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4481: Communistic Society
... to be oppressive and to control employee wages, product pricing, and lives of the workers. To eliminate this problem, means of production should be government owned. Communists, Marx stated, were to lead society into its new era. Marx stated that following a revolution the proletariat would seize control of both the social and economic world. The distinction between classes would be lessened, and class struggle would cease to exist. Government, social structure, and economic development were three important aspects of Communistic society. Communists believed that the present should dominate the ... Bank would serve as a place where capital could be borrowed and money stored. In a Communistic Society, labor is but a means to widen, enrich, and promote the existence of the worker. In this new society, labor was not done simply for survival; it was done by an individual to earn money and to rise in society, little by little. Since the government would own the means of production, ...
4482: China History
... in based of uniform regulations, they were well-field system, also during this dynasty the Confucianism has began, with Master Kong (K'ung, Confucius, 551-479 B.C.) he did not intend to found a new religion, but to interpret and try to revived the unnamed religion of the Zhou (Chou) dynasty, under which many people thought the ancient system of religious rule was bankrupt. Confucius, believed that the basis lay ... the Han dynasty had faced corruption. Also, in the present. Farmer's were/are fed up with the taxes and corruption of the local communist party as we can clearly see in the article of New York Times from January 8. Regimes from both the past and the present wanted to attain a state of total control with the help of strong police forces to help control any disagreements or revels ... words were strength is gained through unity but the rivers of the state will decide what is the best decision. In the Han dynasty during the Ch'ang period, sacrifice for benefit of state was new but very important. An example in the period from AD 9 to 23 Wang Mang was murder when he tried to establish a reform that every citizen will have equal political, economic, social and ...
4483: Killer Angels 2
... kind of army. If you look at history you’ll see men fight for pay, or women, or some kind of loot. … They fight because a king makes them. But we’re here for something new. …We’re an army going to set other men free” (Shaara 30). Chamberlain is fighting the war because he believes every man should have the right to freedom. “American’s fight for mankind, for freedom; for the people, not the land,” says Chamberlain in regard to why he is fighting the war (Shaara 29). Chamberlain is fighting this war because “the fact of slavery upon this incredibly beautiful new clean land was appalling,” and “true freedom would eventually spread all over the world, but it started here… Many of us came . . . because it was the right thing to do” (Shaara 29). James Longstreet was a General under-appreciated for the great talents and strategies he possessed in ...
4484: Life On Michelangelo
... Instead of revealing extreme grief, Mary is restrained, and her expression is one of resignation. In this work, Michelangelo summarizes the sculptural innovations of his 15th-century predecessors such as Donatello, while ushering in the new monumentality of the High Renaissance style of the 16th century. First Return to Florence The high point of Michelangelo's early style is the gigantic (4.34 m/14.24 ft) marble David (Accademia, Florence ... of the Sistine ceiling in 1505, Michelangelo had been commissioned by Julius II to produce his tomb, which was planned to be the most magnificent of Christian times. It was to be located in the new Basilica of St. Peter's, then under construction. Michelangelo enthusiastically went ahead with this challenging project, which was to include more than 40 figures, spending months in the quarries to obtain the necessary Carrara marble ... 29 war against the Medici and supervised Florentine fortifications. The Medici Tombs While residing in Florence for this extended period, Michelangelo also undertook - between 1519 and 1534 - the commission of the Medici Tombs for the New Sacristy of San Lorenzo. His design called for two large wall tombs facing each other across the high, domed room. One was intended for Lorenzo de' Medici, duke of Urbino; the other for Giuliano ...
4485: Book Report On 1984 By George Orwel
... To me this was unusual because there is no 13 on a clock and it is usually considered an unlucky number. I thought it was kind of weird and different compared to what kind of world we are living in today. This is because in London the province of Oceania is where our first and main character Winston Smith lives. There are signs reminding citizens that Big Brother is always watching ... a diary. This was not illegal only because there were no laws, but it could be thought as an act punishable to the Thought Police. When Winston got home he decided to write in his new diary only not knowing what to write. He just started writing about a war movie that he saw last night not even remembering why he bought this diary. On page 12, we meet a friend ... of there and it worked. He turned on Julia saying he did not love her and he told them to kill Julia and not him. After saying this, Winston is eventually let back into the world to work and live. They gave him a new look and a new job. Winston looked different because of all the scars and bruises he had suffered from being beaten in the jail. Winston ...
