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3931: Fire Ants
... 33). This second wave of ants arrived in about 1945 and spread much more rapidly and dominated the previous more passive black ant(5. Lockley 34). Homer Collins, a fire ant expert, stated that "The new invader, known as the red imported fire ant, proved more adaptive and rapidly displaced the existing imported black ant. By 1949, Solenopsis Invicta Buren were the dominant species of imported fire ant. Ants could be ... as far north as North Carolina. "Experts predict that the ants may eventually reach as far west as California and as far north as Chesapeake Bay."(7. Tschinkel 474). The spread of fire ants into new areas depends on many factors: the existing level of fire ant population, climate, competition, and natural predators . In areas where other ant populations are well established and an abundance of natural enemies exist, colony establishment ... aggressive invaders, the cost is measured in lost species and disrupted communities. The result, predicted ecologist Gordon Orians at the 1994 Ecological Society of America Conference, will be the "Homogocene," an era in which the world's biota is homogenized through biological invasions(10. Lockley 37). Fire ants use their stingers to immobilize or kill prey and to defend ant mounds from disturbance by larger animals such as humans. Any ...
3932: Charles M. Manson
Charles M. Manson In this world there are cults everywhere. Whether they're in the US, China, or maybe next-door there is always one common factor, control. Charles Manson was a cult leader in southern California during the sixties. Like ... the juvenile authorities. Once there Manson met Rev. George Powers who had him sent to Boys Town near Omaha, Nebraska. Charles spent a total of three days in Boys Town before running away with his new friend Blackie Neilson. They were arrested in Peoria, Illinois for robbing a grocery store and returned back to Indianapolis. Charles was then sent to the Indiana Boys School in Plainfield where he ran away another ... and was not eligible for parole. He served seven years until his release in March, 1967. This long stretch had left its mark. “If Charlie has any roots in the penal system,” Said one acquaintance (New York Times Magazine January 4, 1970). “Inside, you have to be aware of everything, and when he came out, Charlie was like a cat. Nothing got by Charlie if something happened within a hundred ...
3933: Orwell's "Such, Such Were the Joys....": Alienation and Other Such Joys
... far from perfect, but at least it was a place ruled by love rather than by fear, where you did not have to be perpetually taken out of this warm nest and flung into a world of force and fraud and secrecy, like a goldfish into a tank full of pike. (23) Young Orwell, impacted by this, “hard,” disorienting situation, realizes he is alone in a hostile, harsh environment. Orwell uses ... able to avoid it. Sin was not necessarily something you did it might be something that happened to you” and “[t]his was the great, abiding lesson of my boyhood: that I was in a world where it was not possible for me to be good” (5). This is the result of a child's flawed, but logical process of thought. Though he realizes that which is conveyed to him bodes ... essence, that he does not belong amongst the living. This defeatist mentality pervades the daily life of young Orwell. He obediently not only prepares himself for self-destruction, but also assumes the rest of the world is out to destroy him. Relating one of the few joyous moments of his youth, buying candy, Orwell is interrupted by his own fears of wrongdoing and detection. ”I assumed that any adult, inside ...
3934: Sacred Cow, Holy Bull
... Valley Indians (c 3000 BC -1700 BC). Statues and seals dating from that time have been found that portray the Brahma bull profile with one horn visible. Often this is mistaken as a unicorn (“Hindu World” 1). In ancient times, cattle was used as money as they were used in exchange to buy goods. The more cattle one had, the wealthier the family. Cows were used differently in different cultures. They ... Indian people not to eat the cow, but it stated that they would be better off not to. After this law, the Indian people took a different attitude about the cow. Shortly after that a new law was made that made it a crime to steal, hurt or kill a cow. Even if the cow was ill, a person would be punished by the government for any such actions (“Cows” 1 ... the skin. Now with the Hindu’s laws, it has kept India from being a major supply of leather. In order to made leather now, you must wait for the demise of the cow (Hindu World 2, Chowdhury). The Hindus feel the cow is generous, because they give milk, cream, ghee and butter. Her dairy products provide the country with a good source of protein. They feel that the cow ...
3935: Van Gogh
... it melancholy, and was depressed with the quality of his equipment. "Everything is too miserable, too insufficient, too dilapidated." Physically and mentally unable to cope with these conditions any longer, he left for his parents' new home in Nuenen in December 1883. Van Gogh had a phase in which he loved to paint birds and bird's nests. This phase did not last long. It only lasted until his father's ... and consequently he left for Paris to live with his brother. It was through his brother Theo and an art gallery devoted to living artists that he discovered the Impressionists, and became familiar with the new art movements developing at the time. Before Paris, van Gogh had not even known who the Impressionists were. He admired pictures by Degas and Monet and through Toulouse-Lautrec he was in touch with the local members of the art world. He was also influenced by Japanese print makers. The Impressionists discovered Japanese prints long before van Gogh's arrival. These prints influenced him in his use of harmonized color. Van Gogh pinned them on ...
