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Search results 3981 - 3990 of 22819 matching essays
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3981: Betrand Russell: The Problems of Philosophy
... science are catalysed by war, so the great intellectual insights are sparked by discussion. If there were universal agreement on one philosophical theory, then all further thought would be rendered useless. (See p.319, Small World by David Lodge: "…what matters in the field of critical practice is not truth but difference. If everybody were convinced by your arguments, they would have to do the same as you and then there ... such a life, provided it is truly contented. I think Russell believed that nobody could be content with an unthinking life. This theme is explored in many literary works and novels, e.g. Huxley's Brave New World, and Willy Russell's Educating Rita. Thirdly, there are prejudices derived from "the habitual beliefs of our age or our nation". These include the prejudices people are familiar with, such as racism or ...
3982: Pride And Prejudice (a Contemp
... Darcy who faced the dilemma, not Elizabeth. You see, in both the book and novel the traditional ways, whether they are of Victorian Era England or the Upper West Side, are being inevitably replaced by new social or economic standards. In Pride and Prejudice the noble class was sinking as the middle class rose, with the middle class seen much like a modern chain store in comparison to a classic book ... novel's societal aspects mostly in that of Frank, Kathleen's boyfriend. He represents the values in a character that were shown in one like Lady Catherine, in which he despises the idea that the new world and technology are taking over. "You think this machine's your friend, but it's not" are his initial words to Kathleen about her use of the computer. As a part of modern society, ...
3983: Originality of Philosophy
... even anyone interested in a very different approach to society. An idea in the article “Practical Solipsism” reads: “Solipsism - the idea that only I exist and that you, and all other material things in the world are mere figments of my imagination - is one of those peculiar notions that make everybody realize just how barmy philosophers truly are.” Philosophy is often translated as the love of wisdom or the love of ... was called “Ontology for Beginners” and it was discussing the branch of metaphysics which examines the nature and categories of existence. What is the difference really existing and only appearing to exist? Does the external world really exist? Do other people really exist? In what sense do numbers exist? To an inexperienced child these questions may never arise, but as one grows older questions similar to these arise. Some of the categories of existence are listed also. Realism is basically the theory that the other world exists independently of us. Idealism is the belief that the world and all it contains is all some sort of strange exotic dream. There is another very popular part of Idealism known as “Brain ...
3984: Leon The Movie Review Essay
LEON - REVIEW Set in modern day New York, Leon (Jean Reno) is a professional hit man who carries out contracts for Italian boss Tony (Danny Aiello) who in turn acts as a father-figure and manipulator. Leon is truly exceptional at his ... to become a cleaner. At first Leon refuses to teach her his trade but eventually he allows himself to be worn down. The two of them move out of the apartment building and start a new life together. Leon begins to like having Mathilda around, even though he rarely shows the fact. Gun cleaning, target practice and assassination theory provide a form of courtship for Leon and Mathilda, although more at ... either loved or hated it. Some viewers noted their discomfort with the sexuality of Mathilda and the matter-of-fact nature of the violence. Dispite very good box office figures from cinema's around the world, Leon was often not successful at the prestigious awards ceremonies. The year of its release, Leon was nominated for Cesars in all categories, but was completely shut out. Besson cried at the event which ...
3985: Cinema Paradiso
... is as if her soul died with the disappearance of her husband, Toto’s father. Without someone to look up to, Toto, continually gets himself into trouble. This remains true in many families across the world, that without the ample support of both parents, many children find themselves lost. Toto's father leaves Italy to fight in World War II when Toto is very young and has no recollection of his father. Alfredo knows that an adult male role model is missing in Toto's life. In one scene, in which Toto, who ... explodes and blinds him in the process. Although this event tragic, from it evolves a wiser and resourceful Alfredo. The accident provided Alfredo with an enlightenment on life and a once hidden prospective. At the new opening of the Paradiso Alfredo shows up to celebrate Toto’s new job as the projectionist. Instead of talking about films or the stars that act in them, Alfredo asks Toto about school, which ...
