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4281: Persian Gulf War-the Feat Of The Western Countries
... by Iraqi dictatorial president Saddam Hussein. His aim was apparently to take control Kuwait's oil reserves (despite its small size Kuwait is a huge oil producer; it has about 10 per cent of the world's oil reserves ). Iraq accused Kuwait, and also the United Arab Emirates, of breaking agreements that limit oil production in the Middle East. According to Saddam Hussein, this brought down world oil prices severely and caused financial loss of billions of dollars in Iraq's annual revenue. Saddam Hussein had the nearly hopeless task of justifying the invasion. He plead the fact that Kuwait had been part of the Ottoman province of Basra, a city in the south of Iraq. However, the Ottoman province collapsed after World War I and today's Iraqi borders were not created until then. There was also a further and more obvious blunder in a bid to justify this illegal invasion. Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, ...
4282: Hate Crimes
... James Byrd Jr. was not a random act of violence. King, Berry, and Brewer were on a mission, a mission they were brainwashed with after years of exposure to white supremacist ideology: to rid the world of evil by disposing of all blacks (Levin 89). For the past several years, white supremacist groups like the Ku Klux Klan and the National Association for the Advancement of White People have been claiming ... the murder (Bragg A17). Surprising to many, the town of Jasper did not erupt in racial conflict after the murder; instead blacks and whites joined together in prayer vigils, rallies, and discussion groups, showing the world that what happened in Jasper hurt and outraged all the town’s people, not just its blacks (Bragg A8). A community forced to experience that kind of trauma must not waste any time binding up ... whole must accept the fact that we are all a part of the problem, if we are not a part of the solution. Works Cited Bragg, Richard. “For Jasper, Just What It Didn’t Want.” New York Times 27 June 1998: A8. Bragg, Richard. “In Wake of Texas Killing, Black Militants and Klan Trade Words.” New York Times 28 June 1998: A17. Cropper, Carol Marie. “Black Man Fatally Dragged In ...
4283: Malaria
... are also using control measures, such as spraying DDT to kill mosquitoes, draining stagnant water, and using the widespread use of nets to contain the mosquito itself (Herman, 1996). Because of the worsening situation, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared malaria control to be a global priority (Limited Imagination, 1996). Although limiting the spread of malaria is not easy, finding a cure has presented several problems in recent years. One main reason finding a cure for malaria is so hard is that different strains in different parts of the world require different drugs, all of which soon lose their effectiveness as the parasite evolves resistance to them (Limited Imagination, 1996). Secondly, once the parasite enters the human bloodstream, it changes form several times inside the body, making it an elusive target for the immune system (Cann, 1996). Last, while research and development is very expensive, Africa’s third world countries don’t have the money to support such research (Graham, 1996). Research in the field of malaria’s microbiology enables a search for better vaccines and a possible cure for malaria (Atovaquone, 1996). ...
4284: Television Drama
... play a very important and critical part in how the drama is portrayed to the audience, and hence this gives an idea on how successful the show will be. Dawson’s Creek is a relatively new TV drama aimed at teenagers and the issues they face and have to deal with in society today. The viewer positioning, in relation to the show’s themes, construction and values will be discussed and ... The “Pilot” episode (first episode of Dawson’s Creek) will be referred back to in this essay, as this episode was what propelled Dawson’s Creek into becoming the most watched teen show around the world and what made the actors/ actresses into instant stars. Dawson's Creek is about one boy's coming of age journey and his lifelong friendship with a girl from a vastly different home life. The vivid and absorbing relationship between Dawson (James Van Der Beek) and Joey (Katie Holmes) is at the core of the series. Best friends since they were small children, the two are faced with many new challenges ahead of them in their teenage years, ones that would not have arisen in their childhood days. One is sustaining their close friendship in spite of their budding romantic relationship, their emotional, physical ...
4285: Slavery - Southern White Slaveholder Guilt
... be out of line with the picture of slaves as purely property. A lame slave would essentially be a negative in terms of profit; this wouldn't be advantageous in any sense of the economic world in which Leubal is embroiled. However, Leubal goes far above and beyond this baseline version of humanity. He gets a thorough examination from a clearly respected doctor - presumably his own - and gets a fairly complex ... of it,' a Louisiana mistress admitted, 'felt how impossible it must be for an owner of slaves to win his way to heaven.'"5 Because slavery was extremely to defend in the eyes of the New Testament - the golden rule of do unto others as you would have them do unto you was a particularly difficult obstacle - it remained for all pious slaveholders to question the morality of their actions.6 ... a slaveholder feels guilty about the institution, he sees his neighbors and countrymen following the Southern dream to prosperity through slavery. It was easier to continue with the current situation than radically alter the slaveholding world, and so southerners supported the Great Reaction in an attempt mainly to alleviate their own guilt. Perhaps the best sign that the propaganda of the Great Reaction was really slaveholders convincing themselves is in ...
