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3721: The Real Issue Of Youth Violence
... My Grandparents just celebrated their sixtieth anniversary. They led a very difficult life. They were forced to move to Chicago because the dust bowl had completely destroyed their family's farm. My grandpa went to World War II and left my grandma with a very young child. Albeit their life was difficult, they seem to have led a pretty simple life. My Grandpa worked at Johnson & Johnson working machinery and my ... Children can get robbed of a special experience and protection called "Family." They move on in their lives as individuals without the understanding of what familial security and bond is. They look out into the world and wonder why it has dealt them a cruel card in life. "Why me? Why can't it be Tim, the big bully? Surely he deserves it more than I do?!" Children from divorced families often feel rejected. The feeling that the two closest people in the world have abandoned one often leaves scars that are difficult to heal. The child is left to try to understand why these two people cannot stay together and may even personalize the blame because they ...
3722: Russia
Russia Russia is the largest country in the world, extending from the Baltic Sea in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the East. Russia is bordered on the west by Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, and Ukraine; on the south by the Black ... called European Russia; the Asian part of the country, east of the Urals, is called Siberia. Russia's capital city is Moscow. With a total population of 149,300,359, Russia is sixth in the world in population, after China, India, the United States, Indonesia, and Brazil. From 1990 to 1992 Russia's population had a slow rate of increase at 0.4 to 0.5 percent per year. The value ... mountains. The Kamchatka mountain ranges contain active volcanoes. The major rivers of Russia are the Volga and the Don. An interesting part of Siberia is Lake Baikal. It is the deepest freshwater lake in the world. The lake is so deep and has such a large surface area that it holds one-fifth of the world's supply of fresh water. Russia's climate is mostly tundra. The temperature in ...
3723: The Imperial Woman
... chosen to the Consort. Earlier, an older Sakota was Emperor s chosen one, but she had died. By tradition, the Emperor must fulfill his duties to the dead Consort by choosing Sakota to be his new Consort. Once Sakota conceived, the Emperor s duties were done and he turned to Yehonala. The Emperor did not leave his bedchamber for three days. According to the records, no concubine or consort had stayed ... her burden to take of and she was only twenty-six years old. As her son grew up, there was some speculation about the little emperor s paternity. Tzu Hsi had made Jung Lu the new Grand Councilor and there was talk about who was the real father. Once the little Emperor was in his teens, he became the Emperor of China, but Tzu Hsi still had power behind the throne ... trying to ruin China without her sister's," Queen Victoria, knowledge. China was divided into two halves. One half believed in the old customs, while the other wanted to become more like the mysterious Western world. Tzu Hsi believed in the old traditions. She expected her son s first duty was to his mother. However, when it came to choose the Emperor s consort, the Emperor would not listen to ...
3724: Galileo Galilei
... Physics is controversial because it leaves traditional philosophy behind. Galileo, a physicist, was, therefore, controversial, and his works as well. Galileo was condemned, not because of a personal matter, but because of a historical matter. New science was sweeping away all of the traditional beliefs-and the Church held those beliefs. (5:321-346) In this book, Galileo: Heretic, it asks the question, “Was Galileo a heretic?” (5:323) This source ... against the Church in those times was a bad idea. Still, was he a heretic? (5:321-346) Conclusion: In my opinion, Galileo was a hero. He was the link that joined old science to new science. He linked Copernicus to Newton, and set the stage for the Scientific Revolution. His boldness made him famous, and his genius made a place in history for him. Galileo gave us a new understanding of the universe. He developed a telescope, did experiments with pendulums, worked with inclined planes, developed a theory on light, along with other documented experiments and inventions, like the thermometer. All of these ...
3725: The Color Purple
... themselves. As we are growing older during our childhood we depend on our environment, parents, and peers to create our self-image. It is under our surroundings in which we are always trying to develop new insights in order to identify, clarify, connect and account for our beliefs. Even the underlying cause of dysfunctional relationships lies in crucial events in our life experience. The environment in which one is raised and ... and all respect, Celie, a persecuted African-American woman suppressed by tyrannical rule sparked from the agonizing, torturous fires of ignorance and egocentrism, prevailed against the incessant degradation of society's superiors, . . .a man's world"(Klosowski 4). As a result of Celie's environment she never get's a fair opportunity to self-discover until she gets away from her surroundings. The society in which she lived forced her to ... the presence of the other women in the novel. Celie undergoes several changes brought about by her contact with other people and a change of surrounding. Since Celie has many misconceptions of herself and her world due to her upbringing of pain and mistreatment, and her ignorance of a better world. Her image of herself and her own potential were very low. The story of Celie's growth and self- ...
