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4071: Brief Look At Jewish History
... however, led to four major conflicts between Israel and the Arab countries. One of the most meaningful wars was the Six-Day War. Events such as the holocaust have also had a dramatic effect on world history and whose mysteries are still being unravelled. For twelve years following 1933 the Jews were persecuted by the Nazi's. Jewish businesses were boycotted and vandalized. By 1939,Jews were no longer citizens,could ... engage in practically any business or profession, own any land, associate with any non-Jew or visit public places such as parks and museums. The victories of the German armies in the early years of World War II brought the majority of European Jewry under the Nazis. The Jews were deprived of human rights. The Jewish people were forced to live in Ghetto's which were separated from the main city ... died in the gas chambers of the Nazi concentration camps. This has put a psychological strain on Jewish survivors or no longer having family and friends with them for support. This event has awaken the world up to the needs of the Jewish people. It has given them political power and a justification for some of their actions. On May recognised,1945 ,the end of World War II was seen. ...
4072: Cartels Of Japan
Amid the world today, Japan is a weak link in the chain of the world economies. It is not the miracle it used to be. Japan, after the war, has made some decisions that caused some problems for the future. Those decisions ultimately caused the economic distress it is now ... passing of the Industries Control Law. This law enable the cartels to control and establish fixed rates in prices, production, and an important link. A link that enables a country to grow, the entrance of new firms. The entrance of firms increases capital, labor, tax revenue etc. The problem surrounding Japan's unfortunate economic distress is due to the governments protectionism, the slowly withdrawal of Japan's key corporations, and ...
4073: The Market Structure of Microsoft
... In 1981, Microsoft purchased an operating system for an Intel based 8086 chip from a small company named Seattle Computer Products and redesigned its product to sell it to license it to IBM for its new personal computer (PC) (Conigliaro1996). The redesigned product was released under the name MS DOS 1.0. IBM being a monopoly at that time in the hardware department, by allowing Microsoft to provide the operating system ... Chinese Wall”, that is some of the developers learned to take advantage of the operating system before other companies could who did not have the access (Gleick 1995). They were also accused of when introducing new technology called object linking embedding (OLE) in Windows, they would provide the technology to Excel 3.0 developers to incorporate it into Excel before the technology was available to other companies. Making it possible for ... producing products for multimedia, business operation systems, and now even games and online services. They have been accused of shady business practices when they attempted to purchase Intuit, the software company that owns Quicken, the world’s most popular personal finance manager. And Microsoft’s pairing Windows 95 with The Microsoft Network, both moves are threatening to new competitors because of the barriers they create. They also generate risks to ...
4074: Chernobyl
... extent they are still suffering from these consequences. Although the radiological impact of the accident in other countries was generally very low, and even insignificant outside Europe, this event enchanted public apprehension all over the world on the risks associated with the use of nuclear energy. The accident The Unit 4 of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was to be shutdown for routine maintenance on 25 April 1986. On that occasion ... of the enclosure and the long-term migration of radionuclides from the enclosure into the groundwater. The first two accident scenarios would result in the release of radionuclides into the atmosphere that would produce a new contamination of the surrounding area within a radius of several tens of kilometers. It is not expected, however, that such accidents could have serious radiological consequences at longer distances. As far as the leaching of ... and nuclear emergency issues. This prompted many countries to establish nationwide emergency plans in addition to the existing structure of local emergency plans for individual nuclear facilities. In the scientific and technical area, besides providing new surge to the nuclear safety research, especially on the management of severe nuclear accidents, this new climate led to renewed efforts to expand knowledge on the harmful effects of radiation and their medical treatment ...
4075: Genetech
Genetech Robert Swanson and Dr. Herbert Boyer founded Genentech on April 7, 1976. In it’s beginnings, Genentech pioneered a new scientific field called Recombinant DNA technology. The two young men and their company faced criticism from academic communities and businesses. Ignoring the cruel comments, they kept moving forward with each new daring step. Genentech is old in age compared to other biotechnology and bioscience companies, but not in cutting age breakthroughs. A year after their debut to the world the first human protein (somatstatin) in a microorganism (E. Coli bacteria) was produced. If there was no respect for Genentech before, there was now. The talk of diseases, disorders, and birth defects being abolished ...
