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3581: America 2
... the revolution were simple tyrants looking only for self advancement, not the liberty supporting men they were. There were some colonist, not necessarily for independence, but for Americans. A group quickly breaking the mold of new countries. The American Colonies were not Englishmen. They were an amalgamation of the world, best stated by Hector St. John Crevecoeur in document "H". "What then is the American, this new man?... He is an American, who leaving behind him all his ancient prejudices and manners, receives new ones from the new mode of life he has embraced...Here individuals of all nations are melted ...
3582: Reforestation
Reforestation The purpose of this written report is to inform the reader about the concerns and facts involved with reforestation. Reforestation began in Ontario after World War II. What happened was, professional foresters were assigned to an area and became responsible for its well being. Under the Crown Timber Act, long term management was prepared. Then the many steps needed to ... furniture and home building. But there is also another reason. Arguments say "the United States could help slow the atmospheric accumulation of carbon dioxide by replacing old-growth forests with faster-growing young trees". A new study of young and old forests says how this is in fact not true. Loggers have said that new trees pull the carbon dioxide better than old trees, and this may seem true, but it is not. There is one point being overlooked from all of this. The older, larger trees can store ...
3583: My Antonia
... and light had dried out. Everything about this old man was in keeping with his dignified manner (24) Mr. Shimerda was indeed a prosperous man in Bohemia, but had made his living in the business world, not by running a farm to provide for his family’s needs. His hands show that he rarely performed hard manual labor, but that he did work hard with his hands to weave. His face ... a life for his family in Bohemia by working. “He was a weaver by trade; had been a skilled work man on tapestries and upholstery materials” (22). There was no work for him in this new country and he did not have the money to relocate his family. Certainly before he left Bohemia he believed that they had more than enough money to get by. The reality of his family’s ... more that he can do for his family. Perhaps he believed that if he sacrificed his own life, maybe then people would show compassion and come to the needed assistance of his family. In this new country Mr. Shimerda came to the realization that no one was really going to help them. It was as if all immigrants stuck with their own nationality and only helped there own kind. Jim ...
3584: Photographic Portraiture
... in '61 allowed him the flexibility to loosen up the fashion genre. For example on of his early fashion shoots for Vogue 'Young idea goes west' featured Jean Shrimpton in the chaotic urban environment of New York. These photographs epitomized a new street realism and marked a drastic departure from the Static formally posed fashion and portrait photography of the previous decade. Bailey's mapping of the '60s was marked by two collections of portraits; David Bailey ... also by the highlight along the centre of his body. A modern day equivalent to these well-known celebrity snappers has to be Rankin, known as a 'Demi-god' amongst the fashion, music and movie world; Rankin is the man to take your picture. Rankin who was responsible for setting up award winning student magazine 'Dazed and Confused' in 1991- a poster format street magazine dedicated to new talent and ...
... good at the market. The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, farmers were given price supports for not growing crops. These allowed farmers to mechanize, which was necessary because of the scarcity of farm labor during World War II (Reische 52). During World War II, demand for food increased, and farmers enjoyed a period of general prosperity (Reische 52). In 1965, the government reduced surplus by getting farmers to set aside land for soil conservation (Blanpied 121). The ... 82). Small family farms have the lowest total family incomes (Long 83). Farming is following a trend from many small farms to a few large farms. Competition among farmers has increased supply faster than demand. New seed varieties, better pest control, productive machinery, public investments in irrigation and transportation, and better management will increase farm output. The resulting oversupply of farm products, which creates a low profit margin, drives smaller ...
3586: Midsummer Nights Dream
... the next in a form no better than the paperback I carried in my bag. Through my reading, the importance of the text was impressed upon me, and I feel that I have gained a new appreciation for the lasting and foundational qualities of pure script. Viewing Viewing a play adds a kind of second dimension to a textual reading. While our primary impressions of a Shakespearean play are established with ... manner we want. As the audience, our experiences are directed. We must resign ourselves to be the two-hour subject of another's whims and methods. This kind of challenge is usually very enlightening, bringing new thoughts and perspectives where we would otherwise have only our own. These new thoughts and perspectives often materialize in the form of visual and auditory details, mostly because the script stays generally the same. Viewing an actual performance adds depth and detail to what was before only ...
