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4241: Admiration Of Anne Bradstreets
... faults with people, and that is he trusts people too much. He has too much faith in people and whether that is because of his deist ways, and how he looks at things in the world,and through reason. His trust in people and things often leads him into small troubles. His drunken friend Collins borrowed much money from Franklin promising to pay it back. Of course, it was never payed ... early in his life is salvation. He must have salvation. He believes he has been saved too and he goes on to point this out: From the about that time I began to have a new kind of apprehensions and Ideas of Christ, and the works of redemption, and the glorious way of salvationby Him. I had an inward, sweet sense of these things, that at timescame into my heart; and ... I need no more, Farewell, my pelf, farewell my store. (p. 133) She knows that all the things that she really needs are in heaven and that can t be taken away from her. The world no longer let me love, My hope and treasure lies above. (p.134) Somewhat of a problem with Bradstreet is her attactment with some of her aquaintances. She is really attached to her granddaughter ...
4242: The Theme of Coming of Age in Literature
... reach this stage through a tragic, painful event which affects them to such extent that they are completely changed. Other children reach this time by simply growing older and having a better understanding of the world around them. The coming of age really is indefinite and cannot be marked in general overview. This stage in life is one of the most important and most popular themes in literature. The coming of ... known as a universal life crises. Evoking anxiety, these crises often elicit passage rites. Arnold Van Gennep stated that "Passage rituals have three steps: separation from society; inculcation-transformation; and return to society in the new status." (1995, Grolier Encyclopedia) All passage rituals serve certain universal functions. "They serve to dramatize the encounter of new responsibilities, opportunities, dangers. They alleviate disruption in the equilibrium of the community. They affirm community solidarity, and the sacredness of common values." (1995, Grolier Encyclopedia) In addition, cultures use initiation ceremonies to mark the ...
4243: Girls Of Slender Means
... There are many characters involved, but the one s who caught my attention the most are Jane Wright and Joanna Childe. They represent different aspects of ideas, lifestyles and, also, have different perspectives on the World of Books. Joanna Childe was the daughter of a country rector. She was very intelligent, had ...strong obscure emotions (8), and ...religious strength (165). She was very well build. Joanna Childe was large... (9), ... fair ... than most people s (35-36). Unlike Joanna, Jane ...was on the look-out for a husband,... (32) since she was only twenty two years old. Joanna s and Jane s occupations evolved around the world of books. However, they had different perspectives about it. Jane worked for a publisher and Joanna attended a school of drama to be a teacher of elocution. Jane thought of the publishing business as ...essentially ... room which overlapped from her day s duties at the small publisher s office (41-42). Besides the work she had to do in the publisher s office, she was doing some detective work on new authors. She was supposed to hang out with them, find their weak spots and report them to her boss, who would use this information to lower the price of the author s book. From ...
4244: A Critical Analysis of Tension's In Memorial A. H. H.
... difficulties inherent in reconciling God with the cold universe slowly emerging for the notes of scientists. In order to deal with the tasks set before him, Tennyson must first boldly face the possibility of a world without God. In stanza number three, Sorrow, personified as a woman, whispers these disconcerting possibilities to a grief-ridden Tennyson, saying, “And all the phantom, Nature, stands-... / A hollow form with empty hands” (3.9 ... sixty-four, Tennyson speaks of Hallam, describing him with the words: “And moving up from high to higher, Becomes on Fortune's crowning slope The pillar of a people's hope, The center of a world's desire” (64.13-16). In subsequent sections, he speaks of the divinity present in Hallam, seeming to compare him at times even to Jesus, as in poem eighty-four, where he writes, “I see ... form, and glow / In azure orbits heavenly-wise' (87.35-37). Hallam, Tennyson suggests, would have been a link not only between the present race and that which is to come, but also between a world in turmoil and the God who will restore it to peace. This notion of the division between chaotic nature and an ordered divinity is metaphorically expressed through images of the spirit leaving the body ( ...
4245: Reproductive Medicine
... advances in science and medicine have led to the increase in ethical disputes. For many couples desperate to have children, fertility procedures are a momentous opportunity, which come with a high price. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, “in 1994, the fertility industry cost the US Health-care system between $60,000 and $110,000 for each successful pregnancy.” Not only are these operations expensive, but also tantalizing and ... 1 billion-a-year industry that accounts for some 23,000 live births a year in the U.S. alone (Wulf). With these experimental procedures comes the risk of error by surgeons. Donna Fasano of New York was one victim in an infertility treatment mix-up that impregnated her with two embryos; one with her egg and husband’s sperm, and one with an African American’s DNA. Their fertility specialist ... pregnant at all, just as equal as the possibility of having a multiple birth and both results may also come with a cloud of ethical arguments. The entire field of reproductive medicine is in a world of moral controversy. Paul Ramsey of the Journal of Human Medicine concludes, “Human parenthood…is a basic form of humanity. To violate this is already dehumanizing, even if spiritualistic or personalistic or mentalistic categories ...