4076: Wealth In The Great Gatsby
A young bondman from the Mid-west named Nick Carraway, moves to a suburb of New York in search of fortune. The first few weeks pose a general "Culture shock" to him, but he quickly befriends one of his cousins by the name of Daisy Buchannon and her husband Tom. His neighbor, a very wealthy Mr. Jay Gatsby, is also one of the many interesting people that Nick encounters. Mr. Gatsby is known all around New York for his elaborate parties that are held nearly every weekend. Nick is invited to one, upon which he hears numerous rumors of how Mr. Gatsby attained his massive fortune; but everybody admits that it ... had met Ms. Baker previously at the Buchannon's home when he had gone to pay his dear cousin a visit. About a week later, Nick and Tom Buchannon, were on their way up to New York, when Tom suddenly got off of their train and led them to a small service station, where they met a Myrtle Wilson, the wife of the owner. This was Tom's mistress. There ...
4077: Over Population
By: T lam E-mail: xoluvchild@aol.com Over Population There are several problems that affect the world today: war, crime, pollution, and several others. Overpopulation is a serious dilemma that is growing every year, every minute, and every second. It is the root of most, if not all, of the world’s problems1. It is the greatest global crisis facing humanity in the twenty-first century. Overpopulation is the major global problem because of several reasons. Most of the problems we have today, such as ocean ... produce fifty-two tons of garbage and consume 11 million gallons of water by the age of seventy-five3. Freshwater, drinkable water, is the most critical natural resource to humans. As time goes by, the world’s population expands more rapidly, but there is no more freshwater on the Earth than there was two thousand years ago, when the population was three percent of its current size4. Overpopulation has also ...
4078: Beauty
... the beholder because beauty comes from within your soul. People have different ideas and tastes, so ideas on what is beautiful vary from person to person. This is proven when you look around in the world which we all share. There are countless ways in which beauty is shown to us all. It could be in nature, like the waterfalls or the sunset or even a hurricane; some people may think ... hands entwined with each other but they are both looking in different directions. The girl is staring straight ahead watching the sunset. In her eyes it’s one of the most beautiful moments in the world. The guy, however, is looking at the girls’ face while she is in awe by the sight before her eyes. Her skin is as soft as silk, her lips full and tender and her vibrant red hair is dancing gently with the wind. In his eyes she is the most beautiful sight in the world. Beauty could also be found in everyday objects. It could be the car one owns, or the pool in ones backyard, or even the quilts in a bedroom. For example imagine a husband and ...
4079: Refuge Camps
“Refuge Camps” There is a foreboding and ongoing crisis facing several third world countries today. This crisis is the rising amount of famine and health ailments that affect hundreds of thousands of individuals that face malnutrition, poverty, and several other serious problems that you will find in developing countries. Countless diseases plague today’s world and the people who are most vulnerable to these diseases are also the ones that need the most help. Despite the lack of funds and limited aid available to these people, there is hope. A group by the name of Doctors Without Borders is a non-profit organization that provides free health care in Refugee camps to the great amount of need and helpless individuals that populate our world. Doctors Without Borders (DWB) is comprised of fully qualified and credentialed medical doctors from around the world. They travel internationally educating broad audiences by offering seminars and lectures based on their goal and purpose. ...
4080: Chernobyl
... attack. There is no defense in science against the weapon which can destroy civilization.” (Gale 210) The Chernobyl disaster on April 26, 1986 is described as one of the most frightening environmental disasters in the world. The plant was made up of four graphite reactors, which were the most modern Soviet reactors of the RBMK-type. (Medvedev 4) Two more of these reactors were still under construction at the station. Chernobyl ... upstream. It is not only the radioactive mess left that strikes fear, but nineteen similar stations are still running, because neither the former Soviet Union nor its republics can afford to shut them down. The world first learned of this accident from Sweden, where unusually high radiation levels were noticed at one of their own nuclear facilities. At 1:23 am technicians at the Chernobyl Plant took some erroneous actions that ... alleviation (during the first years). (Reactions 1-4) Due to the accident, the people of Chernobyl were exposed to radioactivity 100 times greater than that of the Hiroshima bomb. (Cochems 2) The people of the world and Northern Europe were exposed to clouds of radioactive material being blown northward through the sky. Seventy percent of the radiation is estimated to have fallen on Belarus. (Ten years later babies were still ...

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