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3701: Puritan Doctrine In 17th C. Li
In seventeenth century America, the world was a frightening place. God could, and would, strike a man down at any time for any missteps he might take. Nature was filled with horrors, like Indians, and the Devil resided in the forest ... earth, rather than concerning themselves solely with the expectations of the afterlife. God stopped being thought of as a puppeteer, pulling the strings and controlling every movement, but as a clockmaker who had wound the world up and had then stepped back to watch. Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Paine were two important figures in the Enlightenment. Although their philosophies differed on some matters, they both believed that the world was there to observe, not merely to act as a waiting room for the afterlife. This was a dramatic change from the seventeenth century viewpoint. Franklin and Paine’s viewpoints differed sharply from those ...
3702: Object Oriented Programming
THE ADVANTAGES OF OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING USING C++ Object-oriented programming is a new way of approaching the job of programming. Programming over the years has evolved to accommodate the increased complexity of programs. (1) Structured, easy to understand programming has been around since the late 60's. These ... fairly complex programs relatively easy using such languages as C and Pascal. However, once a program reached a certain size it was just too complex to manage. In 1980 at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey, Bjarne Stroustrup developed a new programming paradigm. (2) His new concept was built on structured programming and incorporated a few new powerful ideas. Some of the more noteworthy include Classes, Polymorphism, overloading, and inheritance. C itself is a powerful ...
3703: Justification Study Of Automation At Douglas Electronics Company
... home computer and video games. The company is undergoing severe cut backs due to increased competition in the electronic field. The following is a feasibility study on the possibility of the company moving into the world of Robotic Automation. The study has been prepared by Patti douglas, Director of Robotic Engineering at the firm. The study resulted in the awareness that there are many areas in the company that would benefit ... profit per machine, not to mention the increased production of our product. Our current operation of delivery of product from one station to another would be updated to a continuous and synchronized system with the new automation in place, accounting for part of the faster assembly of the tape recorder. These machines can verify that the screws are in the proper position and at the torque required for the application. They ... more worker in the manufacturing cell. But, this additional workforce would not require any addition to our supervisory staff. Training would be required for a minimum of three employees to become fully operational with the new system. I have discussed this with the each of the vendors that submitted bids for the project. Vendor 1 has agreed to train three of our personal in the use of the Robots if ...
3704: Jim Thorpe
Jim Thorpe On May 28, 1888 Hiram P. Thorpe’s child Watho-huck or “Bright Path” was born inside a small one room cabin. To the world he would be known as Jim Thorpe. Jim was married to Charlotte at birth. Charlotte was Jim’s first wife. Jim would eventually have five wives and 19 legally identified children. Jim had a twin ... around him. He has little to say but he is always looking to see what is coming off and sizing up the situation. He is the same way in all sports, always watching for a new motion which will benefit him. Then Thorpe has marvelous power, which he puts in every move he makes." Carlisle had another great football season. Jim warmed up for the 1912 Olympics during the Carlisle track ... points and finished nearly 700 points ahead of the runner up. Gustav the King of Sweden presented the Gold medals: "Sir", said Gustav, his voice shaking with emotion, "you are the greatest athlete in the world!" As he extended his hand, his reply was barely audible, "Thanks, King." At age 24 he had permanently emblazoned his name in sports No athlete ever matched his genius for versatility. He was a ...
3705: Christian Elements In Beowulf
... A Vercelli Homily remarks of his early life that “he was filled with might and wisdom before God and before men (Tuso, 129), and the poetic Descent into Hell describes him at the Resurrection as “brave . . . victorious and wise” (Tuso, 22). In early medieval iconography, there commonly existed a portrayal of a warlike and victorious Christ with his feet resting on a prostrate lion and dragon which parallels Beowulf and Jesus as heroic figures. Fr. Klaeber wrote, “We might feel inclined to recognize features of the Christian Savior in the destroyer of hellish fiends, the warrior brave and gentle, blameless in thought and deed, the king that dies for his people” (Chickering, 17). Both icons represented power and wisdom of heroes. The scene where Beowulf dives into Grendel’s dark mere and ... of the epic is the hero’s fame, a monument as enduring as earth. Bibliography Works Cited Primary Source Kermode, Frank, and John Hollander, et al. Beowulf. The Oxford Anthology of English Literature: Vol 1. New York: Oxford UP, 1973. 29-98. Secondary Sources Chickering, Howell D, Jr. Beowulf: A Dual-Language Edition. New York: Anchor, 1977. Clark, George. Beowulf. New York: Twayne, 1990. Holland-Crossley, Kevin, and Bruce Mitchell. ...
