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4721: The Millennium Bug
... affected, but they are paying millions upon millions of dollars in order for computers to recognize the difference between the years 2000 and 1900. The year 2000 computer bug is a huge problem that our world must face. In order to explain how to solve the "millennium bug", it is a good idea to be informed about exactly what the year 2000 problem is. The year 2000 industry expert, Peter de ... 2000 problem, an addition to the obstacle. Combined, they form what seems more like a hideous monster than an insignificant bug. The impact of Y2K on society is enormous, bringing the largest companies in the world to their knees, pleading for a fix at nearly any cost. "The modern world has come to depend on information as much as it has on electricity and running water. Fixing the problem is difficult because there are [less than] two years left to correct 40 years of ...
4722: Hume: Matters Of Fact And Rela
... definition of relations of ideas is that they are the knowledge which is "either intuitively or demonstratively certain"(132). They are universal truths that include mathematics and geometry, and do not actually exist in the world except in the form of ideas (132). Matters of fact, on the other hand, require investigation in the real world, and are completely uncertain because the contrary of every matter of fact is equally possible and conceivable (132). Hume sets out to discover that which makes us believe any matters of fact that exist beyond ... have is relations of ideas but they do not actually tell us anything to explain ultimate causation. Breaking down all thought into two categories has shown that we can never reason about anything in the world such as if the sun will rise, because our only forms of reasoning tell us nothing for certain. This is a very important part of Hume's "sceptical doubts" about induction from past experience ...
4723: Liberalism And Anticlericalism
... such an important aspect of liberalism in France and Italy in the second half of the nineteenth century? The mid-nineteenth century was a time of great change throughout Europe. Revolutions and social upheavals meant new ideologies and perspectives coming to the forefront as existing social orders began to crumble under popular pressure. Liberalism was one of these new causes, designed to make a fairer and more benevolent society for all its sectors. However Liberalism could not succeed in a church dominated state. Thus anti-clericalism came to become a symbolic part of the ... as the estate system. Freedom of speech, freedom of press, and free trade were another liberal demand, as well as equality before the law, with open trials free from influence or interference. To accompany the new franchise system would be upgraded education and economic development to civilise the new nation. The liberals were not necessarily atheists or even opposed to Christianity all, so why did anti-clericalism become such an ...
4724: Tenskwatawa
... in Tecumseh's village. Lalawethika's transformation from a lazy drunkard into a powerful spiritual leader came after a dream in which he claimed to have been visited by the Great Spirit. He proclaimed his new name to be Tenskwatawa meaning "The Open Door." White settlers began to call him The Prophet because he said the gods had shown him the path to salvation for his people. This new religion called upon Natives to reject white culture and return to the traditional way of life. Tenskwatawa gave up alcohol and urged his followers to do the same. The distinguished changes apparent in Tenskwatawa immensely supported his new way of life. When those sent by The Master of Life took Lalawethika in his dream, they showed him a very fertile land full of game as well as a large wigwam where eternal ...
4725: The Cuban Missile Crisis
The world was at the edge of a third world war. This was the result of a variety of things: the Cuban Revolution, the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion, US anti-communism, insecurity of the Soviet Union, and Cuba’s fear of invasion ... instead of air-strike and Khrushchev’s decision to abide by the quarantines were perhaps the two most significant decisions made by the leaders in order to prevent war. The Cuban Missile Crisis showed the world that compromising and discussion can in-fact prevent war. As Khrushchev said in 1962, "They talk about who won and who lost. Human reason won. Mankind won." 1 The world had almost seen another ...
4726: Treatments of Alcoholism
... Nutritional Therapy "Alan Dalum was 37 years old and thoroughly convinced he was soon going to die. Dalum was not dying of cancer, heart disease or any other illness from which one can leave the world with dignity. Dalum was dying of alcoholism." (Ewing, 1978) Just when he lost all hope for recovery, Dalum discovered a center that emphasized the importance of biochemical repair in alcoholism recovery using nutrients and herbs ... be undone with psychological methods alone?" (Ewing, 1978) The Health Recovery Center is devo ted to the restoration of bodies, minds and spirits that have been ravaged by alcohol. Such restoration begins the moment a new patient walks through the door. After the staff physician takes a thorough medical history and performs the initial physical exam, the patient is hooked up to an IV solution, out of which drips high doses ... vitamins (which help eliminate withdrawal symptoms), evening primrose oil (a natural anticonvulsant) and a full spectrum of amino acids including glutamine (an alternative form of glucose that significantly diminishes cravings). While conventional programs frequently numb new patients with drugs like Librium and Valium to help ease withdrawals (and later must wean patients off of them), HRC's formula is entirely natural. "The sum total of it all is that people ...
