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3951: The History of Christianity
The History of Christianity The founder of Christianity is unknown. The religion is not really defined by any beginning dates, but it does still exist in the world today. The total amount of followers in this religion is around 1.7 billion people. Around 4 BC a child was born to the Virgin Mary and Joseph. An angle told Mary to name the ... Satan, or the devil. This will be known as the second coming, or the rapture. The Bible is Christianity's holy book. This book is divided up into two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The New Testament was written about and after the birth of Jesus Christ. The two sections are divided up into 66 separate books in all. The most famous books are the Gospels, which are the first ...
3952: Three Important Qualities Of Christ's Life
... very important. That verse shows that Jesus had (and still does) mercy and compassion for us. Another verse that shows that God's love as apparent is John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life.". He has so much love for us that he even gives us life. He could just ... it is giving out by how much we need. God deals with them according to his goodness and generosity. That seems similar to benevolence, but it isn't. Jesus' grace is really shown in the New Testament. In Exodus 34:6 it says "The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious...". In Ephesians 2:7-9 it says, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and ... who fears them. If they did not pity us and have mercy on us we would not be alive. They would have let us die by now. They cannot stand to be in the sinning world that we live in. They would just do away with us if they didn't care about us. Because of all of this care He has for us I feel that we need to ...
3953: Carol Causs
... of number theory, analysis, differential geometry, geodesy, magnetism, astronomy, and optics, as well as many more. The concepts that he himself created have had an immense influence in many areas of the mathematic and scientific world. Carl Gauss was born Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss, on the thirtieth of April, 1777, in Brunswick, Duchy of Brunswick (now Germany). Gauss was born into an impoverished family, raised as the only son of a ... construction of the 17-gon, were devoted to number theory. In June of 1801, Zach an astronomer whom Gauss had come to know two or three years before, published the orbital positions of, Ceres, a new "small planet", otherwise know as an asteroid. Part of Zach's publication included Gauss's prediction for the orbit of this celestial body, which greatly differed from those predictions made by others. When Ceres was ... their second son, who was to die shortly after her. Understandably Gauss's life was shattered, he turned to his friends and colleagues for support. The next year, Gauss was married a second time. His new wife was named Minna, she was the best friend of Johanna. Although the couple had three children, this second marriage seemed to be somewhat of a expedience for Gauss. Gauss's work was not ...
3954: Harriet Beecher Stowe
... Harriet Beecher Stowe was born on June 11, 1811. This day marked the beginning of the life of a wonderful human being, someone whose love for life would inspire her to become one of the world’s greatest authors. "Her determination, drive, and desire helped her to accomplish all she aspired to do" (De Torres, interview, May 16, 1998). Through her own life experiences, Harriet Beecher Stowe was able to write ... life in Connecticut, she did not participate in any community activities nor did she try to make many friends . Through her secluded lifestyle, she was able to sit back and observe the happenings of the world around her (Faber 39). She learned a great deal about the most prominent issue of the time, and eventually her life, -- slavery. Traveling from Connecticut to Ohio brought Harriet closer to a place that was ... many types of slaves and slave owners, so Harriet expressed that in her manuscript. She did not try to relay the message that all slave masters treated their servants cruelly, but she did want the world to know that slavery, in general, was wrong (Faber 42). The profound accuracy of slave life, though not 100% accurate, had an enormous impact on all of her readers. "They either loved it or ...
3955: Alice Walker
... summer of 1968, she went to Mississippi to be in the heart of the civil-rights movement, helping people who had been thrown off farms or taken off welfare roles for registering to vote. In New York, she worked as an editor at Ms. Magazine, and her husband worked for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. In 1970, Walker published her first novel, The Third Life of Grange Copeland, about the ravages ... to find her place in the Civil Rights Movement. She read much of Flannery O’Conner's work and greatly admired her. For one thing, O’Conner practiced economy. According to Herbert Mitgang of the New York Times, "She also knew that the question of race was really just the first question on a long list"(1983). Much of Walker’s writings are very personal. For example, one of her first ... has discussed such topics as spousal abuse, fear of death, female sexuality, and incest"(1991). Walker is very much of a feminist, which is demonstrated by the previous quote. According to David Bradley of The New York Times, "She coined the term "womanist" which she used to describe the Black women’s issues that are at the heart of so much of her work"(1984). One of the major themes ...
