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4331: The Cheese We Eat
... produced on a large scale in highly mechanized factories. The factories bought mass production to the cheese industry, this mass production made cheese an abundant food product that became available in supermarkets all over the world. Before the mechanical age began cheese was mostly produced in the farmhouse. The farmer would milk his cows and use some of the extra milk to make cheese. This way none of the valuable nutrient ... the stomachs of cows reacted with enzymes in the wall of the dead animals stomach. This reaction would produce a cheese like curd. It is the production of cheese in so many regions of the world that created so many different varieties of cheese. It impossible to state the number of named varieties of cheese in the world because new names are constantly being introduced. Most cheeses are named after a town or region. Probably the most famous cheese name, cheddar, come from a small town in England. The variables involved in ...
4332: Cloning: Background
... for cloning is that before it was done and even now scientists think cloning could help produce genetic models of human diseases. With this researchers could understand them and develop cures . Also cloning could bring new insights into the process of aging ("Mammalian"). The reason they want to do this is because if scientists could understand aging then maybe they could extend or eliminate it. One other reason cloning was started, other than scientists wanting to change the world, was for better food, because the routine genetic modification of animals to create healthier food products (Craig). So according to that statement, cloning was intended to be used in making food better. But a lot ... experiment. Scientific experiments usually must be repeated before they are verified and accepted by other scientists (Recer). Now there are some scientists who say their goal is human cloning. Dolly was the start of a new millennium. Similar bills to those introduced in the last Congress are likely to be reintroduced this year in the 106th Congress. Passage of legislation prohibiting human cloning is unlikely, unless research somewhere in the ...
4333: The Increasing Application of Scientific Management Principles Of Work Organisations To Services Is, Despite Its Limitations, Inevitable and Irreversible
... to reduce the unpredictability of the human element. Ritzer (1993) has argued that the success of MacDonalds "…has influenced a wide range of undertakings, indeed the way of life, of a significant portion of the world. And that influence is destined to continue to expand in the foreseeable future". Such a statement therefore appears to add weight to the argument of ‘ inevitability'. MacDonaldisation can now be seen in many service industries ... of wanting to reverse rationalisation must be questioned. Ritzer (1993) has argued that the critics of rationalisation within the service sector view the past with rose tinted spectacles with an impossible desire to return to world that no longer exists. Such critics conveniently forget the liabilities associated with a pre- MacDonalds world. Furthermore Ritzer (1993) states "The increase in the number of people, the acceleration in technological change, the increasing pace of life - all this and more make it impossible to go back to a non- ...
4334: Lucille Ball
... been a comedienne, but also a superb businesswoman, an excellent role model, and has won numerous awards. Lucille Ball's major contribution has been as a comedienne. Not only was she the star of the world renowned television show, I Love Lucy, but she has also performed on radio, in films, and even on Broadway. Ball had an extraordinary personality. "In short, Lucille Ball's unique brand of wacky physical comedy ... Dance Girl, Dance, and The Big Street. When she did act in these movies, she played minor, serious roles. So when she was discovered, people didn't even know how funny she was but the world would soon find out. When Ball finished with her weekly television shows, she turned her attention to Broadway and starred in such plays as Mame, and Wildcat. After her split with Desi Arnaz, "Lucille Ball ... Ball is watched all over the country. The most popular I Love Lucy episodes are still shown on television to this day. Obviously, this shows that Lucille Ball has made significant, positive contributions to the world. "So what if Lucille Ball's haircolor came out of a bottle? As a comic genius, she was a natural" (Dziemianowicz 53). Works Cited "Ball, Lucille." Biography.com. April 1999. Biography. 15 April 1999 < ...
4335: Woodstock
Woodstock was a rock music festival that took place near Woodstock, New York in a town called Bethel. The festival took place over three days, August 15, 16, and 17, 1969. The original plan for Woodstock was an outdoor rock festival, "three days of peace and music ... come if police had not blocked off access roads. By the day before the official opening, traffic jams miles long blocked most roads leading to the area. The intense traffic on Route 17B towards Bethel, New York that afternoon didn't seem to bother anyone as people all exchanged friendly waves. They knew that they were all on our way to the same place to enjoy "three days of peace and ... not hippies in the commonly accepted sense: a good half of them, at least, were high school or college students from middle class homes ("The Big Woodstock, 33"). But at Woodstock they exhibited to the world many of the hippie values and life styles, from psychedelic clothing to spontaneous, unashamed nudity to open and casual sex, and also illicit drugs. Youthful imaginations were captured, most obviously, by the hippie sound: ...
