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Search results 4131 - 4140 of 22819 matching essays
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4131: Technology In Our Society
Technology In Our Society No doubt, technology is increasingly important in the modern world. It is amazing how fast technology has been developed. Nearly every major advance was invented in the last century. These invention are always planned for a positive result, however the negative effects often do not ... be tests for 5000 diseases." It is a remarkable increase. In the near future, hopefully, genetic testing will be employed to reveal potential health risks. It is a positive effect of technology in the modern world. Another useful source for the effects of technology in our world is the documentary. On 23 April 1996, SBS broadcasted a film entitled "Weapon: A Battle for Humanity". It recorded that landmines and laser weapons are devils. Evidently, mines do not just shatter individual lives, ...
4132: Bill Of Rights
By: Chad Stevens After the Revolution, the States adopted their own constitutions, many of which contained the Bill of Rights. The Americans still faced the challenge of creating a central government for their new nation. In 1777 the Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation, which were ratified in 1781. Under the Articles, the states retained their “sovereignty, freedom and independence,” while the national government was kept weak and ... settle and defend the frontier, regulating trade, currency and commerce, and organizing thirteen states into one union. (1) So in the summer of 1787 delegates from the twelve states convened in Philadelphia to draft a new Constitution. They proposed a strong national government that would assume many of the powers previously imposed upon the states. (1) “No sooner than had the Continental Congress laid the proposed Constitution before the people for ... should be incorporated against the states. (1) Part II The Supreme Court views and attitudes can change over time. First the membership of the court changes when a justice retires or dies, and when the new justice is appointed to fill his position the new justice may not share the same views as the previous one. Also, new developments occur with the passing of time, which may cause a change ...
4133: Containment Policy
... Inaugural Address of January 20, 1949, Truman made four points about his "program for peace and freedom": to support the UN, the European Recovery Program, the collective defence of the North Atlantic, and a “bold new program” for technical aid to poor nations. Because of his programs, "the future of mankind will be assured in a world of justice, harmony and peace." Containment was not just a policy. It was a way of life. In 1945 the United States saw the Soviet Union as its principal ally. By 1947, it saw the ... was established. According to the conventional Western view, the Cold War was a conflict between two superpowers, caused by Soviet aggression, in which the U.S. tried to contain the Soviet Union and protect the world from it. If this view is a doctrine of theology, there's no need to discuss it. If it is intended to shed some light on history, we can easily put it to the ...
4134: Endangered Species 2
... the species. All potential breeding animals in captivity should be included in an integrated programme, whose main aim should be to provide animals for re-introduction into the wild. WWF urges all institutions in the world which currently hold pandas to contribute fully to this breeding programme." There are currently 23 pandas at the China Conservation and Research Centre for the Giant Panda in Wolong and an estimated total of 103 ... Panda which remain may be threatened by in-breeding, which is liable to reduce reproduction rate, fertility and survival of young.7 1. Servheen, C. 1990. The Status and Conservation of the Bears of the World. Int. Conf. Bear Res. and Manage. Monogr. Series No. 2. 32. 2. Anon. 1990. Panda Research. International Bear News, Vol. 90 (3), No. 1. 3. Mills, J. 1992. Milking the bear trade. International Wildlife, 22 ... D.C. 1992. Threatened Birds of the Americas. The ICBP/IUCN Red Data Book. ICBP (now BirdLife International), Cambridge. Collar, N.J., Crosby, M.J., and Stattersfield, A.J. 1994. Birds to Watch 2. The World List of Threatened Birds. BirdLife International, Cambridge. PHILIPPINE EAGLE HABITAT : Primary dipterocarp forest. GEOGRAPHICAL SPREAD: Luzon, Samar, Leyte and Mindanao, in the Philippines. CURRENT POPULATION: An estimated 200 birds survived in the mid 1980s. ...
4135: Computers Related To Turf Grass Industries
... involved. Much of the equipment has gone higher tech, as far as electric motors, and more computerized technology. Many golf course superintendents now are , "online via the web". If there is a question concerning a new disease or fertilizer one can log on to Texas A@M home page and hopefully find a solution to the problem. The technology in the computer field has also advanced the irrigation technology in the agriculture field. Irrigation systems can now be turned on with the touch of a button through IBM or MACINTOSH Personal computer. New computer technology will continue to make leaps and bounds for the turfgrass industry. Ransome Industries, maker of fine turgrass mowing equipment, has come out with the first electric mowing machine. I myself am not in ... for the rest of the day. Hopefully technology can produce an environmental friendly machine, while not putting the oil industry in a bind, " And also keep the governments hands out of the cookie jar with new environmental taxes"!!!!!! The Internet has become a very important tool to the people in the turfgrass industry. At any given time a golf course superintendent can log onto various company's home pages to ...
