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... health problems. Aromatherapy also acts on the central nervous system, relieving depression and anxiety, reducing stress, relaxing, uplifting, sedating or stimulating, restoring both physical and emotional well-being. Although Aromatherapy is consider to be a new and alternative foram of medicine in the western world, however it has been practiced for thousands of years in the eastern world. A lot of interest in Aromatherapy stems from its use as an 'alternative medicine' or even a 'complementary medicine'. It is certainly true that before pharmaceutical companies brought a vast array of modern drugs ...
4182: History Of Gunpowder
GUNPOWDER Gunpowder is the oldest of all explosives. It was used by the ancient Chinese, Arabs, and people of India first. But exact directions on how to make it were not known to the western World until 1242, when Roger Bacon of Oxford University, in England published a book in which he told the ways to make gunpowder. Today gunpowder is not used as much as more powerful explosives After Roger ... not light the powder because it couldn't get enough oxygen. But if it were packed too loosely, it couldn't build up enough gas forces to push the cannonball to it's target. A new way to make gunpowder into grains, instead of powder, was invented in the fourteen hundreds. In this method you would moisten it and pound it into a cake. Then it was broken into small bits ... eighteen eighty-four, and had replaced gunpowder for use in firing shells by the early nineteen hundreds. But gunpowder was still made in large quantities in the United States for many years after that. During World War One, gunpowder was used as a base in many shells, bombs, and torpedoes. heavier armor and new types of fighting equipment used in World War Two required more powerful explosives, but gunpowder was ...
4183: Hackers
Computer Hacking Explosive growth in the computer industry over the last decade has made new technologies cheaper and simpler for the average person to own. As result, computers play an intricate part in our daily lives. The areas in which computers affect life are infinite, ranging from entertainment to finances. If anything were to happen to these precious devices, the world would be chaotic. Computer hacking is a dangerous crime that could total chaos for the entire world. Some hackers act on revenge or just impersonal mischievousness. But whatever their motives, their deeds can be destructive to a person's computer. An attack by a hacker not only affects the victim, but ...
4184: British Rule of The American Colonies
... England then they exported to the colonies. They were importing raw materials from the colonies and making them into exportable goods in England. They would then ship these goods to foreign markets all around the world including the colonies(America Online ). Throughout the seventeenth century the English saw America as a place to get materials they didn’t have at home and a market to sell finished products at after the ... a deliberate aim to disinherit the colonists by denying them the rights of the English(Blum 96).” The first of these acts were the Townshend Acts. The Townshend Acts were passed in 1767 and placed new taxes on paper, paints, tea, lead and, glass. The new taxes would be used to pay for British officials in the American service. These acts infuriated the colonists because they believed that Parliament had the right to put taxes on the trade of the ...
4185: Technology And Education
... students in networking within and between schools. Internet technology permits swift student-to-student communication through relatively inexpensive e-mail. Through the Internet students are also able to find Internet pen pals and experience the world through the vision of other students (Carey 24). The Internet can also be used in cooperation with the library. It can provide students with an enormous and readily accessible database with research materials and therefore ... can students learn on the Internet, but they can also teach about areas in which they have knowledge and sills. Students have been able to create web pages to display to people all over the world. School newspapers and college web pages can also do the same. These pages can be read anywhere by anyone and has thus provided for greater publication (Carey 25). Although computers and technology provide for much ... and not outside. Instead of being subjected to such images, students must be able to realize that they should take the chance and look at the things outside and not just the through the technological world (Schwarz 79). Computers are also high-maintenance supplies for schools. Unlike books, which represent generally fixed costs, technology requires a significant, continuous monetary input. The useful lifetimes of computers and their software are sometimes ...
4186: The Effects of television Violence on Children
The Effects of television Violence on Children What has the world come to these days?. It often seems like everywhere one looks, violence rears its ugly head. We see it in the streets, back alleys, school, and even at home. The home is a major source of violence. In many people’s living rooms there sits an outlet for violence that often goes unnoticed. It is the television, and the children who view it are often pulled into its realistic world of violence scenes with sometimes devastating results. Research has shown that The truth about television violence and children has been shown. Some are trying to fight this problem. Others are ignoring it and hoping it ... children. The research proves time and time again that aggression and television viewing do go hand in hand. The television violence can cause actual violence in a number of ways. After viewing television violence the world becomes flat in comparison. The child needs to create violence to keep himself satisfied. Also the children find the violent characters on television fun to imitate. Children do imitate the behavior of models such ...
4187: Cross-Cultural Child Rearing
... types of cultures nurse their newly born infants and treat them in many of the same ways. As stated by Jan Reynolds, “In the Amazon, the Himalaya, the Sahara, and other far corners of the world I saw newborns either nursed, held, or carried in some fashion by their mothers from the moment of birth” (Reynolds p.21). Though many mothers across the world may do this, there are many variances in the way the children are raised. Breast-feeding is one variance that is present cross culturally. Most women breast-feed their children for some period of time ... by their mothers during early infancy, but the average age for starting is four to five months” (Novartis p.1). Some cultures that start their children later on solid foods are Northern India, Kaliai West New Britain and Nigeria. In North India, once again, the first complementary food is a rice substance along with vegetables and breast milk. “Mothers introduce their babies to these foods between six and twelve months ...
4188: Teenage Violence
... present a scenario that will hopefully open your eyes and give you a sense of how extremely troublesome violence is among our children. Please picture this: A 14 year old boy has moved to a new city in the middle of his school year. He is very upset because he has left all his friends behind and he disregards the fact that he could probably meet new friends if he would only try. He is in the 8th grade and he feels afraid of the other boys at his new school. He acts tough and has been in two fights in the last week. Because he is getting a reputation for as a (quote) "tough kid" he thinks that carrying a knife will make ...
4189: Television That Kills
Television That Kills Television has changed over time. It used to be a wholesome activity for the family to sit in front of the tube together. It was a new technology that brought the outside world into the living room. Now TV, as it has so lovingly been dubbed, has become a source of corruption for the nation's children. As the world becomes more and more violent the sanctity of the home becomes occupied with the extremities of violence. Television and other media have caused unnecessary violence and effected the children of the entire country. Television ...
4190: Birth Parents Should Not Be Able To Reclaim Their Child
Birth Parents Should Not Be Able To Reclaim Their Child The world is a diverse land with different races, different religions, and different politics. However, what divides the world is the disagreement about which way a child should be raised in society. More importantly, though, the thing maturing children need most is a strong family of their own. Many would believe this would impact ... would not be considering the best interest of the child nor his or her feelings. Laws and regulations are making readopting a child impracticable for birth parents. Advancing with technology and the rest of the world, laws referring to adoption are also continually undergoing changes. Whether these laws have a positive or negative impact on the adoption controversy, they all are causing the children confusion and pain. Older laws were ...

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