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4781: Law of Nations: An Overview
... of this paper addresses the type of law that operates in creating potential boundaries for the behavior of states. This law is called the Law of Nations or international law. Patrick Moynihan, a senator from New York, has written a book on this subject called On the Law of Nations. His book argues that states need international law to monitor their actions and to maintain order. He also notes the frequent ... United States is moving away from its long established concern for and advocacy of international legal norms of state behavior." The implication of the United States' departure is extremely troubling. The decline of universalism in world politics can be seen through the example of the United States. Moynihan has no trouble in finding examples in recent history to support his argument. During the Bush Administration two examples are cited of unilateral action condoned by the United States, which are violations of international law. The first is the precedent allowing the Federal Bureau of Investigation apprehend fugitives of United States law anywhere around the world. This violates the principles of sovereignty and jurisdiction. The second example is the United States' raid on the home of the Nicaraguan embassador in Panama. This clearly violates the idea of extraterritorality. These actions ...
4782: Secure Electronic Transactions
The Internet is a revolutionary new exciting tool that puts large amounts of information at the click of a mouse. Logging on the Internet is like walking through the biggest shopping mall. It allows you to buy tickets for concerts, reserve ... week, 24 hours a day]. The Internet offers a variety of bargains. The Internet is a great place to do some comparison-shopping. Instead of going from store to store, you can navigate through the World Wide Web with the comfort of being at your own home. Before you buy a certain item, you can receive product information and give yourself a price comparison from many different resellers. Another feature of ... or encrypt your personal data before you send it to your merchant. SSL technology shows you that your Web site is secure when an unbroken key or a lock appears in your browser window. For new technology online security, Visa has partnered with other technology industries to develop. A new form of transactions called, SET. This emerging industry standard will make online transactions safer than ever. New online merchants are ...
4783: The Navajo-Hopi Land Dispute
... among the tribes and to establish a protected homeland for the Hopi. Instead, it effectively set the stage for a convoluted century-long dispute. From 1882 on, no real problems occurred until one of the world's densest deposits of accessible coal - representing about $10 billion in revenue - was discovered in the 1950s beneath land occupied by both tribes (Wood 1999), an area later established as the "joint-use area" (JUA ... of circumventing their inevitable eviction after the February 1st deadline. While many of the Dineh elders hold the Hopi accountable for their quandary, and many traditional Hopi view the resisting Dineh as the trespassers, a new attitude of community is emerging. From the elders who always remembered a peaceful relationship of trade within the JUA prior to 1974 to many of the younger generation who have been schooled in US universities ... still revere traditional teachings, a common view is being recognized. Many are beginning to view the dispute not as a Hopi vs. Navajo issue, but rather a US government vs. Hopi and Navajo issue. This new resolve does little to alleviate the impending pinnacle of conflict when the legally backed Hopi and Bureau of Indian Affairs forcibly relocate the Dineh this February. However, there remains a glimmer of hope for ...
4784: Cellular Radio, Isdn Networks And Satellite Communications
... are: 1. TACS This system is an analogue system in which the voice is transmitted by radio from the telephone to the nearest base station in analogue form. Analogue systems are at present throughout the world but each Country would have different standards. So a user can not use the phone in a different country, also as the signal it transmits is in analogue form the calls can be monitored quite ... as it’s normally in digital form. e. GSM has higher voice quality in areas where the radio strength is low. For these reasons the old system (TACS) is slowly on its way out. The new technology is taking over. There are currently two GSM operators in Ireland, ESAT and Telecom, with Meteor starting operations in early 1999. How does a cellular radio system work? Mobile telephone networks use a system ... notifies the MSC. The MSC then sends a signal to the base station in the cell that the user is about to enter informing the station that the mobile phone is entering that cell. The new base station then sends a signal to the mobile phone with a new frequency. The mobile phone tunes into this frequency and the call continues uninterrupted. This process is known as a “hand-off”. ...
4785: The Year 2000 Problem
... but also they are paying millions upon millions of dollars in order for computers to recognize the difference between the years 2000 and 1900. The year 2000 computer bug is a huge problem that our world must face. In order to explain how to solve the “millennium bug”, it is a good idea to be informed about exactly what the year 2000 problem is. The year 2000 industry expert, Peter de ... 2000 problem, an addition to the obstacle. Combined, they form what seems more like a hideous monster than an insignificant bug. The impact of Y2K on society is enormous, bringing the largest companies in the world to their knees, pleading for a fix at nearly any cost. “The modern world has come to depend on information as much as it has on electricity and running water. Fixing the problem is difficult because there are [less than] two years left to correct 40 years of ...
