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3651: Zinn's A People's History of The United States of America
... on the dominated Native Americans, who Zinn holds to be at least as advanced as their European masters. He writes that "Columbus and his successors were not coming into an empty wilderness, but into a world which in some places was as densely populated as Europe itself, where the culture was complex, where human relations were more egalitarian than in Europe, and where the relations among men, women, children and nature were more beautifully worked out than perhaps any place in the world. "They were a people without a written language, but with their own laws, their poetry, their history kept in memory and passed on, in an oral vocabulary more complex than Europe's, accompanied by song ... bury them in a mass of other information is to say to the reader: yes, mass murder took place, but it's not that important... it should effect very little what we do in the world" (8). Zinn says that "selection, simplification, [and] emphasis" (8) are necessary to the historian, but he chooses to take a different stance in his writings. "...I prefer to tell the story of the discovery ...
3652: Catcher in the Rye: Summary
... a school called Pencey. Holden starts off this story by telling his story about the last Christmas. He starts off by saying that he was at Thomson Hill watching a football game. He returned from New York with the fencing team. He was the manager of the team. Holden went to his room located at Pencey. Holden was very bored; so he took out a hunting hat that he had bought at New York. His next door neighbor came in to bother Holden. His neighbors name is Robert Ackley. He is a tall kid that never brushes his teeth. They were both talking about Holdens roommate Stadlater. Robert ... He decided to run away for a couple of days. His idea was to run away so that his parents wouldn't be so mad when he got back to his home. Holden left to New York. He stayed in a hotel full of perverts. He watched threw his window how a couple were squirting water to each other. He couldn't stop thinking about Jane Gallagher; so he got ...
3653: To Kill A Mockingbird: Coming of Age
... them important life lessons. Calpurnia is like a mother to them since their own mother had died when Scout was two years old. Throughout the novel, these children grow up as a result of experiencing new things in their society and overcoming hardships. Jem and Scout’s struggles help them mature by helping them to change their one-sided views about people. Their struggles include facing and dealing with Mrs. Dubose ... the comment and stiffened up while Mrs. Dubose continued, “Your father’s no better than the niggers and trash he works for!” (102). These words enraged Jem so much that he took Scout’s brand new baton and used it to destroy all of Mrs. Dubose’s flowers. When Atticus found out about what Jem had done, he made Jem go back to Mrs. Dubose and talk to her. As a ... and Scout had no idea what they were actually doing. Jem was actually helping Mrs. Dubose break her morphine addiction. After she died, Atticus explained to Jem and Scout that she was actually a very brave woman: [S]he had her own views about things, a lot different from mine, maybe . . .son, I told you that if you hadn’t lost your head I’d have made you go read ...
3654: Dreams 2
Dreams In this information age, the more one knows the better will be his response to his world. What better way to know oneself than through ones dreams and their interpretations. Take Joe for example. He dreamt that he was lying in bed crying. When his mother came in to see what was ... in the dream. The symbols in a dream, are a form of displacement (Fosshage 24). Dreams about houses can explain a great deal about the personality of the dreamer. Each room of the house represents new or different feelings or actions, that the dreamer possess (Hazzard 28). Telephones are another popular topic, especially ones when the caller can not get through. This type of dream may mean that the dreamer and ... ways to interpret dreams, literally and symbolically. Taking a dream for what it is, waking up in a strange place, that is all it is, but one could also understand that to mean that something new or interesting is going to happen. When people interpret dreams they should try to understand what face they are using, because there are three faces of dreaming (Faraday 139). Looking outward is making the ...
3655: Kobe Bryant
... airballs. The Lakers lose, 98-93. As the Lakers leave the court, Shaq, who has taken a liking to the rookie, talks to the kid who hates to lose-especially with the eyes of the world on him. "I don't want to see you hanging your head-you had a great season," he says. "Go home, work hard, and we'll come back next year." But as Bryant walks off ... still makes mistakes, but his overwhelming prowess makes them forgivable. "It's amazing how smart this kid is-he's got a great personality and is very intelligent," says Horry. "He's got the whole world in his hands with this game, he can do everything-and he's still learning-which is bad news for his opponents. He's gonna be one of the greats, probably the [NBA's] all ... room service and writing rhymes. He's one of the rare young brothers who can flash his million-dollar smile at will without ever seeming like an Uncle Tom. Imagine Grant Hill with flavor-the new-style NBA player who can represent for the hardwood, the boardroom and the video game screen. Everyone loves him, and he doesn't even know why. "All you do is dribble the ball and ...
