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4031: Online Business
... by providing needed goods and services to others. The nature of providing these goods and services has changed drastically throughout the history of time. During the last thirty years of business activity, there has been new ways and means of conducting business through something we call technology. Technology is the advancement and uses of electronic devices and other high-tech equipment to produce and progress knowledge into the future. Today, in 1999, nearing the new millenium, the number one technique of tying business into technology would be the use of the Internet. The Internet is a computer application that connects tens of thousands of interconnected computer networks that include over 2.0 million host computers around the world. The basis of connecting all these computers together is by the use of ordinary telephone wires. Users are then usually directly joined to other computer users at there own will for a small connection ...
4032: Empiricism
... that truth is relative to language. The word theory in greek means to be in front of . Our science is limited by our language, because we use our language as a way to construct our world. We use our language and theories to paint over the world what we think exists and while we use that language to create that reality, we paint over other realitites , which we don t acknowledge, because we know no better. Scientific claims can be true in ... theory it is accepted as true. So to argue realism would be to argue that no other realities have any causal effect on the observed phenomenon. There can be other truths different stories about the world each of which it may be proper to believe. I think its quite narcissistic, not to mention egotistical, to think that we know the totality of science to the extent that we think we ...
4033: Literary Study
... on those criteria. Judgmental reviewing is narrow and only one aspect of literary criticism. The value of criticism is not that it lays down laws that any reader must follow, but that it offers a new way of seeing a literary work, which may not have been possible to the reader. For example in the critical analysis of a poem the reader might look for the connections between words, stanzas, structure and ideas. The four basic approaches to literary criticism are: 1) the mimetic 2) the pragmatic 3) the expressive 4) the objective Mimetic approach- describes the relationship of the literary work to the world or the universe in which the work was conceived or being read. Pragmatic approach- describes the effects of the work on its audience. Expressive approach- proposes the study of the relationship of the work to the writer: biographical, psychological, history, culture. Objective approach- is that which studies the work in and for itself without reference to the world in which it exists, its effect on its readers, or the works relationship to the author. The work for itself Objective criticism- the study of a literary work is done without reference to the ...
4034: Bridge Structures
... feet long was designed and constructed by the German-American engineer John Roebling over the Ohio River, at Wheeling, West Virginia, in 1846. It was the first long-span wire-cable suspension bridge in the world. The Brooklyn Bridge, the George Washington Bridge, and the Golden Gate Bridge are all suspension bridges. The longest suspension bridge in the world opened in 1980 over the Humber Estuary in England with a span of 4626 feet. The first steel bridge was built across the Mississippi River at St. Louis, Missouri, by the American engineer James Buchanan Eads, and opened in 1874. The three archs span 502, 520, 502 feet. The Hell Gate railroad bridge across the East River in New York City was the longest steel-arch span in the world when it was completed in 1917. The bridge was designed by the American Engineer Gustav Lindenthal, has a span of 977 feet. This ...
4035: Johnny Got His Gunn
This anti-war novel is written from the point of view of an injured World War I infantryman (Joe Bonham). As the plot progresses we realize how severe the injuries are (most of his face has been blown away and eventually his arms and legs must be amputated--leaving a ... breath, smell, touch, or walk. Only in that state can a person really appreciates life. Johnny got his gun to fight for a cause, but what was that cause? Was he fighting to make the world safe for democracy, was he fighting for glory, for honor, for patriotism? He was used just like many other foolish young and old men who went to fight. They did not really understand what war ... land or something else that didn’t mean anything.” Joe Bonham experiences much internal conflict within this story. He struggles for survival and staying sane, but his major conflict is with communicating with the outside world. He hopes to one day be able to make his feelings known and have his thirst quenched by the answering of his questions. He yearns to break free from his hospital room and be ...
4036: Non-Determinates Prices Of Sup
... price can be higher for the buyers. This means the sellers will make a larger amount of profit. For example; there are more sellers for a Toyota Carmry, then there are for Dodge Vipers. This world has experienced a huge technological advancement. Our knowledge in inventing new technologies has allowed us to become more efficient in the production of products. Also, we have been able to develop many new and better products for the buyers. Technology can do two things to the supply of a product. First, it can drive the price down due to more production of a certain product. With technology, ...
4037: Dispossable Animals
By: john King E-mail: dmoo_king@hotmail.com We, as humans, have made numerous advancements in the world. We have firmly established the scientific evolution, but in doing so, it seems that our ethics and morals have failed to progress as well. The knowledge we have acquired is remarkable, but with it comes ... the eyeball, corrosion and bleeding. Some of these studies continue for weeks, and all the while no measures are made to reduce suffering or treat the rabbits. Survival, however, will only lead to and entirely new set of tests, such as the skin irritancy or the LD50. Lethal Dose 50 refers to the lethal dose that is required to kill 50% of all animals in a test group of 40-200 ... simply a matter of taking the initiative to inform and involve yourself and others. Every individual effort is a step towards the annihilation of animal cruelty. We, as humans, have made numerous advancements in the world. We have firmly established the scientific evolution, but in doing so, it seems that our ethics and morals have failed to progress as well. The knowledge we have acquired is remarkable, but with it ...
4038: China
... large percentage of the members of the Communist Party’s Central Committee. In addition to its military duties, the People’s Liberation Army helps carry out party policies and programs. China has one of the world’s largest economies in terms of its total economic production. It ranks among the leading countries in terms of the gross domestic product (GDP), the value of all goods and services produced in a country ... the people. Manufacturing and Mining make up the largest single part of China’s GDP, 42 percent. The largest consumer goods industries are the textile industry and the food-processing industry. China is also the world’s largest producer of coal. During the early 1950’s, more than 90 percent of China’s energy came from coal. Since that time, however, the Chinese have discovered and rapidly made use of large ... In rural areas, many families raise chickens and ducks, and nearly every household has a hog. Hogs provide both meat and fertilizer. China has more than 350 million hogs, more than 40 percent of the world’s total. China has the world’s largest fishing industry. The Chinese catch about 16 1/2 short tons (15 million metric tons) of fish, shellfish, and mollusks (soft-bodied animals with no bones) ...
4039: France
... is Paris, on the banks of the Seine River. Sometimes called the "The City of Lights", Paris has been admired and loved by millions for centuries. It is an industrial center as well. Paris is world renowned as a cultural and intellectual center which holds many masterpieces. The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889, and today is 1,052 ft. high. It welcomes tourists from all over the world. The revolution of 1789 was a very important part of history. The people could be divided into three groups, the Nobles, the Clergy, and the rest. At this time the peasants owned 80 percent of ... rights at all. To add to their misery, the food was in short supply. It is estimated that on the eve of the French Revolution one-fifth of the population had no resources at all. World War I broke out August 1914, setting France, Russia, Britain, Belgiumand Serbia at war with Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Everyone assumed the war would be over in a few months. Instead, the ...
4040: Atlantis: We Will Ever Know
Atlantis: We Will Ever Know Fantasy is a tough sell in the twentieth century. The world has been fully discovered and fully mapped. Popular media has effectively minimized the legend and the fantastic rumor, though to make up for this it has generated falsities not as lavish but just as interesting. Satellites have mapped and studied the earth, leaving only a space frontier that is as yet unreachable. But standing out is a charming fantasy the modern world has yet to verify or condemn: the lost continent of Atlantis. The father of the modern world's perception of Atlantis is Plato (circa 428-circa 347 b.c.). (1) The Greek philosopher spoke in his works Timaeus and Critias of a continent in the Atlantic ocean larger than Africa and ...

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