3936: What Is Hinduism
... beliefs that contribute to the Hindu way of life. Hindus define their religion as Sanatan Dharma or Eternal Faith which has existed for over thousands of years. While India is home to 93% of the world’s 816 million Hindus, nearly 60 million are scattered widely across the world with approximately 600,00 in the United States. The name “Hinduism” originally had a geographical connotation. The Aryans who invaded India through the northwestern passage of the Himalayas gave the river that flows through the ... to kill his own relatives in battle. According to my source, the Bhagavad Gita contains the same principles as the Vedas. However, the Bhagavad Gita is more easily understood. Unlike the major religions of the world Islam, Judaism and Christianity, Hinduism does not advocate the worship of a single divinity. Hindus believe in one all-pervasive Supreme Being. This Supreme Being came to be revered as the Supreme Triad of ...
3937: William Butler Yeats
... hand, their indifference was displayed by their refusal to fund a gallery for the Hugh Lane collection of Art, and on the other hand, they rioted in outrage at Synge s Playboy of the Western World. The tension between Yeats ideal, and the reality is developed in the Fisherman and September 1913. Both these poems deal with Yeats attempts to bring Art to the people of Ireland, and the negative response ... Edward Fitzgerald died ? In the final stanza, the poet s mood of anger and bitterness changes to one of acceptance and resignation. He concludes that these petty minded merchants are so locked into their narrow world of self centred survival, that they are incapable of understanding the motivation and self sacrifice of patriotism. Even if the dead heroes could return and confront the merchants with the extent of their sacrifices, they ... and singing, and it contrasts with the real birds of the first stanza. And yet, the poem ends on a note of sensual longing. The bird, as an artistic creation, has it origins in the world of human desires. It too will sing of What is past, or passing, or to come. The search for permanence appears to be less than satisfactory. The conflict between Art and Nature, Youth and ...
3938: San Martin
... San Martin chose the side of an outright declaration of independence from Spain, which the congress issued on July 9." He believed that a liberal-constitutional monarchy was the best hope for stability in the new nations of Spanish America. In January 1817, he started to cross the Andes. He led his army 15,000 feet above sea level, a feat that has been compared to Hannibal's crossing of the ... took off for Europe with his daughter. In the end of 1828, he decided to go back to America. He wanted to see if he had anything to contribute to the internal peace between the new nations. He returned to Europe in 1829, after that he decided that he would not be to much help. After this, he lived as a retired man mainly in France. However, he was not totally ... on August 17, 1850. BIBLIOGRAPHY Rock, David. Argentina, 1516-1982: from Spanish Colonization to the Falklands War. Berkeley; University of California Press, 1985 (304) Olson, James S. Historical Dictionary of the Spanish Empire, 1402-1975. New York; Greenwood Press, 1992 (550) Olson, James S. Historical Dictionary of the Spanish Empire, 1402-1975. New York; Greenwood Press, 1992 (550) McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of World Biography. New York; McGraw-Hill Book co., ...
3939: Brief Look at Jewish History
... however, led to four major conflicts between Israel and the Arab countries. One of the most meaningful wars was the Six-Day War. Events such as the holocaust have also had a dramatic effect on world history and whose mysteries are still being unravelled. For twelve years following 1933 the Jews were persecuted by the Nazi's. Jewish businesses were boycotted and vandalized. By 1939,Jews were no longer citizens,could ... engage in practically any business or profession, own any land, associate with any non-Jew or visit public places such as parks and museums. The victories of the German armies in the early years of World War II brought the majority of European Jewry under the Nazis. The Jews were deprived of human rights. The Jewish people were forced to live in Ghetto's which were separated from the main city ... died in the gas chambers of the Nazi concentration camps. This has put a psychological strain on Jewish survivors or no longer having family and friends with them for support. This event has awaken the world up to the needs of the Jewish people. It has given them political power and a justification for some of their actions. On May recognised,1945 ,the end of World War II was seen. ...
3940: Saint Thomas Aquinas: Proof of the Existence of God
... hunts - presumably in order to receive blessing and aid from somewhere or someone . They have also been known to bury their dead in the fetal position, reproducing the way in which they came into the world in order to accelerate the journey into the next world . The views of the ancient civilizations of the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans have been well-documented. All three of these ancient societies believed in numerous Gods, who each held domain over certain aspects of that particular culture. These Beings were represented as being somewhat human, extremely powerful, and sometimes at odds with one another - even to the point of warring between themselves. The rise of Christianity led to many new ideas about the nature of God. The Christians developed an off-shoot version of Judaism, which popularized the belief in only one God, who was more powerful than the combined strength of all of ...

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