4727: Ovarian Cancer
... 289). Occasionally, a renal cell carcinoma metastasizes to the ovary and may be confused with a primary clear cell adenocarcinoma. Ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma (OCCA) has been recognized as a distinct histologic entity in the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of ovarian tumors since 1973 and is the most lethal ovarian neoplasm with an overall five year survival of only 34% (Kennedy, 342). Clear cell adenocarcinoma, like most ovarian cancers, originates ... malignancies, but exhibited an extremely low reactivity with other malignancies. MAb 12C3 detected a novel antigen whose distribution in normal tissue is restricted. According to Yamada et al, MAb 12C3 will serve as a powerful new tool for the histologic detection of early malignant changes in borderline epithelial neoplasms. MAb 12C3 may also be useful as a targeting agent for cancer chemotherapy (Yamada, 293-294). Currently there are several serum markers ... inhibin. Recently the urinary gonadotropin peptide (UCP) and the collagen-stimulating factor have been added. Although the tumor markers have a low specificity and sensitivity, they are often used in screening for ovarian cancer. A new tumor marker CA125-2 has greater specificity than CA125. In general, tumor markers have a very limited role in screening for ovarian cancer. The common epithelial cancer of the ovary is unique in killing ...
4728: Medieval Chivalry
... him and managed to drive them off. Out of all the skilled and talented knights that exited during this time, William Marshall was the most skilled and renowned. Hanuka, 12 the medieval age introduced the world to chivalry. Ideas of courage, kindness, and intelligence, gave the citizens something to believe in. The period during which chivalry flourished the most was the most barbaric time on our history. Corruption, torture and treachery ... flaws, it was an integral part of the development of society beginning from the early twelfth century. Chivalry has developed over the years and still exists today. Works Cited Barber, Richard. The Knight and Chivalry. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1970. Boutlon, Jonathan Dacre. The Knights of the Crown. Great Britain: The Boydell Press, 1987. Cabell, James Branch. Chivalry. New York and London: 1909. Davis, William Stearns, Life on a Mediaeval Barony. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1923. Harper-Bill and Harvey, Christopher and Ruth. Medieval Knighthood IV. Rochester: The Boydell Press, ...
4729: Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt by Eric Theodore Roosevelt the 26th president of the United States, was born at 33 East 20th Street in New York on October 27, 1858.His father was a man of some wealth and importance in civic affairs. A prosperous family like the Roosevelts had a better than most people in that era. At eight ... Lee of Boston. In the same year he entered Columbia University Law School. But historical writing and politics lured him away from a legal career. His yearning for public acknowledge plus the corrupt state of New York led him to join a local Republican Reform Club. In 1881 he was elected to New York assembly where he set out to stop the corruption in both party machines. In 1884 the death of his wife and a defeat in his political career made him retreat to the Dakota ...
4730: George Brenard Shaw
... which were rejected by every publisher in London. Instead he decided to write plays, the first performance of Widower's House appeared in London in 1892 and Arm's and The Man performed in London & New York, in 1894. While he was not writing, Shaw discovered Karl Marx and read his book Das Kapital, during which, grew his interest in history & civilization. After reading Why are the Many Poor?, he joined ... spokesmen. Between 1889 and 1901 he wrote many pamphlets for the society including The Fabian Election Manifesto in 1892, and Socialism For Millionaires in 190. He also took the position as a political activist during World War 1, writing pieces such as The Rights of Man, and Common Sense About the War. Shaw was also a great believer in Marxism and was able to visit Russia and meet Stalin in 1931. In 1938 Shaw received an Oscar for Film of the Year, with Pygmalion, which was presented as My Fair Lady. The same year the world premiere of his play Geneva, was shown at Malvern. The life of George Bernard Shaw was one of magnificace and greatness, thus the world was able to benefit a great deal from his life. ...

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