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4631: Heavy Weather at American Airlines
... the company president saying "For the first time in many years, we fear for the future of our company." The reason that this strike could spell disaster for one of the leading airlines in the world is the rather large order of new aircraft American ordered from Boeing. American says that having to pay higher pilot salaries and buy new aircraft makes it an uneconomical investment, in other words they can not do both and still stay in business. A strike could even threaten a purposed alliance with British Airways. American in not alone ...
4632: Interactive Television
Interactive Television Technology is now innovating new ways to view information. Technologies that once existed by themselves are now coming together as one. Television, communication, and computer industries are merging their technologies, and the result is interactive television. Large corporations are betting ... industry will be able to transfer megabytes of information in fractions of a second. This will allow every American access to the information super highway. It also allows others, such as advertisers, access to them. New technologies will be rushing into the market place over the next few years. Virtually all signals will be digital; analog will be a thing of the past. Large corporations like Microsoft and AT&T have ... have commercials interrupting our TV shows every ten minutes. Which sounds good at first, but instead they would be integrated into the shows themselves. Seinfeld will say to Cramer “what do you think of my new shoes? They're the new Nike Air Jordan's with the pump action fit and custom design. Pretty cool huh? They only cost me one hundred and thirty bucks.” Instead of commercial breaks we ...
4633: Hawaii: Prologue of History
... Bitter lessons were learned from the unsuccessful 1909 and 1920 Japanese strikes and the 1920, 1924 and 1937 Filipino labor movements which failed because of ethnic unionism. The great strike of 1946 started with a new premise of organizing workers of all races into a single labor union. Never again would workers be divided and conquered because of ethnic antagonism. This strategy of ethnic solidarity was successful but it was not ... care, pensions and wages were key issues for the 1946 sugar workers. Previously the quality of housing, medical care and old-age pensions depended upon the whim of individual plantations. The 1946 sugar strike negotiated new labor relations establishing these important issues as contractual rights of workers, rather than as favors the plantations could wield to force worker compliance. Thus, the 1946 sugar strike is an event whose impact reaches beyond ... The strength of the 1946 sugar strike and the community organizing it built upon was so solid on the neighbor islands, especially Kaua'i and Hawai'i, that it soon became the bedrock of a new political order. The active support and involvement of family and workers throughout Hawai'i, made this strike a success. Appropriately, the history of the 1946 sugar strike is the history of community organizing all ...
4634: Cheap Labour: Canada
... It all started back in the 50's and is still occurring in the 90's. I will be discussing the different working mentalities between French Canadians and immigrants coming from various parts of the world. I will compare "Voiceless People" by Marco Micone, and White Niggers of America by Pierre Vallieres. White Niggers emphasizes on the mentality of French Canadian working class and Voiceless People emphasizes on immigrant's mentality ... the future, by a nice house and reach the next step in social ladder. Most of the time, the immigrants would buy their home in other neighborhoods; they would change community because it reflected their new social situation. Because they have more money, they can move to an area where people of the same nationality live. They will leave the French back in the city where they will keep on working ... trying to show is that the immigrants have a stronger ambition and desire to become more successful than the French do, maybe because they are not at home and threatened by others. This is the world view almost all immigrants have and this concept has a major effect on their lives. Voiceless People is exactly the same scenario for Antonio and his family. Antonio came here very poor and unable ...
4635: Andrew Carnegie 2
... with an ample supply of money. The land itself had increased in value by 125%. In 1870, Carnegie changed his job to become an iron master. Carnegie transposed the old iron making procedure with his new routine. He assiduously combined three ingredients iron ore, coke, and limestone to produce an essential product. Iron manufacturers discovered that certain ores shouldn t be combined with each other. By hiring a chemist, Carnegie s ... was turning out to be a complete fiasco. Carnegie saw that iron almost immediately wore out when used for bridges, and railroad lines. Carnegie continued this business for many years, but soon discovered that a new challenge would then arrive steel. Steel was then too expensive for nationwide use. In 1856, England began to manufacture steel using the Bessemer Process. The Bessemer Process burned out impurities by forcing compressed air through ... Carnegie left America to travel to England and carefully watch the Bessemer Process in action. After many observations, Carnegie returned to America to start the steel industry. After Carnegie returned to America, he formed a new company specifically for steel. Carnegie thought that his new steel mill should be located at Braddock s Field near Pittsburgh, alongside the Monongahela River, and near two railroad lines. This allowed several ways to ...
