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4661: Reaching Up For Manhood
... one hand makes it too easy for them to become fathers and, on the other hand, teaches them nothing about what fatherhood means. Drugs are a lot easier to get a hold of in the world that under-privileged African-American boys live in. This alarming rate of consumption of various drugs by these teenagers also contributes to earlier and more frequent sex. If these boys are high or drunk, children ... his mother's arrival home on a Friday evening when she would bring home a paycheck. He was so excited to show the hole in the bottom of his shoes signifying that he needed a new pair. His mother told him that they couldn't afford it at the time and he would have to put cardboard in the bottom of his shoes so he wouldn't get hurt for the next week. The cardboard held for a couple more weeks when Raymond's mother came home with three dollars and fifty cents to give him for a brand new pair of shoes. Not three dollars and fifty cents to go towards a pair of shoes, the money was to buy him a pair of shoes from "Johnny's Bargain Store." This did not ...
4662: My Vision of Tomorrow
My Vision of Tomorrow Tomorrow's world will be much different and also, much better in many ways. We will have developed much better technology. We will have made huge medical advancements. The general quality of life will be much better, and living will also have become much easier. Still, nothing can ever be perfect, and in a world of the future, we will experience many complex and unavoidable problems such as depletion of resources, overpopulation, and the threat of nuclear and biological warfare. The solutions to these dilemmas will not be immediately apparent ... have to overcome them. The future could hold great opportunities for many people, but we will need to work at it. In the future, technology will have advanced so much and so fast that many new possibilities will arise. Most likely, we will enjoy interplanetary space travel frequently in the future and we may even develop communities on other planets, such as mars, or perhaps on the moon. Numerous scientists ...
4663: The Rise and Fall of Hitlers Reich
... death, SS officers immersed Hitler's body in gasoline and burned it in the garden of the Chancellery. Soon after the suicide of Hitler, the German forces surrendered. The war was officially over; however, the world was only beginning to realize the extent of its horror. The rise and sudden fall of Hitler had a sensational effect on people and nations around the world. On Easter Sunday April 20, 1889, at an inn called the Gasth of Zum Pommer, the wife of an Austrian Customs official gave birth to a son, Adolf Hitler. He was the fourth child to ... postcards and peddled them on the streets. He drew several advertising posters for such things as soap, cigarettes, and deodorant. In 1913, Hitler moved to Munich. Life was not much better there until the First World War started in 1914. While many people were frightened and sad at the thought of a world war, Hitler was delighted. He held the rank of corporal, and in forty-seven battles he served ...
4664: Gustave Flaubert and Madame Bovary: Comparisons
... a true creation, at least one in the eyes of Gustave Flaubert. Nick Groth hour 3 2-29-96 WORKS CITED De Man, Paul, ed. Gustave Flaubert: Madame Bovary: Backgrounds and Sources, Essays in Criticisms. New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 1965 Flaubert, Gustave. Madame Bovary. New York, New York, 1964 Kunitz, Stanley J., Vineta Colby, eds. European Literature ( of European Literature. New York: The H.W. Wilson Co., 1967 Magill, Frank N., ed. Critical Survey of Long Fiction: Foreign Language Series. vol. ...
4665: David Selznick and Since You Went Away
... family such as the "Hiltons" on-screen, pinching from their usual weekly budgets and bringing a boarder into their home for extra income- is a lesson to be learned. The Hilton family is thrusted into new situations they might never have dealt with prior to the war. Since this film was projected towards the female market, the film gave a strong message about empowering women. In the period in which this ... to it's highest level. Selznick once said: "Since You Went Away would remain the definitive home-front movieŠ until a realist comes along to show us what life is really like in America during World War II." I think Clayton Koppes describes the film and David Selznick best when he answers Selznick's comments about the film: "Yet there lay Selznick's brilliance. The film triumphed precisely because it was ... decades can make. Sources Cited Abel. Brian. "Since You Went Away." Variety July 19, 1944 p13 Agee, James. "Films" The Nation July 29, 1944 p137. Allen, Robert and Gomery, Douglas "Film History - Theory and Practice" New York: N. Award Records 1985. Crowther, Bosley. "Since You Went Away," A Film of Wartime Domestic Life, With Claudette Colbert and Others, Opens at the Capitol." New York Times July 21, 1944. Eyman, Giannetti " ...
