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4491: A Financial Evaluation of General Electric Corporation
... General Electric currently have engine orders for American Airlines, Continental Airlines, Delta, Finnair, Northwest Airlines, US Airways, and Civil Aviation Administration of China. In 1997, G.E. had greater than seventy (70) percent of the world’s large commercial engine orders awarded to their company. Appliances - General Electric Corporation has several new products available, including GE smartwater filtration and softening, several new lines of dishwashers, outdoor grills and stainless steel built in refrigerators. G.E. is in a joint venture called General Domestic Appliances which includes such companies as Hotpoint, RCA, Monogram, Creda, Cannon Industries, Epelair, ...
4492: Constantine And Christianity
Constantine was a Roman Emperor who ruled in the early 300's AD, and was arguably one of the most powerful person in his part of the world. His conversion to Christianity had far reaching effects on the common practice of the religion and on all the factions of Christianity that are present today. His conversion happened during a war with a co ... and promoted corruption and hypocrisy. Many people were attracted to the Church because of the money and favored positions available to them from Constantine rather than from piety. The growth of the Church and its new-found public aspect prompted the building of specialized places of worship where leaders were architecturally separated from the common attendees, which stood in sharp contrast to the earlier house churches which were small and informal ... Creed, a proclamation of faith still used by many Christian denominations today. If it were not for Constantine's efforts or conversion, it is doubtful that Christianity could have survived in the harsh, persecution pagan world that existed before Constantine's reign. Works Cited Cross, F.L. and Livingstone, E.A., eds. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. New York: Oxford UP, 1974. Dowley, Tim, ed. Introduction to the ...
4493: Malcolm X
... leaving school, in the eighth grade, he lived with a relative in Boston, Mass. He shined shoes, worked in a restaurant and on a railroad kitchen crew. In 1942 he moved to a section in New York called Harlem. Where he lived as a hustler, cheating people to make money for himself. He also sold drugs and became a drug addict himself. A rival drug dealer named “West Indian Archie” ran him out of New York. And he ended up back in Boston. Where he started a burglary ring, which consisted of friend named Shorty, a pretty boy type of fellow named Rudy, a woman that Malcolm dealt with named ... words of black empowerment, spoken by brother Bains. The black Muslims prediction that in the near future a great war would take place in which whites would be destroyed and black people would rule the world through the power of Allah, their creator. To prepare for this Brother Bains preached, the importance of self-restraint, opposed the use of drugs and alcohol, and organized self-help groups. Malcolm Little was ...
4494: Frost
... Mar. 26, 1874 d. Boston, Jan. 29, 1963, was one of the leading poets of the 20th-century and a four time winner of the Pulitzer Prize. Frost was a poet often associated with rural New England, although his poems could be felt and related to in any region of the world. Thought his younger days may have not been filled with other children having fun and such, Frost made the best of what he enjoyed. At the young age of only eleven Frost s father passed ... to college he attended Harvard as a special student only to leave without a degree. Over the next ten years he would write more poetry. Frost would live on and operate a farm in Derry, New Hampshire that his grandfather had purchase for him with the condition he live there for a minimum of ten years. He would also take a teaching position at Derry s Pinkerton Academy to receive ...
4495: Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts & The 60s: Years of Hope - Comparison
... as if to create a whirlwind of excitement and confusion to express the spirit of the sixties. The authors all feel, however, that the generation of the sixties was out to build or create a new world. They all wanted to improve what existed. While one author describes the generation as having the "modest ambition of shaking America to its roots" (Gitlin 2), the other authors described the generation as a "scouting party for a new world" (Collier and Horowitz 14). Another thing the authors appear to agree upon is their reason for writing their books. They all view the sixties as an important part of the past and want ...
4496: Bermuda Triangle
... had the number 28 on it, which was Lieutenant Taylor’s plane number. Several theories have been submitted to the Navy, civilian government officials, and newspapers regarding the disappearance of this flight. An engineer in New York submitted a set of very detailed drawings in which he depicted the five planes and the flying boat in a massive mid-air collision. Unfortunately, the drawings left too many questions unanswered. Many theories ... U.S. Navy supply ship. Known as the U.S.S. Cyclops, it measured over five hundred feet long and weighed more than nineteen thousand tons. The ship set sail on March 4, 1918, during World War I. The oddest thing about this ship was its crew. The captain was a German who was thought to be mentally ill because he often walked about the ship in long underwear and a ... minutes before the incident, and at that time there was no difference. Although many lives have been lost in the Triangle, people have survived crises in this area. Dick Stern, an Air Force pilot during World War II, tells of a particularly intriguing even that happened in The Bermuda Triangle. It was December 1944, and he had been ordered to report for active duty. He was to pilot a plane ...
4497: Should the U.S. Government be Scared of Cyber Terrorism?
... In today's society, people are always trying to improve technology, but in doing so, are they creating something that can be used to create mass destruction for the United States? Everyday computers get faster, new programs are written, or some scientist finds a way to make a job be done quicker. The United States is finding out that being a World Power and other countries are getting jealous. Most people think the word terrorism to mean bombs, and mass murders, but with the evolution of the computer age, terrorism is taking on a whole new meaning. This new technology is being called Cyber Terrorism, and is used by a variety of people. Many people are hacking into U.S. government files and messing up the files, while the government ...
4498: Princess Diana
By: Brett Princess Diana In a changing world like ours today there is many uncertainties. There is one thing we are sure about, that's our own pass. When you look back at your life are you gonna see yourself as a leader or a follower? There is one woman from the last century, one that sticks out, to have been a leader for us. With the dawn of a new millenium upon us we need more women like Princess Diana to step up and become leaders in this changing world. Born July 1, 1961 near Sandringham, Norfolk. She was not born into poverty or had a rough life growing up. Her case was far from rags to riches story, like many want to believe. ...
4499: The Great Inflation
... government spending by printing money goes. When the government can no longer gain, even in the short-term, a budgetary balance through inflation, the situation becomes so intense that stabilisation through a currency board, a new finance minister or a link to the gold standard is implemented, and reform can be successful. It was at this point that some sanity was injected into the German economy by the election of Gustav ... Germany‘¦s land and industry, which could never be redeemed. It did not matter. The point was that the currency was stabilised and became exchangeable at a rate of one billion old marks to one new mark, and at the pre-war parity of 4.2 marks to the dollar. The new currency was quickly accepted by the population, and food and consumer goods began to appear in the shops. The government could now attempt to regain budgetary control in a climate of low inflation. The ...
4500: Method of Communication and Different Uses of Communication
... produced. In the years that followed various offshoots were announced, modern telex systems are an improved version of this basic concept. Now that the basic frontiers of electronics had been broken, telecommunications moved into a new era, in 1876 Alexander Graham Bell patented the worlds first true speech telephone. Research into magnetism had also revealed the relationship between magnetic fields and electric currents, thus laying the technical foundation for wireless telegraphy. Twenty five years later the Italian inventor Marchese Guglielmo Marconi sent a wireless signal across the Atlantic Ocean, opening up new possibilities for communication systems. Satellite technology had been steadily increasing, with several already launched. America was the leader in this technology, with satellites programs such as the COMSAT and INTELSAT systems. These networks of geostationary ... satellites covered the entire globe, handling approximately 50000 voice/data/video lines. Global communication was now relatively cheap. From 1985 onwards the major growth area in technology has been with Personal Computers. Bringing with it new uses for old technology. The Internet has received so much media hype that the number of subscribers is increasing exponentially. Electronic mail is not a new concept, however it is only recently that people ...

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