4636: Guyana
... makes up about four-fifths of the country and a region of savanna. The country also has many rivers that have some spectacular waterfalls and one river has the highest single-drop waterfall in the world. These rivers are navigable from the sea to about one-hundred miles inland, after that they are no longer navigable due to rapids and falls. Natural Resources The lands of Guyana have many valuable natural ... as well as gold, manganese and diamonds which I mentioned earlier. Manufacturing and Energy Manufacturing is limited to food products, beverages, construction materials, clothing, soap and cigarettes. In the late 1980's they installed some new technology such as electricity which was generated through thermal facilities. They also have a great capacity for generating hydroelectricity. Transportation The country has about 6000 miles of road which are mainly near the coast. They have about 70 miles of railroad tracks in use and their main seaports are in Georgetown and New Amsterdam. The river system are a major part in the route to the interior. Guyana has a national airline called Guyana Airways which services domestic as well as international flights. Government The country is ...
4637: Wuthering Heights - Setting
Like the world of Transylvania, the Gothic setting in Wuthering Heights suggests a wild and primitive landscape unconstrained by Orthodox norms. The reader is first introduced to Wuthering Heights, the house and its surroundings, as it appears to the middle class, Mr. Lockwood, on a stormy night. Thus, Lockwood serves the same role and Jonathan Harker as he is the bridge between the world of 19th century normal realities and the primeval world of Wuthering Heights. Just as Mr. Harker characterizes his trip to Transylvania as a journey between two atmospheres, entering the "thunderous one", Mr. Lockwood too is introduced to Wuthering Heights on a stormy night, ...
4638: Plato Vs. Materialists
... Materialists Plato was concerned with Epistemology. Epistemology deals with the possibilities and limits of human knowledge. It tries to arrive at a knowledge of knowledge itself. It tries to answer such questions as: Is the world as people perceive it the basic reality, or do people perceive only appearances that conceal basic reality? Knowledge may be regarded as having two parts. There is, first of all, what one perceives using the ... understood the relationship of the mind to the rest of reality. Plato used his Theory of Forms to link the mind and reality. For the average person, common sense says that there is a real world of perceivable objects. These objects can be analyzed and understood. Philosophers have not let the matter rest there. Plato taught that the real world consisted of universal ideas (forms). The world that people actually see is given form by these ideas and is thus less real because it is always changing, but the ideas (forms) are eternal and ...
4639: Water Pollution
... ocean on a daily basis. In 1993, the Center for Marine Conservation sponsored a nation-wide beach clean-up. Volunteers collected over 7 million pieces of trash.1 The worst offenders are commercial ships. The world fleet of commercial boats dump over 5,550,000 plastic, metal, and glass containers into the ocean in a single day.2 The most harmful of these is plastic. Sea mammals such as birds and ... are unable to free themselves which can cause deep cuts, starvation, and drowning. Many ocean mammals have died as a result of ingesting these plastic items. In 1985, a sperm whale beached itself on a New Jersey shore; a mylar balloon was lodged in its stomach, and three feet of ribbon in its intestines. Most plastics take hundreds of years to break down. Many of the discarded items will sink to ... people tend to believe, accidental oil spills are not the main source of oil contamination in the sea. In fact, it is only a small portion of the total amount of oil that harms the world ocean each year. Other sources of oil contamination include the intentional dumping of oil by oil tankers and refineries. The Coast Guard estimates that sewage treatment plants in the United States discharge twice as ...
4640: Antony Flew: The Existence and Belief of God
... love." What started as a simple statement "God loves us as a father loves his children", has now turned into this complex idea that "God's love is not a merely human love…" Also this new, complex thought, have started even more questions about that nature of God's love, "what is this assurance of God's love worth…" This is what Flew was talking about, "death of a thousand qualification", something that is simple, is turned into a complex idea that needs more answering. Flew also talks about other assertions such as "God has a plan", "God created the world". He calls them, a "peculiar danger, a endemic evil, of theological utterance." He states that they first look "very much like assertions, vast cosmological assertions", but there is no sure sign, no evidence that "they ... be a difference between the respective bliks. For example, he would never go inside a car because he would feel that the care is unsafe. Hare goes on to say that our perspective of the world depends on our bliks about the world and that differences between bliks about the world cannot be settled by observation of what happens in the world. He is trying to say that one's ...

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