3706: Effects Of Automobiles
... related positions. To think that cars could have been non-existent makes us wonder where thousands of our citizens would find work. We know that a big part of the United States industrial and trading world relies on the automobile and its components. Another view of our life without automobiles deals with our visual perspective. Car and truck advertisements consume a great deal of air time for television commercials. We see ... automobiles. For example, ³Speed² and ³Batman² both deal with automobiles of some sort. Whether it be the common city bus or the exquisite vehicle entitled the ³Batmobile², these both influence our ideas of the automobile world. On the reverse side, though, automobiles have also been the cause of much of the world¹s pollution. The carbon-monoxide released by a car¹s exhaust pipe spews into our environment making our air dirty and the earth a bit closer to extinction. With all these pollutants in our ...
3707: Marco Polo
Marco Polo Marco Polo is one of the most well-known heroic travelers and traders around the world. In my paper I will discuss with you Marco Polo’s life, his travels, and his visit to China to see the great Khan. Marco Polo was born in c.1254 in Venice. He was ... enduring fame, very little was known about the personal life of Marco Polo. It is known that he was born into a leading Venetian family of merchants. He also lived during a propitious time in world history, when the height of Venice’s influence as a city-state coincided with the greatest extent of Mongol conquest of Asia(Li Man Kin 9). Ruled by Kublai Khan, the Mongol Empire stretched all ... the only spiritual gift Europe was able to furnish the great Kublai Khan was oil from the lamp burning at Jesus Christ’s supposed tomb in Jerusalem. Yet, in a sense, young Marco, the only new person in the Polos’ party, was himself a fitting representative of the spirit of European civilization on the eve of the Renaissance, and the lack of one hundred learned Europeans guaranteed that he would ...
3708: Computers As Medical Treatment Devices
... we have on it. Even though the patient is lightly sedated underneath the laser, there are bound to be moments when the patient moves -- which under the circumstances of refractive surgery - could be devastating. This new technology enables a computer to effectively track the human eye as it moves, and allows for more precise placement of the laser pulses. As well as providing security for increased accuracy, but the patient's ... is a very common ailment among the general population with each year more then 500,000 (1, p3) people have gallbladder surgery. Traditionally, a highly invasive surgical technique has been used, but in today's world a new procedure has emerged. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (1, p3)is a new procedure which involves the insertion of a small camera which sends a magnified image from inside the body to a video monitor, aiding the ...
3709: Masters of Deception (MoD)
Masters of Deception (MoD) SUMMARY Paul lived in New York City. He had his first encounter with a computer when he was about nine of ten. He was at his dad's office Christmas party. One of his father's colleagues turned one on ... birthday he got his first computer. It was a commodore 64. It was the "affordable computer." It was more than what he could ever ask for. This was how Paul, a middle class boy from New York, got started with computers. Almost the same story goes for Mark, Eli, John, Julio, and Allen. These are the boys who would come to be known as the "MOD BOYS" (Masters of Deception). They ... started looking for bigger and better hacks. They came across a famous hacker named Phiber Optic (Mark). He taught them all he knew about the telephone company. Then they were able to break into the New York phone company. This was only the beginning of their hacking endeavors. Paul, Mark, Eli became best friends, and not just through the computer but they also had a regular friendship because they all ...
3710: The Need for an Anglo American Lifestyle
... American society, the Japanese Americans and the Cubans went about setting up their lives as if they were in their homelands, not fully assimilating into the American culture. During this process, the Cubans started a new little world within Miami and the Japanese Americans too started a new world, a world within confinement. The Japanese Americans were forced into confinement camps due to the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Here in these confinement camps they were forced into exile from the American way ...

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