3726: Television in the 90’s
... the situation, by regulating what we are feeding to the minds of our youth. In the words of noted author E.B. White, " I believe television is going to be the test of the modern world, and that in this new opportunity to see beyond the range of our vision we shall discover either a new and unbearable disturbance of the general peace or a saving radiance in the sky. We shall stand or fall behind television." One of the most important and unrecognized influences on children’s behavior in ...
3727: Stalin: Did his Rule Benefit Russian Society and the Russian People?
... Lewis 19; Marrin 24). After the death of his first wife, Ekaterina Svanidze, Joseph became more cold and tough. He gave the child that his wife bore him to her parents and even chose a new name for himself, Stalin, the Man of Steel (Marrin 26). Then came the October Revolution and the rise of Lenin and the Bolsheviks. Stalin became general secretary of the Bolshevik party's Central Committee. He ... of the great achievements that Stalin made for the Soviet Union were the Five Year Plans in industry. Russia had not yet had their industrial revolution and were far behind the other powers of the world. Even Stalin said," We are fifty or a hundred years behind the advanced countries. We must make good this distance in ten years. Either we do it, or we shall be crushed." So, that is ... the Seventeenth Party Congress formally adopted the Second Five Year Plan, covering the years 1933- 1937 in January, 1934. To overcome the lacking of iron and steel, the Second Plan ordered construction of forty-five new blast furnaces, one hundred and sixty-four open-hearth furnaces, and one hundred and seven rolling mills. Other goals of the second plan were an expansion of machine tool production, the development and production ...
3728: Raptor Red
1. The novel I read was "Raptor Red" by Robert T. Bakker. Published by Simon & Schuster, in 1995. Rapotor Red is a female raptor struggling to survive in a kill or be killed world on her own after losing her mate. 2. The setting changes all throughout the book as Raptor Red migrates from one place to another. In somesettings she is in thick rich mossy forests looking for ... is devistated and sits next to the Ultrasaurus carcas her mate is trapped under for 36 hours, until it sets into her she must accept reality and move on. Now Raptor Red must start a new life, and find more Utah Raptors like herself so she can join a new pack and have other Raptors to socialize with. 4. The first major event in Raptor Reds life was when her mate of five years died suddenly by a freak accident. " Raptor Red must now ...
3729: Remains Of The Day
Kazuo Ishiguro s Remains of the Day gives an eloquent treatment of the issue of how a stoic English butler s unemotional reaction to the emotional world around him is damaging and painful, and how he resolves to make the best of the remains of the day the remainder of his life. Ishiguro explores some of the differences between the old English ... no show of emotion, and repression of personal opinion and the no-holds-barred American culture of free expression of opinion and emotion. The American culture s spread into England is hastened with the two world wars, and it ends Stevens old way of work, if not the job itself. Although Remains of the Day concentrates on a particular culture, and an obsolescent one at that, Ishiguro makes many insightful observations ... illustrates Stevens, and all of the old English butlers, as characters who basically amount to machines, unable to think for themselves. They see loyalty to the master as the only thing that matters in the world. Every time Stevens ends his lines with sir, he is repressing his true identity. Ishiguro makes the reader wonder how on earth a person could get to be like this, for the sole reward ...
3730: Babe Ruth 3
... salary increased, by 1919 he was making $10,000 per year, he and Helen were able to buy a home outside of Boston in Sudbury, Massachusetts. In December of 1919 Babe was sold to the New York Yankees, owned by Colonel Jacob Ruppert and managed by Miller Huggins. Prior to Ruth s arrival in New York, the team had never won a pennant. With "The Babe" as part of their arsenal they became a dominant force in major league baseball, winning seven pennants and four World Championships from 1920 to 1933. In New York, Babe and Helen moved into the Ansonia Hotel on Broadway, which was also the New York home for many celebrities. Unlike her husband, Helen was shy ...

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