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4321: Componants Of Life
... the correct foods and avoid dangerous substances such as smoking, drugs and other poisons and toxins. Your body needs a high level of anti-oxidants to live a long healthy life in our modern polluted world. If you’re healthy and eat a well-balanced diet based on the Food Guide Pyramid, most nutritionist agree that supplements are unnecessary (Sinai). A well balanced diet supplies not only the recommended daily allowances ... know that you can get a good nutrition from a balanced meal, but also know that most Americans don’t get the kind of nutrition that is needed. So should we be heading towards something new like dietary supplements? When it comes to supplements, it’s a brand new world out there. In fact, supplement technology has come so far in the past five years that for the first time in the history of nutrition it can honestly be said that a good ...
4322: A Clockwork Orange - Calculated Captivity
... is eventually convicted of murder. Burgess portrays the immature Alex, as a mixture of good and evil possibilities with evil taking the upper hand. As the reader is taken deeper into Alex’s morbidly exciting world, he/she begins to feel complete hatred towards Alex. Not only does Burgess permit Alex to commit such heinous crimes, he describes them in a very disturbing manner. Near the beginning of the novel there ... staja’ Alex looses his identity and is referred to as 6655321. It is here that Alex serves two years of his sentence of fourteen. He is then chosen by the government to undergo an experimental new ‘Ludvidico’s technique’ administered by Dr. Brodsky. Its purpose is to ‘cure’ Alex of all that society deems ‘bad’ - and to provide him with a new artificial conscience. Alex is given injections and is forced to watch films of rape and violence. Through the mixture of these images and drugs, the treatment causes him to associate feelings of panic and ...
4323: Meaning Of Illusions
... an undetermined amount of unreal images presented to the bodily of our mental vision, which is also to be a comprehension of a deceptive appearance or a false show. The human race is discovering something new everyday about the connotation of our visions according to The Encyclopedia Americana : The Gestalt school of psychology, what we see is the result of processes of organization in the brain. Such processes are based on ... the stage of our illusions. This paragraph proves that studies about our mental visions are very common and they’ve been one of the main challenges for the majority of researchers from all over the world. If our illusions express important wishes, fears and concerns of a particular person, the studies and the analysis of these false visions can help reveal previously unknown aspects of a person’s mental functioning. It ... seem to be weird and strange, but they surely have a purpose and explanation of why they appear. In addition, illusions have no inherent meaning, but are simply a process by which the brain integrates new information and images into our memories: If perception is considered to be the result of certain principles of brain functioning, which are based on the sensory information available it is plausible to suppose that ...
4324: Call Of The Wild: A Study of Jack London's Belief in Darwinism
... society's struggle with encroaching communism. "“The study of Jack London's work became a mirror of the turbulent McCarthy era..." (Veggian 2). Through these struggles, Buck was able to adapt and survive in a world controlled by man. Buck also had to learn when and how to fight other dogs. Eventually Buck Fought and killed Spitz to become lead dog. "Buck stood and looked on, the successful champion, the dominant ... London 42). London often witnessed these dog fights and this influenced his writing. "...he found the first successful theme for his writing in a last frontier splurge..." (Walker 12). Although Buck had troubles with his new peers, he also had a great conflict with his new home. Buck also must adapt to survive in his new home, the Yukon Wilderness: In London's Klondike, the game of Natural Selection meant the survival of the fittest. It was a world of ...
4325: Paul Ehrlich
I. A World To Change Everyone on this earth has to be grateful to Paul Ehrlich because he made so many advances in medical research. Our life expectancy rate would still be around forty years if Ehrlich hadn ... a chemical compound. This compound he was testing on trypanosomes, which are the cells that cause sleeping sickness. The compound was named 606. Since it did not work, Ehrlich went on. In 1909, Ehrlich’s new assistant re-looked at chemical 606. It still did not work well on trypanosomes but very well on spirochets. Spirochets are the microorganism that causes the disease syphilis. In 1910, Ehrlich announced to the word ... rest. On August 20, 1915, Ehrlich had another stroke that was fatal. Paul Ehrlich was buried in the Jewish Cemetery in Frankfurt.                       BIBLIOGRAPHY Asimov, Isaac. Asimov’s Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. Garden City, New York. Doubleday & Company, Inc. 1982. Pages 547-549. Coleman, Ken. ‘He Opened New Doors to the Unknown’. The World & I. Vol. 11. Pages 172. May 1, 1996. Gillispie, Charles Coulston. Dictionary of Scientific Biography ...