3956: Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth Sojourner Truth (c. 1797-1883) is perhaps the most famous black woman in American history, but only recently have historians begun to discover new "truths" about her. A slave for nearly thirty years, the illiterate Truth gained fame as an itinerant minister and outspoken advocate for African Americans and women. Even today Truth endures as a symbolic heroine who ... can be found on T-shirts, buttons, calendars, and a United States postage stamp issued in 1986. Truth's origins hardly suggested that she would become a national icon. Born Isabella Baumfree around 1797 in New York State, Truth was born a slave and remained so until 1826. Although she never lived on a plantation or in the South, Truth experienced first-hand the brutality of slavery. As she related in ... working early and late, doing a great deal for a little money, and turning her hand to almost any thing that promised good pay. Still, she could not prosper." Sojourner Truth's honest poverty in New York City was similar to that experienced by the majority of free blacks in the antebellum North. Truth might have faded into obscurity as an illiterate and anonymous black woman, but she had a ...
3957: The Influence of Personal Experiences In Emily Dickinson's Poetry
... distinctive Puritan virtues of simplicity, austerity, hard work, and denial of flesh, were ever-present disciplines in Emily's life (Sewall 22). Despite her stubborn denials to be labeled, she was very much of a “New Englander”. Cynthia Griffen Wolff, author of Emily Dickinson, points out that Emily “knew every line of the Bible intimately, quoted from it extensively, and referred to it many more times than she referred to any ... have been aroused by the same feeling as in the line “Of Course - I Prayed - / And did God Care?” of one of her poems. Unable to accept Heaven, she was left only with this brief world, which, without Heaven, seemed somewhat of a dreadful place to her. She wrote in a letter once a prayer for forgiveness for trying to enjoy life too much. “Knew I how to pray,” she wrote ... I could not die - with You - For One must wait To shut the Other's Gaze down - You - could not -... ...Nor could I rise - with You - Because Your Face Would put out Jesus's - That New Grace Her love is so strong that she compares him to Jesus, and he outshines Him, yet she cannot live with him, die with him, or rise up to Heaven with him, due to ...
3958: The Wright Brothers
... Dec. 17, 1903, in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Orville and Wilbur Wright, realized one of mankind's earliest dreams: flight. The culmination of years of experimentation with kites and gliders finally paid off with the world's first controlled flight of a motor-driven aircraft by the Wright Brothers. Wilbur Wright was born near Millville, Ind., on April 16, 1867, and Orville in Dayton, Ohio, on Aug. 19, 1871. They were ... that to fly successfully an airplane must operate on three axes. In 1900 they built their first glider that traveled 300 feet. In 1901, using aerodynamic tables compiled by Samuel Langley and Lilienthal, they constructed new wings for a larger glider; the flight was poor so they set out to test the tables. They made 200 model wings and tested them in a small wind tunnel. The tables were proven wrong and the Wrights painstakingly computed new ones. In 1902 their third biplane beat all other records for glider flight. For the construction of their first powered airplane, Flyer I, they had to design a lighter gasoline engine and an efficient ...
3959: Carl Gauss
... of number theory, analysis, differential geometry, geodesy, magnetism, astronomy, and optics, as well as many more. The concepts that he himself created have had an immense influence in many areas of the mathematic and scientific world. Carl Gauss was born Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss, on the thirtieth of April, 1777, in Brunswick, Duchy of Brunswick (now Germany). Gauss was born into an impoverished family, raised as the only son of a ... construction of the 17-gon, were devoted to number theory. In June of 1801, Zach an astronomer whom Gauss had come to know two or three years before, published the orbital positions of, Ceres, a new "small planet", otherwise know as an asteroid. Part of Zach's publication included Gauss's prediction for the orbit of this celestial body, which greatly differed from those predictions made by others. When Ceres was ... their second son, who was to die shortly after her. Understandably Gauss's life was shattered, he turned to his friends and colleagues for support. The next year, Gauss was married a second time. His new wife was named Minna, she was the best friend of Johanna. Although the couple had three children, this second marriage seemed to be somewhat of a expedience for Gauss. Gauss's work was not ...
3960: Theodore Roosevelt
... the [supposedly 100- year] lease is perpetual . . . the whole document is favorable to the United States and deTheodore Rooseveltimental to Colombia” (qt. in McCullough 333). The United States grew increasingly impatient. In June, 1903, the New York World carried an unsigned article stating that “information has also reached this city that the State of Panama . . . stands ready to secede from Colombia and enter into a canal Theodore Roosevelteaty with the United States” (McCullough ... 6, only seventy minutes after official word reached the U.S. of the “Isthmian movement’s” success, the United States formally recognized the Republic of Panama. Roosevelt immediately negotiated a favorable Theodore Roosevelteaty with the new nation and consTheodore Rooseveltuction started with all speed. Roosevelt felt exTheodore Rooseveltemely justified in his handling of the situation. Any more formal actions, such as asking permission of Congress, would have delayed the canal ...

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