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4471: European Enlightenment
The Enlightenment The Enlightenment was an 18th century European intellectual movement in which ideas concerning God, reason, nature, and man were combined into a world view that instigated revolutionary developments in art, philosophy, and politics. Although there are many separate stages to this period, it has been termed "the Enlightenment" for simplicity. The Enlightenment was characterized by the use of reason and rational thought. The goals of rational man were considered to be knowledge, freedom, and happiness. Three critically important factors to this movement were: a revulsion against monarchical power and clerical absolutism; a new freedom of publishing and rise of a new public and secular culture; impact of the scientific revolution, particularly with Isaac Newton's book, Principia (1867). When Principia was published, censorship or imprisonment for ideas disliked by the church was still common. By ...
4472: Billy Sunday
Billy Sunday For almost a quarter century Billy Sunday was a household name in the United States. Between 1902 when he first made the pages of the New York Times and 1935 when the paper covered his death and memorial service in detail, people who knew anything about current events had heard of the former major league baseball player who was preaching sin ... in thanksgiving by worshiping and obeying him. Following this spiritual rebirth, the convert became deeply devoted to Jesus Christ. A devotion manifested in living out many of the teachings of Christ as found in the New Testament s four Gospels. The professional baseball player became a regular churchgoer. He also studied Scripture and became unusually generous toward the needy. Furthermore, Sunday was constrained by an obsession to tell others how he had finally found inner peace and a more purposeful life. At first through lectures and then in sermons, he related how Jesus Christ gave him a new life of meaning, peace, and hope. This same gospel, he said, would similarly transform others. The evidence is overwhelmingly that it did. If Billy Sunday was sincere devoted, and motivated, he was also a ...
4473: Corporate Downsizing
... such as sudden shifts in the market or changed government policies force corporate executives to make coinciding decisions regarding their staff and these external changes. Another one of the major problems in today's business world are the salaries being paid to the workers. Since employers are not paying their workers high wages, the workers have little to put back into the economy. This causes the system to plummet and forces ... percent will never adapt (Hollreiser 27). Workers who survive the downsize often have feelings of anger, fear or distrust. Further internal problems result from employees who survive with the company, but cannot adapt to their new settings and expectations, and eventually quit their job. Many steps can be taken to ease the transition of the employees after downsizing occurs. For the employees who were let go from the company, reasonable severance packages should be offered to help the person until a new job is found. Downsizing not only affects workers that have been terminated, but also affects the survivors. This is commonly referred to as the survivor syndrome. Many people who survive as a result of ...
4474: Cloning 7
... individuals by transplanting whole cell nuclei. With other techniques scientists can isolate sections of DNA representing single genes, determine their nucleotide sequences, and reproduce them in the laboratory. This offers the possibility of creating entirely new genes with commercially or medically desirable properties. While the potential benefits of genetic engineering are considerable, so may be the potential dangers. For example, the introduction of cancer-causing genes into a common infectious organism ... century, there was a speculation that it would rob humans of the transforming experience of suffering. When three decades ago, James Watson and Francis Crick unraveled the genetic code, popular discussion turned not to the new hope for vanquishing disease but to the specter of genetically engineered races of supermen and worker drones. Later, the arrival of organ transplants set people brooding about a world of clanking Frankensteins, welded together made from used parts. Already there are thousands of frozen embryos sitting in liquid nitrogen storage around the country. "Suppose somebody wanted to advertise cloned embryos by showing pictures ...
4475: Economic and Monetary Union of Europe
... international competitiveness. In the mid of the eighties the European countries recognized that in the long run the national economies alone won't be able to compete against countries like the US, Japan and the new industrial centers in East Asia. The biggest advantage of the European integration is the unique chance of causing significant economic growth in the member countries by abolishing all kinds of barriers e.g. customs controls ... gone up from about 4% in 1992 to around 9% nowadays. Most likely Mr. Chirac's and Mr. Kohl's only solution concerning the unemployment is a fully integrated economy which for sure would create new jobs in Europe. The German population, however, is scared that a United Europe would create new jobs only in low wage countries like e.g. Portugal. Many think that a European market with no barriers would would even cause “job hollowing out” of Germany. Moreover the German population likes the ...