4286: Marxist Analysis Of Thomas Cro
... fact that the period from the depression through the Vietnam war killed the American Dream. Back then it was not a matter of idealizing them but fearing them and staying out of their path. The new Thomas Crown is used to show a member of the bourgeoisie so successful he could do anything and everything himself, and the fact that the Iranians hired by Crown were sent to prison or possible ... of materialism must come into play. Materialism is very important from a Marxist point-of-view. The Marxist materialist' stance is that social being determines consciousness (Berger, MAT 39). Implying that anyone involved in the world around them is conscious of the world and its views. Both of the TCA's involve this overpowering ideology that it is okay for the incredibly wealthy to waste money. In the 1968 version, Crown is scene blowing $2000 on a ...
4287: Human Dignity In A Lesson Befo
... a crime, and though he did not commit it, he is sentenced to death as a hog a word that denies any sense of worth or fragment of dignity he may have possessed in a world ruled by oppressive white bigots. Jefferson is at an even greater loss as he has no education and after the conviction he doubts that God can even exist in a world that would send an innocent man to his death. It is clear that Jefferson does not believe he has any value. I m an old hog. Just an old hog they fattening up to kill ... for a greater meaning and a higher power, which allowed them to begin to think not of what white men thought of them, but rather what God and what they thought of themselves. With this new way of thinking, they forged a bond and both began to understand the simple heroic act of resistance in defying the expectation of white society that they were members of a lesser race Do ...
4288: Donald Trump
... elaborate on the background and early years of Donald Trump, his accomplishments and how he overcame obstacles, and how Trump fits into the typical stereotype of an entrepreneur. Born on June 14, 1946, in Queens New York, Donald John Trump was the fourth of five children of Frederick and Mary MacLeod Trump. Donald’s father Fred was a builder and real estate developer who specialized in building middle class homes in Queens, Staten Island, and Brooklyn for GI’s returning from World War II. The Trump family was very wealthy but despite their money, Fred Trump demanded his children’s success in school. Donald’s parents were always teaching them the value of money. Even though they ... Trump Plaza. Trump’s empire expanded at a great pace. In the 1980's his net worth leaped from the millions to the billions and he was one of the most successful men in the world. Not all of Trumps purchases were successful. He did have ventures that fell apart. In the early 80's Donald purchased Eastern Airline, and renamed it Trump Air Lines. Also in the Latini 3 ...
4289: Taming Of The Shrew
... image! Sirs, I will practice on this drunken man. What think you, if he were conveyed to bed, Wrapped in sweet clothes, rings put upon his fingers, A most delicious banquet by his bed, And brave attendants hear him when he wakes, Would not the beggar then forget himself?" (Induction I line 37-44) The induction of this play introduced us to a character named Christopher Sly. Sly was a beggar ... this play remained unquestioned. Men were obviously the ones that had authority over women. Yet in that case, Queen Elizabeth remained in power over Great Britain. While writing the play Shakespeare was influenced by the world surrounding him. These influences included the world’s views of women, men, and various other aspects that existed in that time. Though Shakespeare was writing a play that showed a different side of women, he didn’t write about women needing ...
4290: Internet
Internet MEMORANDUM Mrs. -----, I understand that some students that have already graduated from College are having a bit of trouble getting their new businesses started. I know of a tool that will be extremely helpful and is already available to them; the Internet. Up until a few years ago, when a student graduated they were basically thrown out into the real world with just their education and their wits. Most of the time this wasn't good enough because after three or four years of college, the perspective entrepreneur either forgot too much of what they were ... expect the customers to come to them, they have to go out and attract them. This is where the Internet becomes most useful, in advertising. On the Internet, in every major consumer area in the world, there are dozens of ways to advertise. The easiest and cheapest way, is to join groups such as "Entrepreneur Weekly". These groups offer weekly newsletters sent all over the world to major and minor ...

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