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3751: Creativity
... maintaining that ". . . intellectual superiority is the primary determining factor in creative performance." (Kirk & Gallager 1983). Intelligence might not be a major factor in innovations but according to William F. Allmen of U.S. News and World Report, " . . . history's most creative minds clearly operate on a different plane." It is this millennium long mind set that prompted psychologist Howard Gardner to examine, or build, a profile of a genius. In his ... total focus of attention is dedicated to the ongoing project. The ‘genius' is known to follow a ‘10 year rule', where this person is known to have". . . two bursts of creativity."(U.S. News and World Report). First one is very extreme, and the second is usually more socially accepted. According to Gardner a ‘genius' is also known to have childlike perceptions on things. Taking a totally different route to solving ... up with his time and space theories. In the 4th century B.C. Aristotle was quoted as saying, "Why is it that all men who are outstanding in philosophy, poetry or the arts are melancholic?"(New York Times, c1). Ever since then a famous anonymous quote was formed, "There is a thin line between genius and madness." (New York Times). It is not uncommon for a creative person to suffer ...
3752: Siddhartha Gautama
... to custom, he married at the young age of sixteen to a girl named Yasodhara. His father had ordered that he live a life of total seclusion, but one day Siddhartha ventured out into the world and was confronted with the reality of the inevitable suffering of life. The next day, at the age of twenty-nine, he left his kingdom and new-born son to lead an modest life and determine a way to relieve universal suffering. For six years, Siddhartha meditated under a bodhi tree. But he was never fully satisfied. One day he was offered ... doesn't spend much time as Buddha, although he has an important revelation. He discovers he can't find peace by learning from a master. He finds the only way to have peace with the world is by finding it for himself. When Siddhartha leaves Buddha, he is enthralled with the world. He starts paying more attention to the world because he knows he must get experience for himself. As ...
3753: Jesse Owens
... it was something you could do by yourself, and under your own power. You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs." -Jesse Owens Jesse Owens, a black man who contributation to the world will be know to everyone. A man who has broken all the boundaries. A man who has won many names and awards. A man of many talents. A man with a title “fastest man ever ... high school he attended Ohio State University (OSU). Charles Riley taught him after he first saw him in junior high. He was a excellent track runner in high school, one of the best in the world. Like mentioned above, he was excellent in the broad jump, the one-hundred meter dash, and the two-hundred meter dash. He loved running when he was young, he said “ ...it would always get ...
3754: Influence Of Chinese And Irish
... place and drove them to accept the poor conditions presented by the railroad positions. The two groups couldn’t have been more different, yet they came together to create a revolutionary railway and opened a new era in the United States. Their great influence may have made the completion of the transcontinental railroad possible. The Chinese and Irish were drawn to the land of opportunity in order to become successful. They came from different ends of the world to end up at a common destination: California. The Chinese were dreamers when they came to California; they hoped to profit from the Gold Rush. They left a feudal system that restricted many aspects off ... the Chinese in California quickly became beggars. The Irish had come from a hostile Boston in search of a place in the job market. They found an equality they had been unable to find in New England (Potter 670; Howard 225). Although they found jobs, few were very successful. A majority still lived in shantytowns and poverty even in California. The Civil War played a major role in who was ...
3755: Queen Elizabeth
... I Queen Elizabeth, the first, proved to be a very good and loyal monarch to England. She brought about many changes, both good and bad. On September 7, 1533 a baby girl came into the world. Back then many parents would have been greatly disappointed to have had a baby girl, rather then a boy. However these parents were glad by the birth of their first child together. These proud parents ... named Jane Seymour and she cared greatly for Elizabeth. She forced Henry to take Elizabeth back into the house, as it was, Elizabeth had been sent away for schooling and whatnot. In 1537 Elizabeth s new stepmother, Jane Seymour, gave birth to a son, the birth of this son however brought about the death of Jane from bed fever. The child was named Edward. Once Edward had been born Elizabeth faded ... her cousin Mary Placed under house arrest in 1567. Meanwhile, Elizabeth s throne was threatened from the outside forces. Philip II, who became ruler of Spain and its empire in 1556, sought to control the world. England and many other European countries were jealous of Spain s riches, especially in the New World. Elizabeth allowed her seamen to raid Spanish ships on the high seas. Between 1557 and 1580, Francis ...
