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3681: What is Morality?
... they tend to promote happiness; wrong as they tend to promote the reverse of happiness. ( Utilitarianism, p.7 ) (1) Euthanasia Euthanasia is one of the most arguable problems in medical ethics. Euthanasia is not a new issue, it has been discussed in both Western and Eastern back in the early historical times till to the present. The new technology and medicine have the capability to extend life. Therefore, the problem for whether euthanasia is ethical has become more arguable than in the past. Euthanasia is a way of granting mercy killing for persons ... Therefore, according to the theory of the utilitarianism, mercy killing is not always wrong, and people should overcome its moral judgment on the issue of euthanasia. Who am I ? We are living in an imperfect world. In reality, the desires of many people have made our world in full with sins and unfairness. Money and power have become the standard of valuing people. People are depressing and living under many ...
3682: Boris Yeltsin
... Independent States (CIS). On December 25, 1991 President Gorbachev resigned, and the USSR ceased to exist. A Free Russia Boris's top priority was to transform Russia into a capitalist country. In January 1992 a new cabinet under the leadership of Yegor Gaydar released retail and most wholesales prices from government control allowing individuals to engage in trade without interference. Prices skyrocketed at first, but latter equalized as supply and demand kicked in. Latter in 1992, Boris's government took steps to encourage the founding and growth of new companies. Most state firms were organized into joint stock companies. To trim budget deficit, the government slashed military spending, social assistance, and subsidies. Collaborating with international financial organizations, Russia established a stack exchange, a reserve ... voters expressed confidence in Boris in a referendum held on April 23, 1993, but they rejected a proposal for early parliamentary elections. Boris got feed up, and ordered parliament dissolved and the election of a new one. A few representatives refused to stand down, and locked themselves inside the parliament building with hundreds of armed supporters. Boris ordered the army to take back parliament, and because of this riots ensued. ...
3683: Surrealism
... by such seers as breton, artaud, man ray, and dali can still be heard today. surrealism rose from the ashes of the defunct dada movement -- which itself was an inhuman artistic reaction against the inhuman world of world war one. as with all movements motivated by rage, dada burned out quickly, and many of it's leaders -- notably andre breton -- went on to embrace the new surrealist movement. disillusioned by on one hand "the cold and insubstantial remains of art and literature, and on the other the scorching analytical specifications of the exact sciences," surrealists were dedicated to, in breton' ...
3684: Female Circumcision
... place. Although Westerners condemn it as torture, child abuse and a violation of human rights, it remains a revered rite of passage in parts of Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. According to the World Health Organization, circumcision dates back almost 4,000 years. No one knows exactly how the practice began, though scholars speculate its origins lay somewhere along the Nile Valley. The reasons for performing this procedure are ... to say that circumcision is more of a social custom that is often treated as its own religion, a secret ritual meant to be a secret forever (Female Genital Mutilation, 2). "All woman in the world are circumcised. It is something that must be done. If there is pain, then that is part of a woman's lot in life" (Denniston, 8). Circumcision is an essential part of a woman's ... was not openly discussed until the second half of this century, when in the 1950's and 1960's African activists and medical practitioners presented health consequences to international organizations like the United Nations and World Health Organizations. Later, in 1979 international efforts began with the World Health Organization publishing statements against female circumcision. In 1984, African women's organizations gathered in Dakar, Senegal. There they formed the Inter-African ...
3685: Malcolm X
Malcolm X When Malcolm X was murdered in the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem on February 21, 1965, he was world-famous as "the angriest black man in America." By that time he had completed his autobiography, so we have now the opportunity to get information of this both hated and loved Afro-American leader’s ... people, which he was very ashamed of later. But Roxbury proved to be too small for him, and in 1942 he took a job as a railroad dining-car porter, working out of Roxbury and New York. Settling in Harlem, New York, he became more and more involved in criminal activities. He robbed, worked as a pimp, and sold narcotics. Malcolm soon learned to survive in the hustler society, which was constantly threatened by internal ...