4476: Dolce And Gabbana
... of one-day working independently, refusing lucrative opportunities, which would have sacrificed their autonomous nature. Finally their determination and perseverance paid off in 1985 when Beppe Modenese invited them to show their designs at the New Talents Forum of the Milan Collections. The next spring Stefano and Domenico had their first design on the catwalk. With borrowed money and girl friends as models, they launched 'Real Women' which were quickly being purchased from stores like Browns and Harvey Nichols. When their fall collection, 'Transformations', hit he runway the fashion world was beginning to sit up and take notice to Dolce and Gabbana. In 1987, with their first knitwear show behind them, they set up their own showroom in Via Santa Cecilia. From that point on ... were in the big time, showing in Tokyo and broadened their horizons by adding lingerie; beachwear and men's wear collections. By 1990 they had become full-fledged international designer label with all associated accouterments. New shops opened in huge cities such as New York and Milan. In this same year the company did $66 million, doubling that of the previous year. The two have really come a long way ...
4477: Advertising Of 1890 Compared To 1990
Modern advertising really began in the middle of the century. World War II had taught Americans plenty about propaganda and new technologies had erupted, offering both increased production and more ways to propagate a media message. They combined to create the modern ad. In addition to stating the facts somewhere in the fine print, advertisers began ... The first spectaculars debuted at the end of the 19th century, along with the first lighted marquees. At the end of the 20th century, spectaculars have become even more important, becoming landmarks in places like New York City and Las Vegas. However, outside of the landmark status of some spectaculars, outdoor advertising is very limited. The largest differences between the advertising of the 1890s and the 1990s are the sheer ...
4478: Deficit Spending: The Deficit Good or Bad
... 150 years were in times of war or other catastrophic events. The Government, for instance, generated deficits during the War of 1812, the recession of 1837, the Civil War, the depression of the 1890s, and World War I. However, as soon as the war ended the deficit would be eliminated and the economy which was much larger than the amounted debt would quickly absorb it. The last time the budget ran ... 625,819.53 * Rounded to Millions Federal spending has grown over the years, especially starting in the 1930s in actual dollars and in proportion to the economy (Gross Domestic Product, or GDP). Beginning with the "New Deal" in the 1930s, the Federal Government came to play a much larger role in American life. President Franklin D. Roosevelt sought to use the full powers of his office to end the Great Depression ... Congress greatly expanded Federal programs. Federal spending, which totaled less than $4 billion in 1931, went up to nearly $7 billion in 1934 and to over $8 billion in 1936. Then, U.S. entry into World War II sent annual Federal spending soaring to over $91 billion by 1944. Thus began the ever increasing debt of the United States. What if the debt is not increasing as fast as we ...
4479: Management and The Body Shop
... products couldn't deliver. She decided to make a decision that would change her life forever. Anita became a manager of her own small business in Brighton England. Selling the natural secrets found throughout the world; learned from extensive travel while employed as a teacher with the U.N., she created a cottage industry of exotic personal body care products. Planning proved to be the first big obstacle to learn in the road to efficient management. Taking care of buying from around the world for her special products had plunged Anita into a frightening and difficult role that she needed help with. Anita organized her financial burdens by taking on an investor Ian McGlinn, in turn giving him a ... employees with children and even paid hours of work for local charities and community projects. Anita does keep abreast of the changing attitudes and social conditions of each culture that effects individual store around the world. Through addressing globally sensitive environmental concerns in each store and by management training programs Anita alone has kept the public image of The Body Shop one of a socially responsive and socially responsible Management ...
4480: Deficit Spending
... 150 years were in times of war or other catastrophic events. The Government, for instance, generated deficits during the War of 1812, the recession of 1837, the Civil War, the depression of the 1890s, and World War I. However, as soon as the war ended the deficit would be eliminated and the economy which was much larger than the amounted debt would quickly absorb it. The last time the budget ran ... 625,819.53 * Rounded to Millions Federal spending has grown over the years, especially starting in the 1930s in actual dollars and in proportion to the economy (Gross Domestic Product, or GDP). Beginning with the "New Deal" in the 1930s, the Federal Government came to play a much larger role in American life. President Franklin D. Roosevelt sought to use the full powers of his office to end the Great Depression ... Congress greatly expanded Federal programs. Federal spending, which totaled less than $4 billion in 1931, went up to nearly $7 billion in 1934 and to over $8 billion in 1936. Then, U.S. entry into World War II sent annual Federal spending soaring to over $91 billion by 1944. Thus began the ever increasing debt of the United States. What if the debt is not increasing as fast as we ...

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