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4171: A Healthy Personality
... has many curves and blind corners. Ones ability to adapt to this constantly changing road is one of the most important components of a healthy personality. That is, the ability to adapt to a changing world. Another important component is the ability to handle stress. We are just beginning to find out what stress does to our bodies and minds, and most of it is not good. Some other components I will discuss are having a good self-concept and everything that encompasses self . Our world is constantly changing and putting different pressures and demands on us. We have to adapt to many new kinds of stressors resulting from evolution alone. Time is changing constantly and that brings on new situations we need to cope with. When a person can adapt well, they have less stress and in ...
4172: Importance Of The American Revolution
... many soldiers awaiting the first shot of the revolution, then suddenly a shot came from the dead silence. This was the first shot of the war and was known as “The Shot Heard ‘Round the World.” Later came a man named Ethan Allen from Vermont he was a very strong man and was said to be able to grip a sack of salt with his teeth and throw it over his head. Not only was he physically strong, but his mental intelligence led him to be a great threat to Governor Tyron of New York, Allen was named an outlaw. This only increased his fame and popularity, which led Ethan to organize The Green Mountain Boys. This group was started for the protection of the land between New York and New Hampshire. A man named Benedict Arnold from Connecticut became a partner with Allen. When Benedict Arnold heard the extremely exciting news about Concord and Lexington he decided that the British fort , ...
4173: Angel Island
... of the competition for jobs, eight-hundred-thousand Europeans came to the U.S. per year and nobody gave it a second thought. Shortly, with all the problems the Chinese were said to have caused, new laws, such as the Exclusion Acts and various taxes, came into being. The Chinese were taken advantage of by the capitalists, the people who stood to benefit the most from the Chinese movement to America ... did not have the desire to grant the Chinese what they wanted without reaping any profits, so they created laws to make the Chinese either leave their occupation or pay the tolls. "Wherever in the world there is an oriental working population, there is no room for a white one."4 was a statement from Chester Rowell, describing the current economic situation. Racial prejudice kept the Asians and Europeans segregated. Children ... like gold. At that time, white people didn't even know abalone was edible and since California had no preexisting fishing industry it was not as if Chinese were stealing any jobs. Soon, Congress passed new laws in 1876 that limited the size of Chinese nets. In 1880 a fishing tax on Chinese came into being, which was similar to the Miners' Tax that immigrants had faced in the Sierras. ...
4174: Death
... that approximately 1,143 prison bed spaces are needed per week due to overcrowding. To put this in an economic prospective, on the average each prisoner cost $22,000 per year, and the cost of new construction averages almost $54,000 per bed (AAE "Prison"). The 883,593 prisoners are costing the American taxpayers approximately $19.4 billion plus another $61.7 million for the construction of the 1,143 spaces ... 000) and Amount B equals the cost of the execution (negligible). We are talking about paying Amount A times the nine years spent in jail plus Amount B for the execution plus the cost for new construction during the nine years (total is approx. $690,000), as opposed to paying Amount A times an average of 60 years the prisoner would spend in jail plus the cost of new construction during an average of 60 years (total is approx. $4,560,000). Even if the prisoner spent 20 years in prison the cost would be approx. $1,520,000. How is the death ...
4175: The Constitution in the 1850's: Unity or Discord
... slavery (ibid, 241). Slave states were those states where slave-holding was authorized by law before the Civil War. After the American Revolution, slavery disappeared from areas north of Delaware and Maryland. In 1845 nine new slave states had entered the Union. Efforts to add additional slave states and to prevent the spread of slavery led to fighting in Kansas with states who did not believe in slavery, they were called ... Cotton is king."(ibid, 46). This expressed that the southern belief was cotton was "so essential that those who controlled it might dictate the economic and political policies of the United States and of the world" (ibid, 46). The improved cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney. It was patented on March 14, 1794. The cotton gin made picking and cleaning cotton easier and quicker. It also contributed to the expansion of slave labor in the United States (Encarta, Cotton Gin). This new machine increased cotton production in America from 3,000 bales in 1790 to more than 2 million bales in 1850 (Dictionary, 240). The cotton gin helped and at the same time made things worse ...