4786: Sir Francis Bacon
... marks such as the Instauratio Magna (Great Restoration), setting forth his concepts for the restoration of humankind to mastery over nature. It was intended to contain six parts: first a classification of sciences; second a new inductive logic; third a gathering of empirical and experimental facts; fourth examples to show the effectiveness of his new approach; fifth generalization derivable from natural history; and a new philosophy that would be a complete science of nature. Bacon completed only two parts, however, the Advancement of Learning in 1605, later expanded as De Dignitate et Augmentis Scientiarum (On the Dignity and Growth ...
4787: Social Darwinism
... that species mutated over time has been around for a long time in one form or another. Therefore, by Darwin's time the idea that species change from one type into another was surely not new, but was rejected by most because the proposers of evolution could not come up with a satisfactory mechanism that would explain this change. The most influential evolutionary theories prior to Darwin were those of Lamarck ... year at Cambridge Darwin read two books which influenced him greatly, Herschel's Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy, and Von Humboldt's Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent. Darwin later confessed that these books inspired in him a burning zeal to add even the most humble contribution to the noble structure of Natural Science. In 1831 Darwin graduated from Cambridge, and as ... scientific expedition that would survey the southern coast of Tierra del Fuego. Darwin accepted the proposal, and sailed from England aboard the famed Beagle on December 27, 1831. His job was to collect and catalogue new species so that they could be sent back for further research in England. It is commonly thought that Darwin used the voyage to test his theory of evolution, but this is highly unlikely. At ...
4788: A Comparison Of Male Juvenile Sex Offenders With Delinquent Non-Offenders
... this area has not been thoroughly researched, specifically since the actions of juveniles in general have been rarely taken seriously. Now that this population is beginning to represent a significant statistical value in the crime world, it is of the utmost importance to intervene as early as possible. The proposed study is designed to compare four main aspects (physical/sexual abuse, family functioning, psychiatric tendencies, and educational achievements) of the lives ... C. A., & Twigg, D. A. (1993). Sexual Assault Through the Life Span : Adult Offenders with Juvenile Histories. In H. E. Barbaree, W. S. Marshall, & S. M. Hudson (Eds.), The Juvenile Sex Offender (pp. 104-117). New York: The Guilford Press. Barbaree, H. E., Hudson, S. M., Seto, M. C. (1993). Sexual Assault in Society: The Role of the Juvenile Offender. In H. E. Barbaree, W. J. Marshall, & S. M. Hudson (Eds.) The Juvenile Sex Offender (pp. 1- 24). New York : The Guilford Press. Federal Bureau of Investigations (1987). Harris County Juvenile Probation Department,(1993) Annual Report. Houston, Texas. Harris County Juvenile Probation Department,(1994) Annual Report. Houston, Texas. Kaplan, M. S., & Becker, J. ...
4789: Marijuana Should Be Legalized
... passed legislation permitting medical use of Marijuana, (welcome California!)· Legalize it * Marijuana is the name given to any drugs made from the hemp plant, Cannabis. Forms of marijuana are known by different names throughout the world. In Western countries, particularly the United States, it is known as grass, pot, tea, reefer, weed, and Mary Jane. Marijuana can be smoked through a pipe, or it can be rolled into a cigarette (Grolier ... from bad alcohol (End Nightmare). This is true today. Some marijuana contains harmful chemicals. However, if it were made legally, these harmful chemicals would not be included in the marijuana. When alcohol was banned, a new wave a crime and violence was created by bootleggers conducting turf wars with one another. when prohibition ended, so did the violence caused by the bootleggers (Violence). Now, alcohol is legal for adults and there ... the legalization of marijuana is that of the USA's prisons. Drug users and dealers are crowding Federal prisons. They mostly are users of marijuana, and account for 60% of all prisoners today. Because of new anti-drug laws, these prisoners can be jailed for up to 30 years, and most are, even for minor crimes. If our country's prisoners were businesses, they would the envy of all other ...
4790: Being Good
... B people's impression 1 formal impression 2 common impression C thesis II History of Etiquette A old British style B Post family 1 original 2 extended C how rules have changed from old style / new ones not used III Kinds of Etiquette A common sense aspect B formal aspects 1 social 2 business IV How and when it is used A when the right time is B what situations require ... social occasion, business engagements have a set of laws to be governed by. These rules are more closely followed, though, because meetings involving business relationships are more formal. For instance, when meeting a potential or new business partner, a business card should be given (Kenedy, 34). These should never be given otherwise, unless asked for. “Your friends know where to find you, and the rest of the world doesn’t matter (Kenedy, 34).” When socializing in a business setting, the rules of conduct are shifted slightly. A more formal composure is expected to be taken on. Arguments are to be avoided at ...

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