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Search results 4501 - 4510 of 22819 matching essays
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4501: The North American Free Trade Agreement
The North American Free Trade Agreement Since the birth of this great nation in 1776, the United States has remained a dominant world power in many aspects. The American standard of living has been the envy of the world, powered by an economy rivaled by nearly no one. Our economy continues to be the rock with which the global economy can lean on, as evidenced by nations that rely on huge reserves of the ... associated with, we have accumulated a 5 trillion dollar (that's 9 zeros) national debt. Something has to be done about this colossal problem to ensure that the United States retains its status as a world power in the global economy. One vital catalyst to help promote growth and neutralize the massive account deficit and foreign debts is the North American Free Trade Agreement. NAFTA, for short, is one positive ...
4502: Roots Of Individualism In Euro
... the development of which can be traced through the Renaissance, the Reformation, and the rise of capitalism. Individualism was a radical ideological revolution that forever altered the face of Europe and the rest of the world. The beginning of individualism’s gradual evolution was first manifested in the Renaissance Era. The Renaissance was a ripe time ready for change. The weakening role of the Catholic Church led to an increase in ... of its absolute truth and its claim to ultimate authority. As the church lost power, so did the political units. The bonds between church and state began to erode. Feudalism declined, hence giving rise to new political opportunity. The noble class no longer held a monopoly on the valued positions in society. Rather, one was able to pursue wealth and fame through various endeavors ranging from artist to soldier. The most ... increased the right and power of the individual. As a reaction against rampant church corruption, Martin Luther publicized complaints against the church. Luther’s criticism sparked a revolution that resulted in the formation of several new religions—Lutheranism, Calvanism, Anabaptism, and Protestantism. These new faiths undermined the church as having an absolute truth because each religion claimed to have an absolute truth of their own, separate from their counterparts. One ...
4503: DuPont: An Investment Analysis
... established DuPont in 1802 in a small Delaware town. E.I. du Pont was a student of Antoine Lavoisier, the father of modern chemistry, and when he came to America he brought some of the new ideas about the manufacturing of consistently reliable gun powder. His product ignited when it was supposed to, in a manner consistent with expectations. This was greatly appreciated by the citizens of the growing nation, including ... focus on reducing costs and improving productivity. This was necessary to give the company the flexibility for competitive pricing and to grow market share and earnings. DuPont had strong plants in several countries around the world for many years, and their globalization trend continued in the 1990s. New plants opened in Spain, Singapore, Korea, Taiwan, and China, and a major technical service center opened in Japan. In 1994, a Conoco joint venture began producing oil from the Ardalin Field in the Russian ...
4504: Vengeful Equity
... This is most solely due to the introduction of the Rockefeller Laws and its guidelines of mandatory minimum sentencing of criminals for specified crimes. The law was designed to reduce bias in the ever volatile world of race relations and eliminate harsher sentencing for equal crimes based on color. In the female world, consideration of possible mitigating circumstances surrounding an individuals' crime has been taken away from the presiding judge's discretion. Important factors are not allowed to enter in the decision process such as why the crime ... goes to a doctors office hoping to get a hands on anal probe to check his prostate gland. A possible solution to this horrific event for women is to simply mandate a gynecological visit for new inmates giving the option for a female doctor to perform the procedure. This will insure a proper procedure as well as satisfy a feminine medical need just as important for women behind bars as ...
4505: Reasons For The Salem Witch Tr
... that even feigned enjoyment. They did not celebrate Christmas, and any day off was just one more day to focus on prayer. What kind of life is this for an adult? They lived in a world full of irony, with heavy wool pulled over their eyes. They were forced to attend church to prove to the people they were one of the elect, chosen ones, who were predetermined to go to ... magistrates whereby they may be accordingly preceded against." This shows how untrusting and watchful the church was in the theocracy these people created. Supposedly they left England in order to find religious freedom in the New World. They didn't find that freedom in the New World and created a society based around it. They built a society based around the Protestant way of life and that life only and recreated ...