4246: Fate: Would Homer and Virgil Be The Same Without It?
... how the twins Romulus and Remus, his descendants, will be born in this town and how they will found the city of Rome (Milch 22). The union of the Trojans and Latins to form a new race is another example of a predestined event found in the Aeneid. This illustrates the unchangeable will of Fate, even to the degree that the gods believe what is foretold must happen (Camp 42). Even ... s unchangeable laws. Both authors are successful in depicting predestined events that cannot be changed by the powers of gods or prayers of men. Although fate is not predominant in the writings of our modern world, in the works of the ancient world; especially in Homer and Virgil, fate must be present for the heroes to accomplish their destiny. Biblography Anderson, William S. The Art of The Aeneid. Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ., 1969. Bertman, Stephen. " ...
4247: Florence Nightingale
... to help others was put into practice at a young age. She started out by caring for sick animals and was soon caring for the servants in the household. Her family traveled all over the world and Nightingale took this opportunity to further educate herself. When she traveled she would secretly go out and visit hospitals. She kept extensive notes on all the hospitals. She took notes on management, hygiene, wards ... War, Nightingale worked all day and wrote all night applying her knowledge of mathematics. She was determined that the criminal treatment of the British soldier in the Crimean should never happen again. She used a new technique of statistical analysis to plot the incidents of preventable deaths in the military. She is known for developing the polar-area diagrams (Audain, 1). These diagrams showed the deaths caused by unsanitary conditions and ... the military authorities, Parliament and Queen Victoria to carry out her proposed hospital reforms. Many of her statistical forms and diagrams are still in use today within the military and hospitals. Nightingale is recognized the world over as the person who set out the principles for nursing education and practice. Her name stands for the nursing profession, as she is responsible for establishing nursing as a respected profession. Nightingale believed ...
4248: The Social Construction Of Rea
... used are: anecdote, syllogism, rhetorical virtuosity, appeal to authority and other scattered techniques. ANECDOTE (a fictional story that conveys personal opinion, lacks systematic evidence yet is interesting) 1) "Whether I . . . am viewing the panorama of New York City or whether I become conscious of an inner anxiety, the process of consciousness involved are intentional in both instances."(p.20) This anecdote attempts to illustrate the common intentional nature of all consciousness ... am an automobile mechanic who is highly knowledgeable about all American made cars . . . One day someone appears in the garage and asks me to repair his Volkswagen. I am now compelled to enter the problematic world of foreign made cars."(p.24) This fictional story tries to explain that as long as the routines of everyday life continue you will avoid the problematic world. Evaluation: This tale seems contradictory. If he were truly knowledgeable about American cars, then he would not find German cars belonging to 'another world' as described. The basic structure of the automobile varies only ...
4249: Overpopulation
... on Earth’s life-support systems. Throughout time, humankind has been living as though there are no consequences to its actions. But now, as people of the future, we see what is happening to the world that we live in. Despite all we know, these easily seen problems are still being ignored. Our actions in the past determine the present, and our actions now determine the future. In other words, we ... lack of resources due to of the increasing number of people. Tropical forests cover only 7 percent of the earth’s surface, but it holds over half of all plant and animal species in the world. The rate of destruction of these resources is now so far in excess of their renewable rates that they have effectively been turned into useless land. Although 3/4 of the earth is covered by water, less than one percent is readily available for human use. As the world population increases, this incredibly small amount of water will be the only supply for all humans, plants, and other animals on earth. Once this percent of water lessens even more, the agriculture will suffer, ...
4250: The Simpsons 2 -
... have a low income and can only buy toys that are inexpensive. Among other commercials that are viewed during The Simpsons are family vacation advertisements. One such one is of a family going to Disney world. The commercials states that Disney world has everything for everyone in the family. The advertisement shows the Dad playing golf, which is meant to appeal to the dads who watch the Simpsons. The commercial also shows the mom buying something at ... his problems with the bully. One other episode The Simpsons had to move because Homer lost his job at the nuclear power plant and showed how the family had to readjust to living in a new town. The episode showed how both the parents and children had to meet new people. Middle class families can understand the frustration that comes along with moving to a new town or cities. Like ...

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