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4421: Howard Hughes
... love of aviation. In 1927 he started his career in acting. Some of his movies were Hells Angels in 1930, Scarface in 1932, and The Outlaw in 1941. Howard s great achievements broke records. His world speed record of 352 mph, in 1935 ended in a crash. It took him several tries to get that speed. On July 10, 1969 he and his crew took off to fly around the world. Even though he made several stops he was back home 4 days later, he landed at 2:37 on July 14. On July 7, 1946 he took the new XF-11 plane up for a spin. After about an hour he crashed at the LA Country Club golf course. The crash left him unconscious in a burning plane with a punctured lung, fractured ...
4422: The French Revolution
... noble at the beginning of the paragraph, a head in a basket. The French Revolution began in France in 1784. It was basically a political upheaval, but eventually this revolution was to effect the entire world. There are many causes of the French Revolution, many of which were ancient causes, or causes that were long standing. One of the main causes was the governmental system at the time of the Old ... kings’, the people ruled by the ‘will of the people’. The powers of government were now limited and the assembly and parliament now consisted of elected officials. The Revolution was responsible for the spreading of new ideas like Nationalism, through nonpolitical Europe, and the Revolution disintegrated the class system of estates and the privileges that came with it. Now, everyone was equal and under the same laws. All and all, the carnage and pain of the Revolution was well worth the large impact it had on not only France, but of all of Europe, and eventually the entire world. The effects of the Revolution left a new model in government for the world to look at in times of crisis and it makes us remember to see the world through Liberty, Equality, and ...
4423: Andrew Carnegie
... McKinley Era Mega-Merger” (American Heritage, May/June 1996) addresses the Carnegie Steel Corporation which was the leader of steel in the country in the 1890s. This corporation made him “the richest man in the world” or so is quoted from “Paradoxical Reign of the King” written by Walter Goodman (The New York Times; January 20, 1997). Using his fortune from the steel business, he decided to give back to the world. As stated in “Andy Did It” by Harry Schwalb (ARTnews, June 1997), Carnegie gave the world thousands of libraries. Many communities gratefully accepted Carnegie’s generosity, but his actions were met with mixed reviews. ...
4424: Jackie Robinson
... stop them and the fans from threatening Jackie Robinson. "But as I write these words now I cannot stand and sing the National Anthem. I have learned that I remain a black in a white world." From this, Jackie unintentionally set a record for being hit by more pitches in one season then anyone else in history. Being the strong-minded person he was, it was very hard for Jackie to ... our side. No owner, no umpires, very few newspapermen. And I’m afraid that many fans may be hostile. We’ll be in a tough position. We can win only if we can convince the world that I am doing this because you’re a great ballplayer, and a fine gentleman,” said Ricky. Jackie Robinson had become a great leader for the African American community and essentially passed the torch for other black players. Teams saw how successful other teams were with black players so they picked up the pace and started to sign black players. There were still some teams, including the New York Yankees that passed up on black players. The Yankees wanted an all white team and because of that, they passed up players that became hall of famers. Between 1947 and 1951, there was ...
4425: Sociology: The Comparative Method
... was. To him, there was not another lifestyle. This was life. Several events occurred and because of these events our professor was moved, by his parents, to a private school. This private school and the 'new' society that accompanied it resulted in a form of culture shock for him. All of a sudden he was placed in a new world, a world that he never even knew existed. As you can see, our professor socially constructed the view that society was like the one that he lived in when he went to his public ...
4426: George Berkeley: His View of God
George Berkeley: His View of God As man progressed through the various stages of evolution, it is assumed that at a certain point he began to ponder the world around him. Of course, these first attempts fell short of being scholarly, probably consisting of a few grunts and snorts at best. As time passed on, though, these ideas persisted and were eventually tackled by the more intellectual, so-called philosophers. Thus, excavation of "the external world" began. As the authoritarinism of the ancients gave way to the more liberal views of the modernists, two main positions concerning epistemology and the nature of the world arose. The first view was exemplified by the empiricists, who stated that all knowledge comes from the senses. In opposition, the rationalists maintained that knowledge comes purely from deduction, and that this knowledge is ...