4176: The Great Depression
The Great Depression The Great Depression was the worst economical slump in U.S. history and one, which spread virtually all over the industrialized world. The depression began in late 1929 and lasted for about a decade. Many factors played a role in bringing about the depression; however, the main cause for the Great Depression was the combination of wealth ... 00 billion dollars in 1929. Though most Americans are aware of the Great Depression in 1929, few know of the many Americans who lost their homes, life savings and jobs. In the 1920's, after World War 1, danger signals were apparent, that the great depression was coming. A major cause of the Depression was that the pay of workers did not increase at all. Because of this they couldn't ... to well because they were producing more crops and farm products than could be sold at high prices. Therefore, they made a very small profit. This small profit wouldn't allow the farmers to purchase new machinery and because of this they couldn't produce goods quick enough. A new plan was created called the installment plan. This plan was established because many Americans didn't have enough money to ...
4177: The Salem Witch Trials
... There was strong belief in God, but there was also a strong belief in the devil and of the devil’s ability to mesmerize people. “Accusations of witchcraft were not unusual in the seventeenth-century world that believed in divine providence and worried incessantly about the state of each soul” (Breslaw 103). It was felt that all evil stemmed from the devil and that the devil was able to possess people ... folklore deeply embedded in English life and …were transported with the colonists for m the old country”’ (Breslaw 90). These minor practices were not considered witchcraft. “These folk practices were part of the everyday mundane world; they seldom involved diabolical action or evil intent” (Breslaw 91). The second theory is that it was such a stressful time for this community that it was a perfect setting for something like this to ... for this to happen. The rye has to be in a susceptible state, usually caused when the weather has been cold. And, as noted above, the winter of 1692 was one of the coldest in New England. As noted in Poisons of the Past, “Cold winters traumatize rye and increases the risk of ergot alkaloid formation. Such alkaloids may have caused the symptoms of bewitchment” (Matossian). But was there any ...
4178: Foxwoods (gambling)
... has made much more sense to me now, and I hope it will do the same for you. Foxwoods resort casino, the largest of its kind in North America and most profitable casino in the world, got its start with the advent of a bingo hall in 1987. At this time the Mashantucket Pequots secured a $4 million loan from the Arab American Bank. The bingo hall netted $13 million in ... plans to build an Asian theme park, with a monorail and replica of China’s Great Wall, golf courses and a campground. Already, the tribe has built a community center, a child development center and new housing for their tribal members. Their staggering profits have removed the Tribes worries about paying college tuition and health insurance. In addition, all tribal members receive a yearly bonus if they stick to a strict ... slot machines, resulting in a record one month net win for the casino of $64.4 million. From January 1993 to December 1996, Foxwoods gave $504 million to the state in slot revenue. However, its New England “monopoly” came to an end in October 1996 with the Mohegan Indians opening their own casino, Mohegan Sun. The new casino, however, does not hurt the Pequots profits or the amount of money ...
4179: The End of the 20th Century
The End of the 20th Century Next month we will celebrate the end of the 20th century and the beginning of a new millennium. The year 2000. Although the third millennium doesn't officially begin until Jan. 1, 2001, when every numeral in 1999 rolls over and the year 2000 comes in, a lot is going to be ... with the year 1 AD, his calculation of the year of the birth of Jesus. Thus, the millennium doesn't officially end until the last day of the year 2000. However, the majority of the world is preparing to celebrate the new millenium this year. Today I am going to talk about: 1) SOME MILLENNIUM MOMENTS 2)THE ANTICIPATED MILLENNIUM PROBLEM and 3)A LOOK AT THE FUTURE. This closing millennium had seen many things, good ...
4180: Ants, Little But Mighty
... leave there nest and fly high in the air and mate. The few ant queens that survive this “marriage flight” cast off there wings and instinctively begin to look for a spot to start a new ant colony. After making a nest, the young queen ant seals off the entrance and begins to lay eggs. Some of the first batch are eaten by the queen for nourishment. When the surviving eggs ... itself and pupates. In a few more weeks, adult workers emerge. It is their job to hunt for food and make the nest bigger. More workers will develop and the colony gets very organized. The new workers will completely take over as caretakers of the eggs, larvae, and pupae. Now the queens only duty is to lay more and more eggs, thousands of them in her lifetime. Many wingless workers develop ... established, the queen begins to lay some eggs that develop into queens and males. It takes a few years before a colony becomes large enough to send out winged males and young queens to start new colonies. The cycle will now begin all over again. Ant nests come in all shapes and sizes. One tropical species built a nest that extended forty feet below the surface of the ground. Another ...

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