4666: Economics
... economics easily evolves into the science of making most people miserable. Nine-tenths of life are economic. The remaining one-tenth is social- political. If there is a fruitful source of supression loose upon the world and if it makes people unhappy, then it is a legitimate field for comment, as it must form a large "misunderstood" in our daily lives Let us see how involved it can be made. The ... virulent philosophy of the 19th Century was not that of Dewey or Schopenhauer. It was that of a fellow named Karl Marx, a Germam. In his book, Das Kapitas, he sets out to destroy the world of capitalism, by introducing the philosophy of Communism, borrowed in some part eviidently from Lycurgus, of the ancient Greek State of Sparta. Marx has succeeded to date (though himself dead and buried in England) in extending his philosophy over perhaps two-thirds of the world's population and upsettiing the remainder most thoroughly. Capitalism, under attack, surviving only in the West in a faint form, has borrowed so heavily from Marx in it's modern "Socialism" that it cannot ...
4667: Inventor Project April 1, 1996 Albert Einstein
... has become known as the special theory of relativity. Since the time of Sir Issac Newton, scientists had been trying to understand the nature of matter and radiation, and how they interacted in some unified world picture. The position that mechanical laws are fundamental has become known as the mechanical world view, and the position that electrical laws are fundamental has become known as the electromagnetic world view. Neither approach, however, is capable of providing a consistent explanation for the way radiation and matter interact when viewed from different inertial frames of reference, that is, an interaction viewed simultaneously by an ...
4668: MTV and The Madonna Phenomenon
MTV and The Madonna Phenomenon "Madonna's intuitive grasp on the televisual world in which we live- of the medium's possibilities for engaging spectators in diverse ways- that in part accounts for her success. She is the supreme television heroine." (E. Ann Kaplan 271) "What are the ... confusing at times. Is it possible that these videos are actually daring to be so blatantly sexist? It is highly doubtful. The people behind the Music Video industry have quite brilliantly built up an entirely new television and music empire, complete with it's own stars. They have managed to use a form much like that of television commercials to glorify their products which are in this case the singers. There ... be analyzed not only as people but also as industries. Their personas have been meticulously constructed and they have been promoted as well as a can of “Coca-Cola Classic”. This brings us to the world of Madonna Veronica Louisa Ciconne Penn, or rather Madonna- the most powerful woman in the Music Video world. Madonna is the perfect object of analysis, if one wishes to look inside the MTV world. ...
4669: Dr. Mengele
... the life and times of a man whose nickname was The Angel of Death. Josef s life and post-mortem fate could be divided into three different chapters. His pre-war life and life during World War II was one of privilege and freedom to satisfy his perverse desire to perform bizarre and mostly useless medical experiments on unwilling participants in Nazi death camps. His post-war life consisted of being constantly on the run; a lonely and depressed fugitive wanted by countries worldwide for the atrocities he committed against Jews, Poles, Gypsies, and others during World War II. His lonely death by drowning, in Brazil, and humiliating post-mortem fate suited the man well. Although this report might seem to follow a chronological order, it is not simply a telling of ... from Brazil portrayed it. In the movie, Josef Mengele was shown living in South America in luxury, wielding power over the still-existent Nazi party, with cloned Adolf Hitler s ready to take over the world. This was far from the true lonely life of isolation he ended up living. He eluded authorities by sheer luck, and on many occasions, his brushes with being exposed for who he was bordered ...
4670: All Quiet On The Western Front
Remarque, Erich Maria. All Quiet On The Wester Front. Fawcett Crest; New York. 1958 Glaser, Rollin O. All Quiet On The Western Front Notes. Cliffs Notes, Inc.; Lincoln, Nebraska. 1990 Erich Maria Remarque Erich Maria Remarque was born in Osnabrück, Westphalia, Germany on June 22, 1898. Being ... Western Front is a record of seven school chums that all enlist in the German Army after being urged by their school master Kantorek. These poor youth are forced to endure the debilitating effects of World War I, and represent the generation of men that were torn from youthfulness and serenity to face a world of survival horror. They become remnants of Europe’s degenerate youth from that time period. Over the period of years, they are slowly killed off, their once bright and cheerful youthfulness has been ripped ...

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