3756: Leonard Bernstein
... away and Leonard found himself paying another piano teacher three dollars a lesson out of his allowance. After more than a year of piano lessons that just weren't teaching him much, Leonard found a new, and this time excellent piano teacher named Helen Coates. She was sensitive to Leonard's shyness and knew what it took to teach him. She had him study symphonies and operas from the printed page ... encouraged him to consider becoming a conductor. Bernstein felt he must get away from his fathers persistent nagging to join his business, so he left home and found a place for himself in music in New York City. Bernstein attended the Curtis Institute for two years, where his main interest was in conducting. For the summers of 1940 and 1941 he studied at Tanglewood with Koussevitzky. It only took those two summers for Koussevitzky to become impressed enough to want to have Bernstein as his assistant. In 1942 he was invited by Rodzinski to act as assistant conductor of the New York PO. November 13, 1944 was the day that Bernsteins career skyrocketed. The Sunday afternoon concert of the New York Philharmonic, which was broadcast on a national hookup of the Columbia Broadcasting System, was ...
3757: Diaghilev
... Russian painters Léon Bakst and Alexandre Benois. During this time, Diaghilev did succeed and indeed felt he had finnaly found his place in life. He founded AND edited a progressive art journal "Mir Iskusstva" ( The World of Art) from 1899 1904. In 1899, as a project, Diaghilev became the artistic adviser to the Imperial Theatres in Moscow, where he produced and co-produced several operas and ballets. It was then that ... after the peak of the Ballets Russes success, Diaghilev took sick and tragically died in 1929. His company fell apart and it s former members took to different routes. With this, however, came many great new dance companies. Former student George Balanchine emigrated to the United States and founded the New York City Ballet, Ninette de Valois, Anton Dolin, and Alicia Markova went on to dance in London and Serge Lifar became director of the Paris Opéra Ballet, to name a few. Serge Diaghilev s ...
3758: The French Revolution
The French Revolution French Revolution, one of the major revolutions in European history. The revolution marks a turning point in Frence history and in world history in general. Forms of government, morals, ideologies, and social development were greatly affected by it in all Europe and even in U.S. The beginning of the Frence Revolution in generally dated from June ... neary so, while the peasents and middle classes were subjected to greater and greater burdens. Crops falied, and trade was stagnant. The people could no longer be taxed, but the government faced bank- ruptcy unless new revenues were found. The only soulution was to tax the privileged classes. But they were jealoous of their privileged posistion. Altought they were not completely unwilling to contribute some additional taxes, they never understood how ... budget of the French government was thrown out of balance. When economic depression in France made the every growing debt even greater, the state seemed on the verge of bankruptcy. It was necessary to vote new taxes. The king's power was not as absoulute as he pretended it was, and no new taxes could be decreed unless the king's edicts were registered in the district courts, the parlements. ...
3759: Jules Verne
Jules Verne Going to moon, a balloon trip around the world, adventure under the sea, all this in the late 1800s? All this was possible in the writings of Jules Verne. Jules Verne was born in Nantes on February 8, 1828. He had a vivid imagination ... a summer trip to Scotland. Verne was very impressed by Scotland as a whole and it became the setting in one of Verne's novels. He also visited North America for a week. He visited New York, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Toronto. He loved America and was very sad that he was never going to come again. Verne owned 3 boats, a sailboat, a sailing yacht, and a stem yacht. They were ... also elected to the Town Council of Amiens when he was 60. He said "My sole aim is to make myself useful…." He was very active in his life. 1863 marked the beginning of a new genre in literature. "Five Weeks in a Balloon" appeared in bookstores. It became the first science-fiction book published. The publisher, Jules Hetzel, and Verne had started a friendship that was to last for ...
3760: Commonwealth
... treaty, but many were against it and a Civil War broke out. Collin´s side known as the Irish Army was defeated. 1932 - 1968: Eamon de Valera won the Irish Free State elections with his new republican party Fianna Fail. De Valera ended the oath of loyalty to the British monarch and brought in a republican constitution. The Irish Free State was renamed Eire and it remained neutral during World War II. Eire became the Republic of Ireland and joined the United Nations. Northern Ireland: suffered from the economic depression, but the war years made the shipyards busy and the new aircraft industry produced thousands of bombers for the war effort. Londonderry became a major American base. In the 1950s and 1960s both north and south agreed to limited forms of economic cooperation. The Catholics ...

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