3587: Spanish Labor Systems And Indi
... way, how the indigenous as well as black slaves were treated in these systems, and the effects the Labor Systems had on the indigenous population. As soon as the first Spanish entradas arrived in the New World they realized the vast resources that had been virtually untapped. They saw incredible wealth in the sugar cane crops and the wood dyes in Brazil, and the silver mines in Potosi and other northern areas ... large scale operations anywhere until the invasion of the Spanish. Spain saw all the resources in the Americas as great wealth for the Crown and the entrada leaders saw the opportunity for themselves. They also new that the development of the resources ultimately depended on the labor of non-Spaniards. At the begging of the Spanish arrival there were millions of indigenous people throughout the lands who were willing to ...
3588: Commercialism As Americas Hidd
... Cultured art n. the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principals, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance. The Random House Dictionary John, you just have to see the new GAP Khakis commercial! proclaimed my excited brother. I even went as far as watching the same channel until I finally saw the commercial. I sat in front of the television for over a half an ... tangling of arms, legs, and female hair, I froze in my seat as everyone on the dance floor froze in mid air. My heart stopped as I followed the camera around the frozen dancers. The new perception heightened the dancing energy. The GAP Khakis sign invaded the screen for a few seconds and the screen went blank. Was this the work of an evil genius trying to get my attention so that I could be brainwashed into buying a product? Could it perhaps be simply one artist communicating a new sense of beauty to the whole world, regardless of the product I was deeply affected by the strange time and space rendered in front of me in thirty seconds. Commercial film affects me more ...
3589: Method Acting
... business," and yet at the same time, gave me a deeper appreciation for good theatre, and the intensity that goes into creating it. Through watching him on stage and listening to him, I have gained new insight to my own future in acting. I realized what a sloppy actor I am, and how much refinement I desparately needed. I still believe that you cannot teach someone to act. However, I do ... explanatory, yet essential principles form much of the basis of method acting. By following them, an actor can portray truthful and meaningful physical actions, and thus convey to the audience a true stage experience. The world of the Elizabethans was vastly different than that of modern day. Thus, because the "system" is a product of modern time it is much more tangible to us, and can therefore be explained and understood ... and may come across as abstract. In order to have a true grasp of Shakespearean text, there are a few basic societal factors that one must know, and of which I will illustrate. The "medieval" world view is characterized by a set of beliefs that seems foreign to modern readers. This set of beliefs is founded on a fundamental belief in Cosmic Order, meaning that everything that has happened, is ...
3590: King Solomon
... pottery lends credence to Bible, King Solomon's Temple     Associated Press This pottery piece, believed to be 3,000 years old, may contain the oldest reference to King Solomon's Temple aside from the Bible.   NEW YORK -- Talk about holding on to a receipt. A recently discovered piece of pottery recording a donation to the "House of Yahweh" may contain the oldest mention outside the Bible of King Solomon's Temple ... and later to London collector Shlomo Moussaieff. But extensive testing has convinced several scholars of its authenticity. "This doesn't prove the Bible, but it does vividly provide a context and a reality to the world of the Bible," said Hershel Shanks, editor of the Biblical Archaeology Review, which reported on the find in its November-December issue. "It just provides a reality that is somewhat stunning in its way." Solomon ... pottery from Arad, an ancient town now in modern-day Israel, according to Shanks. (7)   Bibliography   1) Davy, Adam. Early English Text Society. N. Turner & Co., 1878. 2) Elkin, Benjamin. The Wisest Man in the World. New York: Parents Magazine Press,1968. 3) Elkins, William R. Song of Songs. New York: Vantage Press Inc., 1956. 4) Fisher, Vardis. The Valley of Vision. Canada: McLeod, George J., 1951. 5) http://www. ...

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