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3811: The Working Class In Middletow
... at this time meant the dreaded possibility of having to go to the poor farm. In the latter parts of the 1930's the Middletown economy started to turn around. Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced the New Deal which brought Middletown and the rest of the United States out of the depression. Partly due to World War II and partly due to the general up-swing of the economy three new plants were introduced to Middletown. Two General Motor plants, Borg Warner, and Owens Illinois all became established in Middletown. This brought a variety of opportunity to the working class of Middletown. As the United ...
3812: Terrorism
... 1. Most countries have their own agencies for dealing with terrorism, but one global force that deals with terrorist activities is Interpol. Interpol is a global police agency that links the police forces of the world. They trade information and relay suspect information amongst each other. This makes it difficult for hijackers landing in foreign countries to get away. Interpol relays messages through a central intelligence system that filters down into the systems of each countries police stations. By sharing information and man power international crime becomes less appealing to criminals thanks to interpol. Peru has a new anti-terrorist directorate called Dincote. General Maximo Rivera Diaz has established this new “Delta” force to shut down the terrorist activity of the Shining Path in Lima. Prior to it's break up, Russia had virtually no terrorist problem because of the efficiency of their secret service, ...
3813: Computers Not The Greatest Invention Of The 20 Th Century
... while keeping store inventory, computerized telephone switching centers play traffic cop to millions of calls and keep lines of communication untangled, and automatic teller machines let us conduct banking transactions from virtually anywhere in the world. But where did all this technology come from and where is it heading? To fully understand and appreciate the impact computers have on our lives and promises they hold for the future, it is important ... functions. Colmar's mechanical calculator, the arithometer, presented a more practical approach to computing because it could add, subtract, multiply and divide. With its enhanced versatility, the arithometer was widely used up until the First World War. Although later inventors refined Colmar's calculator, together with fellow inventors Pascal and Leibniz, he helped define the age of mechanical computation. The real beginnings of computers as we know them today, however, lay ... weeks with Hollerith's machine. In addition to their speed, the punch cards served as a storage method for data and they helped reduce computational errors. Hollerith brought his punch card reader into the business world, founding Tabulating Machine Company in 1896, later to become International Business Machines (IBM) in 1924 after a series of mergers. Other companies such as Remington Rand and Burroughs also manufactured punch readers for business ...
3814: Coral Reefs And Bleaching Phenomenon
... rich ecosystem of a tropical rainforest. However, if we take ourselves off the safety of dry land and immerse ourselves in the ocean, we will find an equally dynamic environment in the depths of our world’s coral reefs. As a Zoology major, I quickly decided to explore this biological component of the ocean environment. In the following paper, I will provide a general overview of coral reefs and examine the ... algae, coral becomes the primary producer in its ocean ecosystem (Richmond 1993). The reefs are formed by calcium carbonate deposits produced by the coral polyps. According to the legendary Cousteau, in his book The Ocean World, tube worms and mollusks also donate their hard skeletons to the architecture of the growing reef (174). Biologically active compounds are also produced by reef dwelling organisms and posses antimicrobial and antiviral properties (Van Alstyne ... action, and turbidity all effect the growth of coral reefs. According to biologist Clive Wilkinson of the Australian Institute of Marine Science, it is humans who have caused the death of 5-10% of the world’s living coral reefs (Wilkinson 1987). One direct cause of coral depletion is overfishing. The overfishing of herbivores, which normally consume algae, can cause an explosion in algae and create what is caused and ...
3815: Under The Influence Of Televis
... has helped many viewers confront major social issues, such as domestic violence, homosexuality, and drug abuse. Since the 1950's, the American public has embraced the visual aspect of TV and shown an interest in world events like never before. Television has given the common man the power to see and learn about other cultures thousands of miles away. Through the power of TV broadcasting, images and ideas can be viewed from around the world. In the fifties and sixties America was gripped with fear over the spread of communism. This fear stemmed from an overall ignorance of the Soviet Union and their allies. It was through television news stories ... time and at any time of the day. In an effort to entertain, TV shows and special event coverage often bring families, friends and connunities together. In 1969 hundreds of millions of people around the world watched as Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon. For that moment audiences sat captivated to their TV sets, as not only Americans, but fellow humans accomplished the impossible. Even today friends ...