3686: Abstract Expressionism
Abstract Expressionism "What about the reality of the everyday world and the reality of painting? They are not the same realities. What is this creative thing that you have struggled to get and where did it come from? What reference or value does it have ... to paint densely layered composition of free-floating lines and areas of color, with the intention to reveal his desire to instill visual form with the properties of music. By 1915, Malevich had invented a new, abstract visual set of paintings consisting of one or more colored geometric shapes on a white field. He visualized a state of feeling, and a sense of bliss and wonder. Mondrian took a different approach ... long time. As we look closely at any of the members of the generation identified with abstract expressionism, their biographies reveal the whole experience of this artistic adventure. It was an odd reaction of the new America from the old Europe. For more than half a century, the general European public had been bombarded of a variety of art exercises. But new wave of artists in Europe and United States ...
3687: Adolph Hitlers' Rise to Power
Adolph Hitlers' Rise to Power During the period leading up to World War II, there was a man who had power over a whole nation. That man was Adolph Hitler. He was triumphant in his rise to power mainly due to his new and innovative political ideas. Hitler rose to the highest position attainable in his country due to three main points. Hitler was a very good user of propaganda, he was amoral, and he had the ambition to make his country powerful in the world. Since he was a skilled user of propaganda, he could use his words to twist and manipulate the minds of people into believing that what he was saying was the absolute truth. Using this ...
3688: Huckleberry Finn
Huckleberry Finn provides the narrative voice of Mark Twain's novel, and his honest voice combined with his personal vulnerabilities reveal the different levels of the Grangerfords' world. Huck is without a family: neither the drunken attention of Pap nor the pious ministrations of Widow Douglas were desirable allegiance. He stumbles upon the Grangerfords in darkness, lost from Jim and the raft. The ... guns to family picnics. He sees these as small facets of a family with "a handsome lot of quality"(118). He thinks no more about Jim or the raft, but knows he has found a new home, one where he doesn't have to go to school, is surrounded by interior and exterior beauty, and most importantly, where he feels safe. Huck "liked that family, dead ones and all, and warn ... a very personable narrator. He tells his story in plain language, whether describing the Grangerford's clock or his hunting expedition with Buck. It is through his precise, trusting eyes that the reader sees the world of the novel. Because Huck is so literal, and does not exaggerate experiences like Jim or see a grand, false version of reality like Tom Sawyer, the reader gains an understanding of the world ...
3689: Faustus
... too much knowledge” (source 5 190). This tragic flaw occurs because Faustus is eventually forced to realize that men are limited. “Man is limited not by his own nature, but by the nature of the world which encloses him” (Source 10 158). The world which Faustus lives in treats him as nothing special but an entertainer. He does not receive the ultimate riches and power which he thought that his deal would provide him with. “Faustus thinks to be ... in the court, he is only a superior and honored entertainer. The bitterness of this tragedy lies not only in the nature and wages of sin, but the triviality of the profit and delight the world offers, grace not being present in the soul” (Source 10 130). This limitation placed on Faustus, leaves him completely decimated. Since Faustus cannot ever become completely immortal on his own will, he must turn ...
... grappling with how to use the computer. Yet, the learning curve aside, computers can be valuable assets in the classroom. Computers being used as a tool to further a learning goal is not an entirely new phenomenon in our society. Although, their use in the classroom as a tool for second language acquisition can be said to be a fairly recent occurrence and thus deserves to be looked at as a ... exactly the same designated area of the brain in this left hemisphere. In contrast, older learners use the same general location of the brain, but different designated areas, thus the brain is required to rewire new parts of itself in order to use the second language. So thus it can be said, that language development along with the interrelated functions of logic, analysis and intellect are said to be related to ... brain. The assumption made in relation to age is that the assigning of functions or lateralization as it is called, takes place around the age of puberty. If the learner is not exposed to the new language prior to the lateralization, native-like proficiency is rarely achieved. However, it is important to note that most of the studies of this nature focus on pronunciation and not communicative proficiency. Children tend ...

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