3656: Austria
... The Atlantic Journal the Atlantic constitution; Atlantic, Ga.; Feb 13, 2000; Bert Roughton Jr.; Haider, 50, leads the populist right Freedom Party, which in recent days was installed as a coalition partner in Austria's new Government. This has caused a lot of drama in the country of Austria. A lot of people are raging around in Vienna. The police are dressed up in Riot gear because of the raging on ... of nations. Aba Dunner, secretary general of the conference of European Rabbis, told a Slovakian newspaper. The thoughts of the Holocaust, Hitler and SS and concentration camps are not acceptable at the start of a new century and never can be, since we know exactly what they led to in the 30's and 40's. In Switzerland, where the right-wing People's party captured 22.5 percent of the ... half the Swiss opposed the action by the EU members. However the government goes at all this, Haider's success in Vienna is the safest controlled by giving his party a share of the government. New York Times; New York; Feb 12, 2000; Donald G McHeil Jr.; I found this article and it had some of the same meaning that my last topic had, but goes off in a different ...
3657: Ernest Miller Hemingway
... coeducational, and dancing together led to "hell and damnation". Grace Hall Hemingway, Ernest's mother, considered herself pure and proper. She was a dreamer who was upset at anything which disturbed her perception of the world as beautiful. She hated dirty diapers, upset stomachs, and cleaning house; they were not fit for a lady. She taught her children to always act with decorum. She adored the singing of the birds and ... forbidden words just to create a ruckus. Ernest, though wild and crazy, was a warm, caring individual. He loved the sea, mountains and the stars and hated anyone who he saw as a phoney. During World War I, Ernest, rejected from service because of a bad left eye, was an ambulance driver, in Italy, for the Red Cross. Very much like the hero of A Farewell to Arms, Ernest is shot ... In Our Time, but with some changes. The publisher felt that the sex was to blatant, but Ernest refused to change one word. Around 1925, Ernest started writing a novel about a young man in World War I, but had to stop after a few pages, and proceeded to write another novel, instead. This novel was based on his experiences while living in Pamplona, Spain. He planned on calling this ...
3658: Death Of A Salesman Essay
... to the majority of mankind: It is the thing that allows people to live in mansion's with helipad's as well as underground society forced to live in the many tunnels and passageways under New York City and to beg for their meals. Although this is definitely the extreme that I have described. It is sometimes indescribably cruel and other times very gracious. This thing that I write about is ... in her admiration for Willy her love is powerful and moving, in her admiration for his dreams, it is lethal. She encourages Willy's dream, yet she will not let him leave her for the New Continent, the only realm where the dream can be fulfilled. She want to reconcile father and son, but she attempts this in the context of Willy's false values. She cannot allow her sons to ... there are many forms of failure as well as success that are spawned by our American system. The Lomans are all an example of what life is like if you continually live in a dream world and never train yourself for anything. Ben is the exception in the Loman family. He is the only one of them to turn our successful. However, Charlie and his son Bernard were able to ...
3659: Comparison of Margaret Mead's "Coming in Age" to Russian Youth
... an attempt to challenge societal values, youth cultures, in the form of rebellion, act and dress radically and form groups in protest. These dissident actions against the structure of existing society promotes the beginning of new small groups which reflect their own rules, structures, class, gender and ethnic ideologies. So, the youth culture, in challenging societal values, at the same time is reflecting them. In comparing Margaret Mead's young adults ... It also teaches them to be kind, considerate and honest, organizes parties for them, and takes them for health check-ups (Vishneva, 1984, 161). While the biological parents work, the state educational system becomes a new "parent" to the child. The close relationship between child and parent no longer exists, however, "the state sees the family as respon-sible for the children's welfare and for instilling in them behaviour acceptable ... 1980's, especially in the working class districts. Young people who were not always welcome in official clubs found it necessary to form their own clubs to combat loneliness and reveal their reactions against a world of over- organization. They want to make contact with one another as human beings and do something "real" (Wilson, 1988, 139). The influence that Western culture has had on the youth of the Soviet ...
3660: The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby F.S. Fitzgerald, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1925. pp 182 This novel is in general about middle and upper class american citizens and their lives a few years after the first world war had concluded. The author, a World War I veteran himself, shows insight into the lives and minds of American soldiers who fought in Europe during the conflict and the interesting experiences some may have had in the years following their ...

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