3816: Ancient Advances in Mathematics
... define one more than ten, he simply said one-ten. Thus our word eleven is simply a modern form of the Teutonic ein-lifon. Since those first sounds were created, man has only added five new basic number-sounds to the ten primary ones. They are “hundred,” “thousand,” “ million,” “billion” (a thousand millions in America, a million millions in England), “trillion” (a million millions in America, a million-million millions in ... keeping is still taught today in our schools under the name of tally marks. The earliest continuous record of mathematical activity is from the second millennium BC When one of the few wonders of the world were created mathematics was necessary. Even the earliest Egyptian pyramid proved that the makers had a fundamental knowledge of geometry and surveying skills. The approximate time period was 2900 BC The first proof of mathematical ... modern math was in the era of Greece and Rome. Not only did the philosophers ask the question “how” of previous cultures, but they also asked the modern question of “why.” The goal of this new thinking was to discover and understand the reason for mans' existence in the universe and also to find his place. The philosophers of Greece used mathematical formulas to prove propositions of mathematical properties. Some ...
3817: Shadow And Custodial President
Shadow and Custodial Presidents Grant (1868) – Cleveland (1892) Throughout the history of the world there have been many people remembered for their actions and a great deal more forgotten for no real reason. This does not exempt more recent history. After the American Civil War, six lesser-known Presidents ... in Fairfield, Vermont to a Baptist preacher. Arthur graduated from Union College, proceeded to teach school, and was later accepted into the bar. In 1871, President Grant appointed Arthur as Collector of the port of New York. Arthur, like Grant, was a follower of the Spoils System. He served as vice- President until the time of Garfield’s death. Upon becoming President he acted more as a status symbol than a ... s term, the tariff became a dividing issue between political parties. He signed the Tariff Act of 1833, but it had little effect because as many prices were raised as were lowered. Next Arthur enforced new laws about immigration. He stopped paupers, lunatics, and criminals from entering the country, and then limited Chinese immigration for ten years. Arthur retired with no fame or real accomplishments to his name. He was ...
3818: Oil Corporations: Who Are The Greenhouse Gangsters?
... these environmental concerns, delay any solutions to improve the problems, and they are hoping to convince the public opinion toward believing that they are trying to work toward environmental protection and sustainable development. The WTO (World Trade Organization) and other corporate led organizations are helping the Greenhouse Gangsters increase their power at the risk of the climate and planet, simply for the sake of their financial intake and the growth of ... the sake of life on Earth so that we may all live, work, and flourish in a healthier and safer environment for many centuries to come. How Is The WTO Involved? The WTO and the World Bank are working together to try and lower the barriers of trade and investment around the world. They hope to encourage more of the other lower economical countries to start using these fossil fuels for their transportation, agricultural, and energy development so that it will create more of a dependency of ...
3819: Henry Adams
... Adams was an old man who had Puritan beliefs about sex and religion. In this autobiography, Adams voices his skepticism about man s newfound power to control the direction of history, in particular, the exploding world of science and technology, where all certainties of the future have vanished (anb.org, 1). Adams grew up in the United Stated where he was a Puritan. Puritans believed that sex (women especially) was just ... God, and going to heaven; science, technology, money, and power had taken over the drives of man. Religion (a common scale of the past) had taken the backseat to science, technology, money, power, and the new ideas and art of sex (all new scales of the present and the future). In opposition to the medieval Virgin, Adams saw a new godhead the dynamo symbol of the modern history s anarchic energies (anova.org, 1). Adams desperately wanted ...
3820: Vegetarians
... changing. The growing mainstream status of vegetarianism is reflected in recent articles in popular magazines. For example, Newsweek, in 1986, referred to our healthier eating habits as "vegetarian chic," and Time, in 1988, praised the new vegetarian preferences of health-conscious young adults. Indeed, many individuals have stopped eating meat for health reasons, although some have also been influenced by the animal liberation movement, religious beliefs, concerns about world hunger, or an awareness of the environmental damage caused by livestock production. But whatever their motives,one thing is clear: Vegetarianism can no longer be viewed as a fringe phenomenon. The Gallup poll also revealed ... and 19th centuries. During this period, Darwin's theory of evolution destroyed the notion that animals are fundamentally different from humans, and in so doing, challenged the religious and philosophical justification for eating them. The new view was that of a continuum of life, with humans and other animals separated in degree, but not in kind. The implications of the theory of evolution so upset Darwin that he stopped believing ...

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