4486: A Continuous Decline in India, Without Modernization
... nationally. In order for modernization to occur, India must move from small scale industrialization to large scale industrialization. If this occurs India will become much more financially sound and achieve a higher status in the world. Modernization will bring many positive change to India, but people may argue that "modernization" will bring destruction to the Indian civilization. By bringing modernization, many jobs will be taken over by machines. Unfortunately, this process ... 1) a loss of culture and tradition; (2) probable religious conflicts; (3) loss of caste; (4) social divisions; and, of course (5) TAXES. With modernization, taxes will definitely increase for India to pay for the new advances in industry and technology. Taxes are the primary means for any government to raise money and support its programs. However, the overall price that India will have to pay will be relatively small compared to the positive changes modernization will bring. When India became independent its leaders recognized the urgency of strengthening the Indian economy. The leaders of new India were determined to raise the standard of living, which was among the lowest of the major nations in the world. Indian leaders agreed to establish a "mixed economy," which combines the use of ...
4487: Managing Overtime
... individual letter carrier (mailman) or the window clerk who assists with business transacted at the post office. Every community across America has a Post Office. We are one of the most visible employers in the world. The U.S. Postal Service employs approximately 750 thousand diverse people. Many different cultures and nationalities come together to combine as an efficient workforce that gets the job done. The pay is moderate, so it ... as hard as I did. I later found out that this was not a good management approach. In fact, this was the easiest way to harvest disgruntle employees. Here was my dilemma; I was the new young manager who expected an honest day¡¦s work, for an honest day's pay, paired with a staff that had been allowed to do whatever they wanted for the past ten years. The office ... assist in helping to aleve the excessive use of overtime. I will also discuss in detail areas that contributed to the excessive use of overtime that did not involve my employees. With implementation of the new systems, my office has reduced its overtime to 14 percent. Objectives to Controlling Overtime Being Properly Staffed „h Meet complement „h Managing the Overtime Desired List Employee Productivity „h Requesting all employees to meet ...
4488: Industrilization
... 131). The reader learns that through a century of successful exploration, slave trade, piracy war, commerce, and the behavior of the population that these are the reasons why England became the richest nation in the world. “Second, England was the scene of the most successful and thoroughgoing transformation of feudal society into commercial society”(131). “Third, England was the locus of a unique enthusiasm for science and engineering. With this as well as a host of other background factors such as the introduction of new machinery such as the spinning jenny, the water frame, and steam engine the reader grasps why England was the first to industrialize. Also urban growth in some places was explosive. Through a few facts and ... these effects have an affect on people in general because these conditions obviously effected the people. The reader however, learns this through such insights, facts and statistics in Western Civilization: The Continuing Experience. To run new machinery, coal had to be mined in exuberant amounts. “To extract coal and other minerals, miners dug deep tunnels, removing millions of tons of earth, rock, and other debris”. “ This material, plus slag and ...
4489: Civil War-sectionalism
North and South The United States of America, the great democratic experiment, was just that. Not since the great Greek culture had a government of, for, and by the people existed. The entire world felt, that on a large scale, democracy would inevitably lead to anarchy; our founding fathers were determined to prove them wrong. But as the political stand off with the British became a secession issue, a great issue split the future nation. Slavery, a southern necessity, both social and economic, threatened the unity of our nation. A nation that would one day be the greatest the world had ever known. During the development of the thirteen colonies, diversity set in early. In the south the temperate climate made the growth of tobacco a suitable and very profitable business. Cultivation of this crop ... against expansion, for fear of Southern dominance, but once the issue became inescapable, they focused their attention on stopping the spread of slavery, not that of the country. Whether or not to allow slavery in new territories was not mentioned in the Constitution, so the issue was unfortunately up for debate. It was these debates that led to the greatest catastrophe in American history. For the South, that catastrophe was ...
4490: Civil War 8
In 1860, arguably the world's greatest nation was locked in Civil War. The war divided the country between the North (Union) and South (Confederate). The war lasted five years and by 1865 the Confederate forces were truly beaten. Out of this horrendous war though, where some 600,000 men died grew a greater sense of nationalism than is today, unrivalled around the world. The American Civil War is interpreted differently by many historians but most see the catalyst as slavery, the motivation as economic, the outcome was a unified national identity. Slavery was a major issue that triggered ... own country, The Confederate states of America. The South began to see that the North was going to take action against the South's inhumane slave policy. In early 1860, South Carolina formed under a new flag, Confederate States of America flag, so that they could continue to operate their slave trade. What followed was an ordinance of succession which saw the other slave populated states also swear an oath ...

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