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3631: Edgar Allan Poe
... Moral" presents Poe's "way of staying execution" (Poe 487) for his transgressions against the didactics. The story's main character is Toby Dammit, who from infanthood, had been flogged left-handed, which since the world revolves right to left, causes evil propensities to be driven home rather than driven out. The narrator relates that by the age of seven months, Toby was chasing down and kissing the female babies, that ... a search to adopt a similar cat, which he finally locates "in a den of more than infamy...reposing on the head of one of the immense hogsheads of Gin, or of Rum." (66) The new cat is completely black except for an indefinite white splotch on its chest. It follows him home. At first he likes the cat, for it is quite affectionate. But his attitude changes; tension builds anew. The tension grows to hatred, caused in part by the narrator's discovery that, like Pluto, the new cat has been deprived of an eye. The narrator, only because of his terrors about his first cat, restrains himself from doing the new cat harm. But to his horror, the white patch of ...
3632: The Communications Decency Act
The Communications Decency Act The U.S. Government should not attempt to place restrictions on the internet. The Internet does not belong to the United States and it is not our responsibility to save the world, so why are we attempting to regulate something that belongs to the world? The Telecommunications Reform Act has done exactly that, put regulations on the Internet. Edward Cavazos quotes William Gibson says, "As described in Neuromancer, Cyberspace was a consensual hallucination that felt and looked like a physical ... demands of economic and social change while protecting this most basic and fundamental personal freedom." Networks and the Internet make it easy for anyone with the proper equipment to look at information based around the world instantly and remain anonymous. "The right to conduct at least some forms of speech activity anonymously has been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court." (Cavazos 15) In cyberspace it is extremely uncommon for ...
3633: Zinn's A People's History of the United States: The Oppressed
... on the dominated Native Americans, who Zinn holds to be at least as advanced as their European masters. He writes that “Columbus and his successors were not coming into an empty wilderness, but into a world which in some places was as densely populated as Europe itself, where the culture was complex, where human relations were more egalitarian than in Europe, and where the relations among men, women, children, and nature were more beautifully worked out than perhaps any place in the world. “They were a people without a written language, but with their own laws, their poetry, their history kept in memory and passed on, in an oral vocabulary more complex than Europe's, accompanied by song ... bury them in a mass of other information is to say to the reader: yes, mass murder took place, but it's not that important... it should effect very little what we do in the world” (8). Zinn says that “selection, simplification, [and] emphasis” (8) are necessary to the historian, but he chooses to take a different stance in his writings. “...I prefer to tell the story of the discovery ...
3634: From Noble Macbeth To This Dead Butcher
... are often thought of as Elizabethans but in fact Macbeth was written when Queen Elizabeth was on her deathbed and had appointed James the VI of Scotland her successor.Shakespeare wrote the play with this new king in mind. The basic story of Macbeth follows that of the “Chronicles of Scotland” a history book of the time. The real-life Banquo was guilty but since he was an ancestor of James ... a tragic hero who has a fatal flaw his ambition, which ultimately leads to his demise. The first impression we get of Macbeth in the play is from the “Captain” in Act1, scene2. He is brave Macbeth who has ripped Macdonwald open from navel to jaw. From this early indication we can see that Macbeth is a fierce and bloody man at this point his speech gives the impression of Macbeth as a hero but it foretells of decent of Macbeth from hero to butcher. Macbeth can only be brave when he knows what he is doing and feels justified in doing it. He feels like this at the beginning of the play when he is prey to doubts and fears. We first see ...
3635: Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action Close your eyes, now imagine a world of love; not hate, a world of equality; not preference. Now, imagine a colorblind society. That is what most of American society wants. That is the reason Affirmative Action was birthed by Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964. That is also the ... the desire of equality. What is Affirmative Action? According to Geraldine Leshin, it is "Taking positive or active steps to accomplish the public policy goal of equal employment opportunity." What is Proposition 209? Its a new law that has been passed that "prohibits the state of California and local governments from discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity ...
