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3911: Henry David Thoreau was a Rebel
Henry David Thoreau was a Rebel Henry David Thoreau was a rebel. Walden can be seen as an account of his rebellion. By the 1840's, life had changed throughout New England, even in the heart of America's rebellion, Concord, Massachusetts. Thoreau wrote that "I have traveled a good deal in Concord" (Krutch 108). He knew what he saw there, and what he saw, he ... few decades, the combined forces of materialism and technology had subdued the children and grandchildren of these freedom fighters and reduced them "to slave-drivers of themselves" (Krutch 110). Henry rebelled and deliberately sought a new life in which he could be free and independent. He decided to leave Concord and seek answers to the mysteries of life in the solitude of the woods and the beauty of the pond. On ... things as internal improvements to be nothing but furniture cluttering up a room. Americans were being confused and believed the illusions of luxuries of life to be beneficiary to their happiness, but the people of New England could not tell what an illusion looked like. They hadn't the time to notice nature or to distinguish illusions from the real thing (173). Unlike Thoreau, New Englanders lacked "a passion for ...
3912: Global Warming
... effect of the carbon cycle. The result is a build up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is currently at about a third higher than pre-industrial levels worldwide. Throughout the last century our world, reshaped by dams, irrigation, logging and so forth, has seen drastic human population growth. Resulting technologies produced an industrial age that transformed the land, sky, waters, and distribution of the biota of the worlds' nations ... the global warming phenomenon. The environment may initially shape the range of choices available to people at a given moment, but then culture reshapes environment in responding to those choices. The reshaped environment presents a new set of possibilities for cultural reproduction, thus setting up a new cycle of mutual determination. The root of the problem is the historical separation of a human being from nature. The consumption patterns and lifestyles of the USA people clearly indicate our cultural values have ...
3913: Ozone Depletion in the Antarctic
... the discovery of the springtime ozone hole over the Antarctic established that our understanding of the atmosphere was far from complete. This has created a growing concern for scientists in the Antarctic and around the world. The evidence of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) increasing and damaging the earth's surface and primary producing organisms verified this concern. Today the estimated size of the ozone hole is 10 million square miles compared to ... the probability of phytoplankton developing UVR receptors within the next 100 years is small. The damage to them is being done now and this damage is resulting in severe consequences for the rest of the world. Phytoplankton are primary producers in the food chain. Any change in their concentration will effect primary, secondary, and tertiary consumers. This results in less food for the human race. With a reduction in photosynthesis, a dramatic decrease in photosynthetic oxygen becomes available to the rest of the world. Although these organisms are small, they are very important to the survival of other organisms on the planet. Purpose of Studying Marine bacteria and phytoplankton found in the waters of the Antarctic are small ...
3914: Geoffrey Chaucer
... of Chaucer belongs to his time and that much of that time is dead, extinct, and never to be made alive again. What was alive in it, lives through him..._ --John Masefield Geoffrey Chaucer¦s world was the Europe of the fourteenth century. It was neither rich or poor, happy nor sad. Rather, it was the intermingling of these, a mixture of splendor and poverty, displaying both worldly desire and spiritual purity. Chaucer¦s travels through it, mostly on ¦the King¦s business,_ or civil service, shaped his writing, offering the readers of today a brief glimpse into the world in which he lived. Chaucer lived from approximately AD 1340 to 1400. The world in which he lived was not one of peace or stability. Born the son of a London vintner, he remained a Londoner for most of the rest of his life, leaving the city only ...
3915: Global Warming…Fact or Fiction?
... The computer models that are used to predict climate change are unreliable as the programming data is skewed and so is the data being put into the model’s equations. This paper will hopefully shed new light on a hot topic with some cold science! Table of Contents Page i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abstract Page ii . . . . .. . . . . . . . . List of Figures/Graphs Page iii . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgments Page iv . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Glossary Page one . . . . . . . . . . . .Introduction Page two . . . . . . . . . . . .Experiment Page three ... Project (S&EPP). S&EPP had information that disputed the theory of global warming, whereas the governmental agencies all supported, in some form or another, global warming. Since the late 1980s into the 1990s, the world saw an explosion of data and knowledge available on the World Wide Web (a.k.a. Internet). The Internet is where all of the above mentioned sources of information can be found and researched from. Most federal government agencies have a page on the World ...
