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3621: Stones From The River
... The River, exposes the reader of the persecutions of religious beliefs, a gossiping dwarf, and the people of Burgdorf, a small German town in the time of the Nazi Holocaust. The novel is set in World War I and continues through World War II. The Second World War is brought on by the hunger of power it is known as the otherness war. In the Third Reich otherness is a crime. (Chadwick 2) Hitler, a Nazi leader, wants to gain control ...
3622: Religion,physics And A Social
... paradigm, material realism, true wholistic thought is impossible. The scientific rules of strong objectivity, the notion that objects are independent from the mind and determinism prevent it. Strong objectivity was established when Descartes divided the world in to the objective and subjective spheres. This was done mostly as a compromise with the then all-powerful church, which would rule in matters of the subjective mind while science enjoyed freedom in the world of reality . Determinism is easiest under stood through analogy. Think of the universe as a bunch of billiard balls in a three dimensional pool table called space. If one were to know all the forces ... scientific empirical method caused nearly every influential thinker of the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries to use them as a model. Sociology was no exception to this. Auguste Comte, creator of sociology, first called his new science social physics. Comte delved even deeper into physical scientific terminology when looking for ways to describe the inner workings of social science hence the terms social statics and social dynamics. By subscribing to ...
3623: Massurrealism
Massurrealism Many people are familiar with the form of surrealistic art and/or pop art. With the growing use of technology in the 21st century a new style of art has emerged combing both aspects of these late 20th century designs. It is entitled Massurrealism. Massurrealistic style of art is a movement to introduce a thought provoking and visually challenging art alternative ... and surrealism. The subject he chose as symbols of the pop culture for his first series of Massurrealistic paintings consists of shopping carts. These and further explorations led the artist to the foundation of the new movement. Seehafer points out that the word Massurrealism itself is what is new. This is a movement already underway. Art scholars and enthusiasts seem to agree. The concept of Massurrealism is indeed receiving overwhelming positive interest from the art community worldwide. With interests gathering among other artists, ...
3624: A Clockwork Orange
... a better future where we will live united and in peace with one another. Nevertheless, there are those among us that do not share these beliefs. In A Clockwork Orange, by Anthony Burgess, a futuristic world is turned upside down and in shambles. This 1962 classic is a frightful depiction of what our society could become and possibly, what it already is. Drugs almost seem to be legal and unregulated and ... of his "droogs"(friends) that help him in his crimes are Dim, Pete, and Georgie. Throughout the story, the author creates his own language called "nadsat", which is used by the youth of the futuristic world. "Nadsat" is a mix of Russian, English, and the slang words of both. The story begins at the start of a wild and violent night with Alex and his friends sitting in a diner. To ... years in prison at the age of only fifteen. He goes to jail and still goes about his violent ways, and eventually kills another prisoner. After this, he is chosen as a subject for a new experimental treatment called, "Ludvico’s Technique", it is supposed to cure him of his ultra-violent ways. He is transferred to a new building specifically made for this new treatment. Here he is conditioned ...
3625: Congress and The Change in Term Limits
Congress and The Change in Term Limits In 1994, for the first time in 40 years, Congress was drastically changed. The Democratic majority was uprooted and new, lively, freshmen were instated with a job to undertake. As part of the Republican=s AContract with America,@ these new Republicans had to revise the current Congressional term limit status. In undertaking this task, these men and women ran into a seemingly stone road-block. This roadblock consisted of long-term, carreerists who were unwilling ... This fact is not surprising. If most of a persons time is spent meeting with lobbyists, constituents, and bureaucrats, that person may actually come to believe what these influential people are saying. This is why new blood needs to enter Congress more frequently, in order to avoid the highly influenced Congress that is filled with old people with old ideals. Needless to say the once optimistic freshmen were unsuccessful in ...
3626: Raquetball
... in popularity throughout North America in the 1970s, although interest and participation in the sport has since declined. HISTORY Joe Sobek developed racquetball in the United States in 1950. Sobek was trying to develop a new fast-paced game that was easy to learn, and the game that developed he called "paddle racquets". Sobek designed the new short racquet, and devised new rules that combined handball and squash; the actual sport has changed very little since its creation. Because it was fun and easy to learn, racquetball caught on quickly and gained immense popularity. Racquetball reached ...
3627: Factors Of Second Language
... grappling with how to use the computer. Yet, the learning curve aside, computers can be valuable assets in the classroom. Computers being used as a tool to further a learning goal is not an entirely new phenomenon in our society. Although, their use in the classroom as a tool for second language acquisition can be said to be a fairly recent occurrence and thus deserves to be looked at as a ... exactly the same designated area of the brain in this left hemisphere. In contrast, older learners use the same general location of the brain, but different designated areas, thus the brain is required to rewire new parts of itself in order to use the second language. So thus it can be said, that language development along with the interrelated functions of logic, analysis and intellect are said to be related to ... brain. The assumption made in relation to age is that the assigning of functions or lateralization as it is called, takes place around the age of puberty. If the learner is not exposed to the new language prior to the lateralization, native-like proficiency is rarely achieved. However, it is important to note that most of the studies of this nature focus on pronunciation and not communicative proficiency. Children tend ...
3628: Law of Precedent
... law of precedent still holds true and important in our modern society. Some of the shortcomings of stare decisis are the following: As time changes, precedents need to change in order to accommodate society's new values and laws. Furthermore, the introduction of "social facts" in court cases has clouded over many existing precedents with many new facts and ideas that render the basics of stare decisis much more complicated. One of the more common drawbacks to the law of precedent is that over time, a law may be found as no longer applicable, or on the other hand, a new decision may be found in a trial which can also be undesirable. Keep in mind that the courts are not supposed to create new policies to deal with new problems, that is the role ...
3629: The Wretched Of The Earth: A Review
... Fanon (1925-1961) born in Martinique into a lower middle class family of mixed race ancestry and receiving a conventional colonial education sees the technologies of control as being the white colonists of the third world. Fanon at first was a assimilationist thinking colonists and colonized should try to build a future together. But quickly Fanon's assimilationist illusions were destroyed by the gaze of metropolitan racism both in France and in the colonized world. He responded to the shattering of his neo- colonial identity, his white mask, with his first book, Black Skin, White Mask, written in 1952 at the age of twenty-seven and originally titled "An Essay ... relationship as one of the non recognition of the colonized's humanity, his subjecthood, by the colonizer in order to justify his exploitation. Fanon's next novel, "The Wretched Of The ` ``Earth" views the colonized world from the perspective of the colonized. Like Foucault's questioning of a disciplinary society Fanon questions the basic assumptions of colonialism. He questions whether violence is a tactic that should be employed to eliminate ...
3630: Communism in the Soviet Union and Why it Failed
... a dictatorship so they could ensure the Soviet transition from capitalism to socialism. The communist party arose in opposition to both capitalism and socialists of the Second International who had supported their capitalist governments during World War I. The name communists was specifically taken to distinguish Lenin's followers in Russia and abroad from such Socialists. Following their victory in the Russian Civil War in 1918, the Soviet Communists followed a cautious policy of limited capatalism during the New Economic Program until Lenin's death in 1924. Lenin's successor, Joseph Stalin, forcibly accomplished the transition from capitalism to socialism. During his years in power the party grew from about 470,000 to millions ... on the people even though they lacked materials. Police terror was also used to suppress dissent and opposition. This became known as Stalinism. Communist rule was confined to the Soviet Union until the end of World War II. The Soviet Red Army liberated several countries in eastern Europe from the Nazi Germany control. The soviets sponsored and helped form the communist governments in Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Poland, East Germany, ...

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