4326: Ishi Last Of His Tribe (summar
Chapter 1 This book begins when it s main character Ishi is just thirteen years of age. He is one of the remaining Yahi Indians in the world. The people in his tribe now living are Ishi, grandfather and grandmother, Tushi, Timawi, his mother and his father. They have been hiding from the Saldu, white men as the Yahi called them. This chapter ... him the proper burial along with his father. Ishi went tout and then found a spot to live. He found a cave in the side of a mountain and the remaining Yahi migrate to this new place to stay. Ishi found a new place to go and think. Later on, his grandmother and grandfather die of old age. There are four remaining Yahi left in the world. Chapter 3 The seasons have changed again and it is ...
4327: Oleg Vladmirovich Penkovsky
... 1939-1940 tour of duty. After that tour he was injured and spent most of his time doing various assignments that took him between Moscow and the Ukrainian front for the rest of the Second World War. When the war was over, Penkovsky attended two military academies. One of the academies was the Frunze Military Academy and the other was the Military Diplomatic Academy. By 1950 he had married a woman ... Penkovsky was unloading vast amounts of information including 78 pages of confidential material (Richelson 275). Examples of the information include missile technology, construction areas, launch sites, and even information on GRU operatives stationed around the world (Volkman, Warriors 102). Initially the CIA and the SIS were both awestruck and suspicious of the information that they received. There were some who felt that Penkovsky knew too much and acquired information to effortlessly ... the United States the advantage. With this information in hand the United States under the leadership of President Kennedy forced Krushchev and the Soviet Union to withdraw their missiles from Cuba. Never before had the world come so close to nuclear war. Thanks to Colonel Oleg Penkovsky the world got to walk away and sigh with relief. There is much speculation about the motives that led Colonel Penkovsky to live ...
4328: Hitler
Hitler The year was 1929, the Great Depression had hit hard all over the world. People were losing their jobs, and their way of life was changing drastically right before their eyes; the people needed money fast. They needed to rebuild their lives and get back on their feet again ... 1933, Germany was facing a high unemployment level, leaving people to fend for themselves on the streets, Hitler took advantage of the peoples low moral and made them big promises of the dawn of a new era for Germany. The social classes lost their meanings. The middle-class was ruined by the Depression: they were stripped of their livelihoods. The Nazi's promised them the one thing that were desperately in ... the doubts of he ability to rule from the Communists and Socialist parties. Unfortunately the both parties were wrong, he was voted into power , in March and was elected without a parliament. Hitler proclaimed a "New Germany." He believed that German culture was to be kept solid. His way of purifying their race was to burn books Americans, Jew, and Non-Germans. The philosophy was that if you destroy the ...
4329: Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson was raised in a traditional New England home in the mid 1800's. Her father along with the rest of the family had become Christians and she alone decided to rebel against that and reject the Church. She like many of her contemporaries had rejected the traditional views in life and adopted the new transcendental outlook. Massachusetts, the state where Emily was born and raised in, before the transcendental period was the epicenter of religious practice. Founded by the puritans, the feeling of the avenging had never left the people. After all of the "Great Awakenings" and religious revivals the people of New England began to question the old ways. What used to be the focal point of all lives was now under speculation and often doubted. People began to search for new meanings in life. People ...
4330: The Latvian-Russian Relations
... for themselves and their family. It is obvious that the communism promises much more benefits than it really provides. Free things sound appealing to anyone, however, it is known from economics that nothing in the world is free. There are opportunity costs and tradeoffs we face every day. Many, thanks to communism, have lost their incentive to succeed in their lives, and find command form of government quite to their satisfaction ... certainly has not left Russia's Russians and especially Latvia's Russians too happy of satisfied for obvious reasons. Positions have changed to how it is in any other normal and civilized country in the world. America is American home country and Latvia is Latvians home country, regardless of other nationalities living there. Out of 2.5 million Latvia's total population only 55% are Latvians, the 33% are Russians, and ... country with anti-Semitism, fascism, human rights violations, and terrorist acts. But what purpose would these incidents serve, assuming Latvians had done it? Why would Latvians want to create such a negative image to the world? The answer is absolutely none. However, all of this ties together because right at that time when all of these incidents took a place, Latvia was seeking to join NATO and European Union, which ...

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