3916: Nuclear Power and Its Uses
Nuclear Power and Its Uses At first nuclear power was only seen as a means of destruction but after World War II a major effort was made to apply nuclear energy to peacetime uses. Nuclear power if made when a nucleus of an atom is split to release a powerful burst of energy. Though technological advancements nuclear power now supplies us with new medical aids, a new power source and new ways to do scientific research. New medical advancements are being produced rapidly due to nuclear power. Nuclear material is now being used to treat diseases. Pacients suffering from cancer can ...
3917: Robert Francis ("Bobby") Kennedy
... true patriot, with a strong sense of nationalism. While Attending Harvard University, he saw that his country needed his help, so he put his undergraduate studies on hold to serve his country's Navy in World War II. When he returned home, he finished his Bachelor's degree at Harvard, and received an LL.B. from the university of Virginia Law. In 1951 he served as Attorney to the U.S ... he care that he was being criticized by the media for his “harsh measures” such as his extensive use of wiretaps . In 1964 he resigned as Attorney General to subsequently gain a Senate seat from New York. While being a Senator, his views on government slightly changed. He was now paying more attention to the needs of the poor minorities, and was criticizing the involvement of the United States in the ... Robert Kennedy is alive through his eleven children, the last one being born after his father's death. Robert F. Kennedy, if not for his premature death, possibly could have led this country through a new era. He could have made some very positive changes. If he had lived and succeeded in his mission, he probably would have brought the United States to a greater awareness of its responsibility to ...
3918: The Ku Klux Klan
The Ku Klux Klan The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is one of America's oldest and most feared groups. Driven by the dream of a world with only one master race, the KKK often uses violence and moves above the law to promote their cause. They didn't start of violent, or to promote white supremacy. They have been in the ... left. After the turn of the century, it started again. This time the goal was much larger, freeing America of all non white, Christian Americans. This is the Ku Klux Klan we know today. The new breed of Klan differed from the old version in many ways. The old Klan wanted to set things back to the old ways. They wanted their freedom back and wanted nothing more. Being prejudice was only an effect. In the eyes of the modern KKK, prejudice was the cause. The new Klan was far more violent. People were tarred and feathered, lynched, and beaten for little reason more than being a certain race, nationality or religion. In the 1920's, the KKK prospered. Unlike previous ...
3919: Faster Dissolved Oxygen Test Kit
... there is no significant difference in dissolved oxygen (DO) levels as measured by the traditional HACH® method or the newly developed CHEMets® test kit under typical field conditions. Review of Literature "Ours is a watery world, and we, its dominant species, are walking sacks of sea water. The presence of large amounts of liquid water on Earth make our planet unique in the solar system." (Hill, 1992 p. 477) People have ... non zero differences) T= 8 (sum of ranks with less frequent sign) a = 0.05 (significance level) Ho is rejected. Literature Cited APHA (1990). Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. (16 ed.) New York: APHA, Inc. Avault, J. (1993, Jul/Aug). Take care of those brood cats. Aquaculture, pp.73 Belanger, S. (1991, July). The effect of dissolved oxygen, sediment, and sewage treatment plant discharges upon growth, survival, and density of Asiatic clams. Hydrobiologia, pp. 113-126. Brown, L. (1994). State of the world. London: W.W. Norton & Company. pp.42. Colt, J. & Orwicz K. & Brooks, D. (1991, Winter). Gas supersaturation in the American River. California Fish and Game. pp.41-50. Hikada, Shimazu, Kumanda, Takeda, Aramaki. (1991). ...
3920: Jefferson Davis: Leader of the Confederacy
... was elected chairman of the Military Affairs Committee. As a member of this committee he helped to enlarge the army, strengthen the coastal defenses, direct three surveys to railroads to the pacific, and brought in new and better weapons. Now the Mexican war had been won and the newly acquired land was the latest controversy. The decision to make these new states free of slavery, or free to slavery. Both sides were v ery willing to say what they thought was right. The North said that the slaves should be free the fought for the rights ... to keep the slaves, but under the constitution they have the right to keep or take them anywhere. *Black slaves in the south enjoyed a higher standard of living than any other blacks in the world. Free blacks in the north were forced to live lives of poverty, crime, and persecution. * He believed that they saved the Africans by introducing them to civilization and Christianity. Here he says that we ...

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