4136: Vincent Van Gogh
By: Phil In present time, Vincent van Gogh is probably the most widely known and highly appreciated person of postimpressionism. During his brief lifetime, Vincent’s work went almost unknown to this world. His work now hangs in countless museums throughout the world and is considered priceless. His work became an important bridge between the 19th and 20th centuries. The art-historical term, Postimpressionism was coined by Roger Fry a British art critic, who described the various styles of painting that flourished during the period from about 1880 to 1910 (Britannica). It was generally used for a convenient way to group together the generation of artists who sought new forms of expression during a pictorial revolution wrought by impressionism. Among these figures were Piere Bonnard, Paul Cenanne, Paul Gauglin, Odilon Redon, George Seurat, Henri de Toulouse- Lautrec, and of course Vincent van Gogh ( ...
4137: Factors Of Parasitic Virulence
... while others coexist with their host? Two prime factors determine parasitic virulence: the manner in which the parasite is transmitted, and the evolutionary history of the parasite and its host. Parasites which have colonized a new host species tend to be more virulent than parasites which have coevolved with their hosts. Parasites which are transmitted horizontally tend to be more virulent than those transmitted vertically. It has been assumed that parasite ... The selective pressures of the transmission mode act on parasite populations over evolutionary time, favoring an equilibrium level of virulence (Lenski and May 1994). DOES COEVOLUTION DETERMINE VIRULENCE? Incongruent evolution is the colonization of a new host species by a parasite. It is widely reported that such colonizations, when successful, feature high virulence due to the lack of both evolved host defenses and parasitic self-regulation (Esch and Fernandez 1993, Toft ... when parasites encounter hosts with adequate defenses. In Africa, indigenous ruminants experience low virulence from Trypanosoma brucei infection, while introduced ruminants suffer fatal infections (Esch and Fernandez 1993). There has been no time for the new host to develop immunity, or for the parasite to self-regulate. Virulent colonizations may occur regularly in epizootic-enzootic cycles. Sin Nombre virus, a hemmorhagic fever virus, was epizootic in 1993 after the population ...
4138: The American Hero
... finding a way to escape. All of these imaginative thoughts have been derived from the past literary works by the great writers of the early American literary period. These early writers entered society into a world of action and adventure, where one can see spectacular events unfolding through the eyes of a notorious man of courage and feel as though they are defending there country or saving the woman they love ... example of Natty encountering physical danger. This wilderness scout is the first of his kind in American literature and was seen nowhere before by the American readers. This novel allowed the readers to enter a world where they could relive the Revolutionary War, Indian wars, and battles on the frontier. After The Deer Slayer, Natty Bumppo is seen in The Last of the Mohicans. In this novel, Natty is called Hawkeye ... these struggles he would escape in the nick of time, leaving the reader on the edge of their seat as he evades the situation. Indiana Jones is a recent hero of America that has set new standards in both film and literature. Indiana Jones is a symbol of bravery, action, and knowledge to all who has seen or heard his adventures. He has achieved this reputation by perfecting the characteristics ...
4139: Year 2000 Fiction, Fantasy, and Fact
Year 2000 Fiction, Fantasy, and Fact "The Mad Scramble for the Elusive Silver Bullet . . . and the Clock Ticks Away." The year 2000 is practically around the corner, promising a new era of greatness and wonder . . . as long as you don't own a computer or work with one. The year 2000 is bringing a Pandora's Box of gifts to the computer world, and the latch is slowly coming undone. The year 2000 bug is not really a "bug" or "virus," but is more a computer industry mistake. Many of the PC's, mainframes, and software out there ... or is it going to corrupt as well?! The answers to these questions and others like them are not answerable with a yes or a no. For one thing, the "leading experts" in the computer world cannot agree that there is even a problem, let alone discuss the magnitude upon which it will impact society and the business world. CNN correspondant Jed Duvall illustrates another possible "problem" scenario. Suppose an ...
4140: Ku Klux Klan
The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is one of America's oldest and most feared groups. Driven by the dream of a world with only one master race, the KKK often uses violence and moves above the law to promote their cause. They didn't start of violent, or to promote white supremacy. They have been in the ... left. After the turn of the century, it started again. This time the goal was much larger, freeing America of all non white, Christian Americans. This is the Ku Klux Klan we know today. The new breed of Klan differed from the old version in many ways. The old Klan wanted to set things back to the old ways. They wanted their freedom back and wanted nothing more. Being prejudice was only an effect. In the eyes of the modern KKK, prejudice was the cause. The new Klan was far more violent. People were tarred and feathered, lynched, and beaten for little reason more than being a certain race, nationality or religion. In the 1920's, the KKK prospered. Unlike previous ...

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