4336: Louis Armstrong
Louis Armstrong Heroes are needed in the world to give people something to look up to, someone to be like. Louis Armstrong over came such adversities as poverty, a lack of good education, and racism to become one of the greatest jazz player ... day he would be such a popular jazz player and also not knowing that one day he might even be called a hero. Armstrong was born on July 4, 1900 in the Storyville section of New Orleans. At the age of 12 his life changed. When he was parting for New Years Eve, he shot a gun into the air. He was soon arrested and taken to a center for juvenile offenders. He hated being there, but loved going to see the band at the ...
4337: Managing Overtime
... individual letter carrier (mailman) or the window clerk who assists with business transacted at the post office. Every community across America has a Post Office. We are one of the most visible employers in the world. The U.S. Postal Service employs approximately 750 thousand diverse people. Many different cultures and nationalities come together to combine as an efficient workforce that gets the job done. The pay is moderate, so it ... as hard as I did. I later found out that this was not a good management approach. In fact, this was the easiest way to harvest disgruntle employees. Here was my dilemma; I was the new young manager who expected an honest day¡¦s work, for an honest day's pay, paired with a staff that had been allowed to do whatever they wanted for the past ten years. The office ... assist in helping to aleve the excessive use of overtime. I will also discuss in detail areas that contributed to the excessive use of overtime that did not involve my employees. With implementation of the new systems, my office has reduced its overtime to 14 percent. Objectives to Controlling Overtime Being Properly Staffed „h Meet complement „h Managing the Overtime Desired List Employee Productivity „h Requesting all employees to meet ...
4338: Advertising Of 1890 Compared T
Modern advertising really began in the middle of the century. World War II had taught Americans plenty about propaganda and new technologies had erupted, offering both increased production and more ways to propagate a media message. They combined to create the modern ad. In addition to stating the facts somewhere in the fine print, advertisers began ... The first spectaculars debuted at the end of the 19th century, along with the first lighted marquees. At the end of the 20th century, spectaculars have become even more important, becoming landmarks in places like New York City and Las Vegas. However, outside of the landmark status of some spectaculars, outdoor advertising is very limited. The largest differences between the advertising of the 1890s and the 1990s are the sheer ...
4339: Berkley
As man progressed through the various stages of evolution, it is assumed that at a certain point he began to ponder the world around him. Of course, these first attempts fell short of being scholarly, probably consisting of a few grunts and snorts at best. As time passed on, though, these ideas persisted and were eventually tackled by the more intellectual, so-called philosophers. Thus, excavation of "the external world" began. As the authoritarinism of the ancients gave way to the more liberal views of the modernists, two main positions concerning epistemology and the nature of the world arose. The first view was exemplified by the empiricists, who stated that all knowledge comes from the senses. In opposition, the rationalists maintained that knowledge comes purely from deduction, and that this knowledge is ...
4340: Book Report On 1984 By George
... To me this was unusual because there is no 13 on a clock and it is usually considered an unlucky number. I thought it was kind of weird and different compared to what kind of world we are living in today. This is because in London the province of Oceania is where our first and main character Winston Smith lives. There are signs reminding citizens that Big Brother is always watching ... a diary. This was not illegal only because there were no laws, but it could be thought as an act punishable to the Thought Police. When Winston got home he decided to write in his new diary only not knowing what to write. He just started writing about a war movie that he saw last night not even remembering why he bought this diary. On page 12, we meet a friend ... of there and it worked. He turned on Julia saying he did not love her and he told them to kill Julia and not him. After saying this, Winston is eventually let back into the world to work and live. They gave him a new look and a new job. Winston looked different because of all the scars and bruises he had suffered from being beaten in the jail. Winston ...

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