3986: John Marshall Harlan II
... Harlan went onto Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar to do his graduate work, and returned to the United States upon completion in 1923. After returning from England, Harlan began working for a law office in New York. At the same time, he was studying law at the New York Law School. In 1925 Harlan received his law degree and was admitted to the New York bar. In 1931 John Marshall Harlan II became a partner in the firm he'd begun working in while attending law school, and spent much of his early career working for the firm. ...
3987: John Steinbeck
... to the school paper by writing poems and comics. He took courses in science and writing, but never received a degree. In 1925, when he left Stanford, he became a marine biologist. He moved to New York in 1925 to work as a reporter for a newspaper. Always being a non-conformist, he was fired from the newspaper for writing opinions instead of facts. This started the many jobs he would ... Men, which was formed from his job as a hired hand on the many farms he worked. Many things affected his writing of the time period of which he wrote. Things like the Great Depression, World War 2, and the Vietnam War are the major influences. World War 2 was when he was working for the federal government as a writer, so his works focused on greed and materialism in the beings of modern civilization, Cannery Row and The Wayward Bus ...
3988: Report On Opera
... demolished, while others have been renovated into houses, supermarkets, garages, or office buildings. Another aspect of change involves the content of the opera itself. Originally, opera was serious and grand. It has since evolved, adding new and different elements, to the point that opera now comes in all shapes, sizes, and degrees: seria, semiseria, buffa, grand, comique, Kammer, Singspiel, lyrique, light and intermezzo. Opera is today the generic term used for a variety of different pieces, ranging from: Aida, La Perichole, Night Flight, and West Side Story. With its new face and great variety, opera now has a lot more to offer to a younger, changing audience. Two such pieces are Rappresentatione Di Anima et di Corpo by Cavalieri, and Romeo et Juliette by Gounod ... The plot involves a series of conflicts between contrasting players. Body and Soul: one cannot exist without the other, yet Body is tempted by Pleasure, while Soul seeks to save Body. Heaven, Guardian Angel and World, Earthly Life: they vie for control over Body and Soul. In the end, Heaven and Guardian Angel reveal that the truth of Earthly Life is in fact, Death. Ultimately, Heaven and Guardian Angel conquer ...
3989: Atlantis: We Will Never Know
Atlantis: We Will Never Know Fantasy is a tough sell in the twentieth century. The world has been fully discovered and fully mapped. Popular media has effectively minimized the legend and the fantastic rumor, though to make up for this it has generated falsities not as lavish but just as interesting. Satellites have mapped and studied the earth, leaving only a space frontier that is as yet unreachable. But standing out is a charming fantasy the modern world has yet to verify or condemn: the lost continent of Atlantis. The father of the modern world's perception of Atlantis is Plato (circa 428-circa 347 b.c.). (1) The Greek philosopher spoke in his works Timaeus and Critias of a continent in the Atlantic ocean larger than Africa and ...
3990: The Seminole
... just a matter of separation.  If a woman wanted a divorce, she would leave a bundle of his belongings outside and he left to go to his mother's house.  (Garbarino 23) Spain claimed a new land that Juan Ponce de Leon had named Florida.  Ponce De Leon named the land Florida because of the festival that was going on in Spain at that time, Pascua Florida.  Spain had claimed the ... raid against U.S. troops stationed in Florida, thus began the Second Seminole War.  (Garbarino 46)  This was one of the most costly U.S. versus Indian wars.  This war lasted for seven years.  Their brave leader, Osceola, led the Seminole.  The warriors hid the families in the Everglades, and they used guerrilla warfare.  This war cost the U.S. Government between 40 Million Dollars and 60 Million Dollars.  Almost 2000 ... these homes.  He did not want to hurt any women or children.  Osceola taught the Indians how to use ambush and withdrawal to surprise the enemy.  (Garbarino 52) The U.S. Army now had a new General.  General Thomas S. Jesup took command of the 10,000 men in Florida.  He attacked the Seminole villages, ruined their crops, captured their cattle and horses, and took their women and children hostage.  ...

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