4427: The Life of Emily Dickinson
The Life of Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson was raised in a traditional New England home in the mid 1800's. Her father along with the rest of the family had become Christians and she alone decided to rebel against that and reject the Church. She like many of her contemporaries had rejected the traditional views in life and adopted the new transcendental outlook. Massachusetts, the state where Emily was born and raised in, before the transcendental period was the epicenter of religious practice. Founded by the puritans, the feeling of the avenging had never left the people. After all of the "Great Awakenings" and religious revivals the people of New England began to question the old ways. What used to be the focal point of all lives was now under speculation and often doubted. People began to search for new meanings in life. People ...
4428: Magic Johnson
... missing a rebound as much as he minded mental errors. (Johnson,p.51-53) They finished off the season with twenty-five wins and five loses. That season the Spartans won thirteen straight games, a new school record. MSU won the Big Ten conference title and Earvin was first in assists, tied for third in scoring and sixth in rebounds in the Big Ten. MSU only made it to the elite ... His courage to speak out and help others deal with AIDS and HIV is amazing. From June Bug to Magic, Earvin Johnson Jr. will always be a great man. Bibliography Brenner, Richard J. Jordan*Johnson. New York: East End Publishing, 1989 Haskins, James. Sports Great Magic Johnson Revised and Expanded. Springfield:Enslow Publishers, Inc., 1992 Lovitt, Chip. Magic Johnson. New York: Scholastic Inc., 1991 Johnson, Earvin “Magic.” My Life. New York: Random House, Inc., 1992 The Fifty Greatest Players in NBA History: Magic Johnson. www.nba.com/. NBA Properties, Inc., 1996 *Reader these next ...
4429: Death Of Pol Pot
Death Of Pol Pot I choose my report on Pol Pot because he was one of the evil dictor in world history. Pol Pot just recently die in April 15,1998. Pol Pot was leader of the Khmer Rouge guerrilla movement of Cambodia, whice controlled the goverment from 1975-1979. As leader of the khmer Rouge ... the “Purity” of his race by eliminating what he considered to be “impure” elements, such as foreign-educated and long time enemies, especially the Vietnamese. After taking control, Pol Pot cut Cambodia from the the world. Foreign and minority languages were banned and all nieghboring countries Laos,Vietnam, and Thailand were attacked. Rice and other edangered wildlife were exported to China for weapons. Peasants were ruined by war destruction, and many ... to pieces, and its grip on political power became more tenuous. About 1.7 million Cmbodians,20 percent of population were worked starved or beaten to death under Pol Pot regime. One reporter said, “The world is witnessing another Holocaust” ( Sirs April 20, 1998 pg 4 ). Pol Pot rarley appeared publicly, but is widley belived that he gave the order for the killings. He was overthrown by a Vietnamesse invasion ...
4430: Hackers Misunderstood
... the true hacker is someone who seeks knowledge and information. When hackers hack into systems or networks, it is to explore an operating system that is foreign to them. The younger generations have bred a new philosophy of hacking. Wannabe hackers who do not deserve the title “hacker” use simple utilities available over the Internet to hack into personal computers or banks and cause havoc. This is due because they have ... the unwritten hacker code and ethics. Those superficial hackers who use their knowledge to harm other operating systems or use their experience to gain material wealth have blemished the integrity of the hackers of the world. A true hacker is not like your ordinary person. Hackers are distinctively different than your average and boring citizen. They do not settle for what the rest of the world is following or brainwashed into doing. Hackers thrive off curiosity, and have an unsatisfying hunger for knowledge. The word impossible or access denied does not exist in a hacker’s vocabulary. They can access ...

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