4506: Teacher Certification
... fields of specialization. Fieldwork, which is probably the most important of the two forms of requirements, involves the individual interested in being a teacher going out and observing, practicing, and preparing to enter the educational world as an instructor. There is no argument that all schools in every state has these basic requirements of teacher certification. However, the inconsistency lies within how the numerous institutions go about in teaching these requirements ... the arts o motivation and understanding. As one can see by this case study, there have been a variety of approaches to teacher certification. An inconsistency can similarly be detected by looking at the various new and innovative ideas in teacher education. Among these include the alternative route, a topic discussed earlier, and the five-year degree program, and issue to be discussed shortly in this section. Altogether, one could state that there is some inconsistency in teacher certification, and this inconsistency brings about a small problem in the educational spectrum of our world. In my opinion, there is no national and universal set of requirements for teacher certification. The variety of different methods and forms of teacher education programs is causing an inconsistency in how teachers are ...
4507: Importance of Computer Software In Education
... Software In Education The beginning of the 1990's is marked by the era of computers. Everywhere we look ,we see computers. They have become an essential part of our every day life. If the world's computer systems were turned off even for a short amount of time, unimaginable disasters would occur. We can surely say that today's world is heading into the future with the tremendous influence of computers. These machines are very important players in the game, the key to the success however so is proper software (computer programs). It is the software that enables computers to perform a certain tasks. Educational systems in developed countries realize the importance of computers in the future world and therefore, emphasize their use in schools and secondary institutions. The proper choice of software is very important especially for beginners. Their first encounter with the computer should be exiting and fun. It should ...
4508: Ben Franklin 2
... to Franklin. It is obvious that when Franklin resumed writing his story, he did so knowing that his story would serve as an example for Americans and as an advertisement to the rest of the world. He wrote his autobiography in full self-consciousness that he was offering himself as a representative of the American citizen. Just as America had succeeded in creating and forming a nation, Franklin was successful in ... following his footsteps and making a success of one's self. In the opening section of his autobiography, Franklin's message to his son is the same as the one to the rest of the world: how to go about making a success of oneself. "From the poverty and obscurity in which I was born and in which I passed my earliest years, I have raised myself to a state of affluence and some degree of celebrity in the world (1)," writes Franklin to his son. The text recording Franklin's life is more than simply anecdotal: "my posterity will perhaps be desirous of learning the means, which I employed, and which, thanks to ...
4509: Margaret Mead
... of the children, because they had all been born at home. Margaret s parents were from the midwest, and because of their professions, the family moved quite a bit living in such places as Hampton, New Jersey; Greenwich Village in New York City, and St. Marks Square in Philadelphia. Because she moved so much as a child, Margaret had been subjected to many different styles of living, and therefore had a growing desire to learn more ... began her third field trip, this time to study an American Indian tribe which she calls the antlers in her book reporting her findings and conclusions. Between 1931and 1933, Dr. Mead was again in the New Guinea area, investigating three contrasted tribes, the Arapesh, the Mudugmor, and the Tchambuli. In her study, she found that in the Arapesh culture, both men and women were expected to be equal. This culture ...
4510: History of Public Schools
History of Public Schools Today, free public schools are present in countries throughout the world. Many people assume these facilities have always existed and fail to recognize the years of trial, conflict, and debate that occurred in order to establish this system of education presently utilized by thousands of individuals. The idea for free public education originated thousands of years ago in the United States when colonial leaders realized the importance of educated citizens in the new nation. In order to make the education for all possible, leaders need to find some source of financing. They decided that since education was beneficial to the nation, the funding for it should come from ... they would benefit from this movement and fought those who approved of it. As opposition from citizens increased, colonial leaders took a stance and traveled to speak about the need for public education in the new democratic nation. Those who were not able to travel wrote letters or essays on the importance of an educated nation. A few of these men were especially notable for their contribution to the movement ...

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