise, or a harsh light. With Allan's departure, the light had gone out of her life, seemingly forever. ...
4890: Effects Of Poverty
By: Anonymous The Effects of Poverty in Our World All over the world, disparities between the rich and poor, even in the wealthiest of nations is rising sharply. Fewer people are becoming increasingly “successful” and wealthy while a disproportionately larger population is also becoming even poorer. There are ... children live in poverty, and a half a million people are homeless (Shein: 1998, 13). It is statistics like this that says our economic system depends on inequality in order to survive. How would this world be if the wealth were evenly spread out for all to share? What would we do without poverty? Our society has been deeply divided for so long that I think change would be too ...

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