3636: Brazil Context
Brazil: Geography Brazil occupies almost one-half of the entire South America continent, and is the fifth largest country in the world. It borders all Latin American countries except Chile and Ecuador. The 9,170km coastline and the 50,000km navigable inland waterways provide great potentials for water transportation which has not been well developed. Brazil is ... for public housing, health care, schools, and infrastructure. Other major social problems include violent crime and corruption. Resources Brazil is rich in natural resources. It has some of the largest iron ore deposits in the world and is now one of the biggest gold producers. Other metals and minerals are also mined on an increasing scale.(See Table 2) The extensive river system provides great hydroelectric potential, as evident in the ... Silva(Lula), leader of the Workers Party(PT) was the second runner-up in the two most recent presidential elections. His socialist philosophy stresses social justice, restraints on market capitalism, limits to integration with the world economy, debt relief, and a larger state role. He represents the left wing of the Brazilian politics which is growing in importance. Meanwhile, pressed by the public outcry for better public services, President Cardoso ...
3637: The Sistine Chapel
The Sistine Chapel There are many different pieces and many different style of art in the world. But none may hold more power and creativity than the one about to be discussed. This piecs of art is known to us as The Sistine Chapel. The Encylapedia of America says "this chapel was ... Sistine Chapel is located in Vatican which is home to many historic land marks, and museums. Vatican is also the home of the Pope and is a well know historic catholic city.According to the World Book Encyclepedia 1999 vol 18"The Sistine Chapel is a simple building, 134ft long by 44ft wide and 85 ft tall." But it has on it's ceilings and walls some of the greatest art ever produced."Brilliant artist's of the late 1400's decorated the walls with paintings that tell the stories of Moses and Christ". (World Book 476 Vol 17). On the ceiling are Biblical stories painted by the great artist Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512. According to Charles Symore the author of the book Michelangelo the Sistine ceiling "the ...
3638: The Downfall of Communism in Eastern and Central Europe
... moving to market economies. In each of these nations, the communist regimes in power were forced to transfer that power to radically different institutions than they were accustomed to. Democracy had been spreading throughout the world for the preceding two decades, but with a very important difference. While previous political transitions had seen similar circumstances, the actual events in question had generally occurred individually. In Europe, on the other hand, the ... systems, the people of East Germany seemed to be in a particularly enviable position. Economically, they were poised to unite with one of the richest countries, having one of the strongest economies, in the entire world. In the competition for foreign investment, such an alliance gave the late German Democratic Republic a seemingly insurmountable lead over other nations. In regards to the political aspects of unification, it effectively left a Germany ... state or what conditions such a unification would be contingent upon, respectively. Put simply, the net effect of the extension of the Basic Law to all of Germany did not guarantee the implementation of a new joint governing policy or a new constitution for the country. It seemed, as a result of some esoteric articles of the Basic Law, that the GDR would cease to exist legally and the FRG ...
3639: Illuminating the Path of Progress
... the canal and played near his father's shingle business. When Alva was a child, he had scarlet fever. The fever damaged his hearing and delayed his entrance into school. Edison was curious about the world around him and always tried to teach himself through reading and experiments. Alva spent three years in home schooling. He was taught by his mother. He later returned to school but left at age twelve ... Effect." It is the basis for the whole field of electronics. Edison did not pursue this field. Edison grew tired of the manufacturing side of business and wanted to devote his time to experimenting on new inventions. He moved the laboratory to Menlo Park, N.J., where he directed groups of employees working on various projects. The move to Menlo Park was an important turning point for Edison. He was devoted ... a system for distributing electric power over a wide area from a central generating station. Edison applied for nearly 40 patents to cover the devices he invented for his electricity distribution system. Later that year, New York's first power station was opened. By the end of 1883, Pearl Street was lighting 10,000 lamps for 431 customers. In the summer of 1884, tragedy struck with the sudden death of ...
3640: Break Stalin
... free to change jobs, better government planning on production, and eased travel restrictions over the Iron Curtain . In the process of de-Stalinization the cities that were once named in honor of Stalin were given new names or returned to their old names1. The statues and pictures of Stalin were destroyed and letters were sent to families of those who were killed in battle, which criticized Stalin s weak leadership during ... word of it and gain an edge over the Communists if they knew of the problems occurring within the party. Khrushchev accused Stalin of being responsible for mass murders and deportations, the German invasion during World War II (1939-1945), and the USSR s break with Yugoslavia. During this period the public was given a say in the government, even though an extremely minor one, and the judicial system eased it ... This was called The Associates Credit Card ServicesThe Associates Credit Card Services thaw, which meant the relaxation of police terror, the release of hundreds of thousands from labor camps, and the relaxation of censorship. A new policy of economy was brought in known as New Course . Khrushchev concerned himself with bettering the troubles of the individual, attempting to increase the supply of food and making goods such as home appliances, ...

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